Control freak!(XXXX)
A year later....
Your pov:
Weve been together for a while now. All was well on the septiceye home.
I was currentlyn playing hide and seek with little sam septic and when there are endless rooms it can get exhausting the only reason im playing hide and seek with him is because him and anti play it all the time and anti has been pretty distant lately going out for kills more often with dark and when he gets home he washes up and goes to bed in his room
Ive tried telling him that we should share a room but he insist that its best that we sleep in seperate rooms.
I cant keep up with little sam. Hes soo small. And this place is huge.
I finally give up."ugh ok sam i give up again you win!" i say falling on the couch and he comes zooming out of the arcade room and he hovers in front of me.
"You were in the arcade the whole time?"i asked
He nodded.
I groan." i dont understand how anti finds you." i say.
A little sound comes from him that seemed like a little laugh.
I stick mg tongue out him. "Oh sammy im so board."
He makes a little sound then he flies into anti's room i guess he wanted me to follow so i went upstairs and go into the room.
"Sam you know anti will be furious if be finds out i went into his room without him knowing."
He made a little sound that meant oh well.
He hovers over my shoulder.
"Youre too cute." i tell him he rubs against my cheek thats his way of cuddling or hugging.
He moved in front of the bigger septiceye in the science tube.
"What does he do sam."
I heard a voice in my head.
Hes like a magic mirror but hes a giant septiceye!!
It sounded like a cute little boy.
"Awwe sam is that you talking to me?" i asked.
He nodded.
Ask him to see anti!
The voice. Says.
"I wish to see anti." i say.
I look at the giant eye and i see anti in a tree with dark they were looking something.
"There she is. Dark says
"I see her." anti answers
"Wait you feel that?" dark asked.
"Yea somebody's watching us." anti says. He looks in my direction. It was like he was looking dead at me.
He waved his hand at me." et abiit"
And like that i could no longer see him.
"Oops sam he figured us out guess im in trouble when he gets home huh?"
He laughs.
I smile."hide and seek in the dark?" i suggest.
He makes a cheering sound.
"1..2..3-" he zooms out of the room
3 hours later anti came in.
"Why were you spying on me?!" he yelled.
"Wooah hold up a hello would be nice after days of ignoring me!" i say.
"You have no business spying on me why were you in my room in the first place?!"
"Sam and i got bored so we wanted to see what you were doing!"
"Ohh just because youre bored you think you can just go into my room without me knowing?!"
"Its nothing i havent seen before anti!"
"Stay out of my room you dont see me waltzing into your room and invading your privacy!"
"Yea because i dont have privacy here! If im on the phone you have to know who im talking to if i want to go out somewhere you have to know where im going if im going to be with someone how long do i plan to be out. You have to dress me like im a fuckimg child that part i actually dont mind you dont have bad taste but for the rest of it you act like youre my fucking mother controlling every aspect of my life and anti i dont need mom i have one i need a boyfriend who will love me and acknowledge me when he comes home who wont compare me to other girls hes been with who will let me breathe and have my own space every once in a while and who will trust me!" then i just run to my room and slam the room door.
Anti"s pov:
Little septic looks at me with disapproval.
"What?!" i say.
He hits me on the head.
I rub the spot."ow that hurt what was that for?!" i asked
Youre a meany!!!
Sam left and went into (y/n)'s room.
I look at bigger septic.
He just turns away from me in his septic tank
"Aww come on not you too!"
I sigh and fell on my bed covering my face.
Your pov:
I was laying down.I heard anti come in. So i pretend to be sleep.
Anti's pov:
Cutest thing ive ever seen is sam sleeping next to the girl i fell in love with.
I take a quick photo and make it my wallpaper.
I lay beside her and wrap my arm around her waist.
Your pov:
"I know youre not sleep." he says nuzzling his nose into my neck.
I try to ignore him.
He starts kissing my neck and tickling my side.
I squirm and smile."stop!" i say laughing.
He chuckles and continues to kiss my neck.
He stops and i look up at him.
"Im sorry baby i didnt mean to upset you."
Ever see a demon with sad puppy dog eyes you cant resist? I cant be mad at that cute and mischievous face!
I turn aroud facing him and kiss him. He rolled over on top of me and continues to kiss me.
I giggle into the kiss.
He kisses the sweetspot on my neck.
"Anti!" i squeal.
Sam wakes up and hits anti in the head.
"Ooww come on!" anti wined.
Sam laughed and left the room.
"Baby i promise you i will not control you as much anymore ill give you space when you need it i will trust you more but o still have to dress you."
"Youre not bad at that so i guess ill let you keep dressing me."
"And i guess ill get a bigger bed and get The sams their own room."
"I didnt want you to sleep with me because i was afraid i wouldnt be able to control my urges around you now."
"What changed youre mind?"
"I dont know but i still dont know if ill be able to keep control around you."
I flipped us over so i was on top of him he placed his hands on my hips and i rested my hands on his chest.
I leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Then lose control big boy i can take it."
He looked at me with wide eyes.
"How about we go set up that bed right now and get the sams in their own room?" he said getting up.
I giggle "sounds good."
Within five minutes anti moved the septiceyes into their own room and had a king sized bed in the room.
"Yknow somethings missing.." anti says.
"What?" i asked.
"Hmmm..this." he snaps his fingers and all around us were red candles and rose petals were everywhere a pink ominous glow surrounded us.
"Aaah thats better." anti says.
I giggle and he rest his hand on my cheek and kissed me sweetly.
He picked me up and laid me on the bed.
"Is this your first time?" he asked kissing my neck.
"Good because first times suck." he jokes i giggle.
He removes his shirt and i removed mine. He leaves a soft trail of kissed from my neck, to my lips from my chest to my stomach. He pulls down my pants and panties all at once an throws them across the room. His lips continued their journey starting up where he left off from my stomach all the way down to my core.
He slides his tongue inside of my core making me moan his name over and over. I finally cum he smiles and removes his boxers.
I shivered.
"You cold?" he asked.
I nodded he pulled us under the cover.
He kissed my neck once more i let out soft moans.
"You ready baby?" he asked
"Yes." i say.
He slides in with ease. He went at a nice slow sweet steady pace.
I moan softly and gently dig my nails into his back arching my back slightly he wrapped his arms around me allowing no space between us. He hit my gspot makong me moan a bit louder and he sucked on my neck leaving small marks everywhere.
Soon we both climaxed.
"I love you (y/n)."
"I love you too anti." i say smiling
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