Im in love with monster!
4 months later......
Your pov:
It's been practically two months since here it hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be is it good no but it's better than what I expected anti isn't as bad of a guy then he seems. Once you actually get used to him he's a pretty good well demon surprisingly he's even let me free roam the house without getting on me constantly he's also very trusting of me now but something's changed in him I could tell he was a demon with the intent on killing me when he first met she had a evil dark glare in his eyes now when I look at him that evil glare is gone and he looks at me with I don't know I guess joy? happiness?........
............. love? And if you want honesty I'd be lying if I say that I I haven't fallen for him I can't help it he's just made himself so vulnerable to me and when you get to know him he just seems like the sweetest demon and I can't help myself but fall for him it's like I can see past the pale skin and the unique set of eyes he has as well as the sharp teeth in pointy ears you know what I mean his appearance doesn't phase me anymore like it used to I've known him for only 2 months but it feels like I've known for two years and I feel a connection
I wake up in my room with clothes laid out beside me anti always does that I've gotten used to it:
I get up and take a shower and put the clothes on and go downstairs and cook breakfast anti soon comes downstairs when he sees me he smiles.
" good morning (y/n)" he says.
I smile and he kisses my forehead i blush.
"Do you have to go out today?" i asked.
"I dont feel like it today why?"
"Just wondering."
"Youre just tired of me coming home covered in blood."
"True." i admit. I sit a plate of pancakes in front of him and get my cleaning supplies out of the closet.
"You dont have to do that anymore the rules dont apy anymore. Well i still have to dress you."
"Are you serious?" i asked.
"Yea that whole do what i say when i say it or ill punish you is just a scare tactic to keep our victims from leaving that and i was too lazy to clean so."
I roll my eyes and haul all the cleaning supplies back into the closet then go back downstairs.
"What can i do?" i asked.
"Anything you just cant leave the house."
"The mansion you mean?"
"Yea that."
"Can we make this place more awesome i mean you have over 20 rooms in this place can't you do something with these rooms like maybe have a candy room or a game room or something along that nature of having something besides regular boring rooms?"
"I guess youre right." we get up and go upstairs into an empty room.
"What do you think this room should be?" anti
" candy room a room just full of candy nothing but candy candy everywhere."
"I like youre thinking." he snaps his fingers and it was a candystore minus the cash register the counter and well the people.
I jump up and down clapping like a kid he looked at me amused.
"Alright kiddo come on next room."
We go to the next room.
"What about here?" he asked.
"you pick." i say.
He strokes his chin and then snaps his finger it was a freaking home theatre!!!
"Soo cool!!" i say.
Soon we had so many different rooms it made no sense we even had our own arcade nothing beats having your own arcade but we finally came down to the final room
" I am fresh out of ideas now your turn to choose." anti says.
" you might think it's stupid and you might laugh." i say looking down at my feet.
"No tell me."
"Ive always wanted a music room with sound proof walls 4 microphones with stands of course with two giant speakers in the corners with an awesome drumset in between them with a
Bass and electricity guitar."
"That is the best idea yet why do you think its stupid?!"
"I felt it was stereotypical at the time."
"I- well Jack as you know used to be in a band and luckily i picked up a few skills from him and a few extra."
"No way!"
"Yes way."
I take him by the arm and drag him into the room.
"Show me what you got."
He plugs up the electric guitar.
And play a familiar tune:
When he was done i clapped."you are amazing now can you play emperor's new clothes by panic at the disco?"
"I knew i would like you that maam is my favorite song!"
"Well then." i turn on a mic. "Lets do this." i say smiling at him.
"You are the best human ive ever had here."
I laugh.
He plays the guitar (media.) and i sang.(thats what you sound like.⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇)
Once we were finished we cheered.
"That was awesome!!" i say.
"Yea you...have a very beautiful voice." he said.
I blushed."Thanks no ones ever told me that." i say
"Well im honored to be the first." he joked.
We laughed lightly then he looked at me then at my lips without realizing it i got closer to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist and laid my hand on his chest and we kissed.
I was seeing black,white,blue and green colors. I guess these are the fireworks everyone talks about.
When we pulled away i felt like i was floating.
"So youre already dressed on my account wanna go have our first date in the movie room?"
I giggle and kiss him again.
"Thats a yes." he says.
We turned everything off and then went into the theatre room thaf legit looked like a mini theatre.
"What do you wanna see?"
"Hmmm can we see unfriened?"
"If thats what you wanna see."
We sat and watched the horror film while eating popcorn anti wasnt phased once but when i jumped he comforted me.
Afterwards we went to bed.
But after today i just wanted to be with him more i didnt want to sleep in a bed alone tonight.
I get up and knocked on anti's door.
He opened up."whats up?"
"I cant sleep and i wanna sleep with you." i pout.
"(Y/n) i dont know you might get a little reaked out in here dont you see the green glow?!"
"Yes i like it i promise i wont hate it i just to be be cuddled while i sleep." i say.
He sighs and lets me in. I look over to the source of the green light and see a test chamber filled with green liquid with...
Oh my god its septiceye sam!!!!!
I gasp. "Is that who i think it is?!" i whisper.
"Septiceye sam."
"Oh my gosh hes soo much bigger and cuter!!" i say.
"Quiet he sleeping plus thats just one of them small septic sam is sleeping over there." he pointed to a dresser i see a small bed withba smaller version of septiceye sam.
"Hes sooo cute!" i say.
"Yea ok im tired lets go to sleep."
He had a twin sized bed so i slept on top of him.
Im actually in love with a demon!!
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