I'm Not Crazy, You Are
Waking up to the sound of keys jingling was probably the best alarm he could have hoped for. It beat a taser, and a gun. So, he would take it with a smile. Lifting his head from Michael's shoulder, Church glanced over to the two officers approaching their cell.
Different ones than last time?
"Was I that boring? I could try to kill someone if you guys want."
The two humans stopped in front of the door, the one holding the keys ignoring him as he sifted through them, obviously looking for whichever one unlocked the cell.
You'd think they'd keep that somewhere a little easier to find.
Not that it wasn't there. It probably was... among sixty or so other keys that likely unlocked nothing important. Just a jail cell here, the others were probably to offices and maybe a few lockers, knowing the cops he'd dealt with previously.
"Need some help, officer?" he asked, raising his brows with the sarcastic tone.
"No," the one fiddling with the keys growled back, obviously none-too-happy to be there.
That makes two of us.
Church was about to lay on his sarcastic charm when he felt something shift in his lap, immediately drawing his attention away from the boring officers and down to his priest.
"Good morning... or evening. Not sure but don't care," Church said with a small smirk.
"Morning," Michael whispered as he looked up into his eyes, his own still half-lidded from what little sleep they'd managed to get. They didn't even seem to have a clock in this area so he wasn't sure what time it honestly was. He was expecting him to keep speaking to him, but when he turned his attention to the guards, Church wanted to growl.
Who cares about them.
"Hey guys, I don't suppose we're being set free?" Michael asked, licking his lips nervously as he hugged a sleeping Hanna to his chest.
One of the officers, specifically the one not messing with the blasted ring of a million keys, looked over at him and shook his head.
"No, you're going to be interviewed and your statements will be taken for trial."
Church's eyes widened slightly at that.
"Why is he in trouble? He didn't kill anybody," he snarled, pausing a moment after he spoke to look back down at Michael.
"Did you? Not that I wouldn't be proud, cause demon and everything, but that wouldn't look too great right now."
He glared up at him, not bothering with an answer before turning his attention back to the cops.
"I am curious what I'm here for. I didn't kidnap Hanna. Neither of us technically did. And, I also didn't kill anyone. So why can I not leave?"
Michael really didn't want to leave Church there alone, but if he got out, that would make it a lot easier to figure out a way to get him free. Hanna wasn't in any danger so he could always be found later, even though it hurt his heart to think about that. Church was the one who's life was going to be on the line after he'd killed someone.
"You will speak with our psychiatrist, then we'll determine exactly what's going to happen. At the moment it's not looking too bad for you, since you have no previous record and the boy is unharmed... if a little insane."
I'll show them insane...
Shaking off the thought, which he had no idea where it came from, Michael got himself up and out of Church's arms right as the cop opened the cell.
"I'll be taking the demon, you go with him," the first officer said, nodding towards his friend who had been answering most of their questions. Michael nodded and stepped out, following the officer, though he looked back every few seconds.
Church was also cooperating, kind of. He took his sweet time walking out and held both Hanna and Max beneath an arm. The kid was still fast asleep, snoring even... as was the dog. The only thing that was really unsettling him was the fact that the other officer had pulled his gun and trained it on the back of Church's head as they began to walk behind him.
I'd also prefer it if they gave Church something to wear... they don't need to see things not meant for them.
Michael was quickly pushed through a door on the left and they stepped into a different section of the precinct. The door shut behind him, before he got another chance to look back and see where they were taking Church.
Well, as long as he has Hanna with him they hopefully won't torture him for answers. Though he is a pretty proud demon. He probably already told them he killed people and gloated about it.
Inwardly shaking his head, he sat down at a metal table, on a metal chair. It was probably the most uncomfortable thing he'd sat on but he wasn't going to complain. There were two people in the room, one he assumed was the shrink, who was pretty darn short, but that comment was going to stay on his tongue and not leave his mouth.
Don't need to make myself seem crazier than I already think I am by cracking poor jokes in this situation.
"Hello, Michael," Mr. Shrink said, giving him a smile as wide as the Brooklyn Bridge... and as fake his current beliefs. All of those years believing in God and what not, only to get him to where he was right now, because he...
I what?
The word got stuck in his mind and he couldn't seem to figure out what he meant.
I don't care about my religion anymore because I...
Hearing the shrink's voice snapped him back to the present and also drew an embarrassing blush to his cheeks.
Let's just space out in front of the shrink. Nothing to see here, just a crazy priest in love with a demon.
"I-I didn't mean to think that!"
Both men's brows shot up as they looked at each other, then back to him before the shrink spoke again.
"Say what?"
Oh. Damn. Maybe I should just play the crazy. I just admitted to loving a blasted demon. I must be crazy.
"Um, I'm sorry. I'm just really tired. This hasn't exactly been my most relaxing day."
That at least got the guy to smile again instead of continuing to wear the frown that he'd had since Michael let his thoughts slip into words.
"I see. That is understandable. So Michael, I'd like to ask you a few things about your friend. Is that okay?"
"About Church? sure."
folding his his fingers in front of him, the man leaned forward with his elbows on the table, obviously trying to look relaxed but interested... and failing in both aspects.
"When did you first meet your friend?"
Blinking, Michael leaned back in the chair and gave him a humorous grin.
"At church, of course."
He didn't seem that enthused by his reply but he held back any snide remark and just nodded.
"Do you know why he was at church that day?"
To find Jesus.
"He had Hanna with him and I guess the kid wanted to come to the church, because I know that Church wasn't a fan of being there."
The man gave another nod, then leaned back, trying to mirror him.
Where did they get this guy? Church would make a much better shrink. Though perhaps a deadly one. Oh! They should just use Hanna. He'll get anyone talking.
"You seem to be having a nice thought. Would you mind sharing?" Mr. Shrink asked.
No, I'd rather not.
"Sure," Michael said, shrugging as if it didn't matter.
"I was thinking about how happy Hanna was with Church that first day he brought him there. I figured out pretty quickly that he was a demon and had fully intended to do what was necessary..."
"But?" He added, waiting for him to continue.
"But it just didn't happen. I couldn't kill him."
The shrink's head bobbed once.
"You still couldn't kill him even after you knew what he'd done? That he killed Hanna's parents?"
Michael's body felt several degrees cooler all of a sudden but his face burned with heat.
"He didn't do that. He said he found Hanna in the forest when the other demons were attacking his parents."
"Oh? We have proof."
There's no way!
Michael gripped the sides of the chair tightly. Instead of speaking, the man just slid his own chair back and pulled over a television on a wheel-cart. Michael hadn't noticed it before, but now that he realized that it was already turned on and a blank dark blue screen was waiting for someone to hit play.
"How did you get video proof of what happened in the middle of the forest?" he whispered out hoarsely. The shrink pushed play as he answered calmly.
"We have cameras set up at random intervals throughout the area to catch drug dealers or people just messing around that shouldn't be. Look."
Michael hesitantly turned his attention to the screen. The cameras were definitely movable ones as they tilted different ways while the black figures moved. He knew right away that they were demons, but he wasn't prepared for the screen to split, giving the image of two different cameras that converged on the same area from different directions.
His eyes were glued to the screen when a couple and their child, Hanna, came strolling through the forest. They were talking happily, their little boy holding onto their hands as he looked around with wonder.
He doesn't look like he used to. All of the fear isn't there.
He didn't get time to dwell on that thought because soon the black figures converged on the humans, one doing most of the attacking as the other looked-on lazily. Both parents went down in mere seconds, making his heart constrict. His main focus was on Hanna's face, the other things happening in his peripheral vision.
That's where the fear came from. Right there.
He couldn't blame him at all for it, though, the video was gruesome. However, right as the other demon began to walk over and Hanna ran off-screen, the film stopped.
But wait. Where was Church?
"You see?" The shrink said, turning to him with a content smile that literally screamed I told you so. Instead of agreeing, Michael stood up and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the bastard.
"Church wasn't in that video."
The man's face paled immediately, telling him that the idiot had been trying to play him. He steeled it pretty quickly after, but the damage had already been done.
"You tried to trick me by making me think that that was Church. Well too bad. I know what my demon looks like and that sure as hell wasn't him! Neither of those were Church!"
Trying to obviously save himself, the shrink crossed his own arms over his chest and nodded towards the screen before narrowing his eyes.
"What makes you think that they aren't your demon? All demons look the same and the video was taken when it was dark outside. So how do you know?"
How do I know?
"I-I... just, they aren't him. There has to be more to the video. You said you had more cameras in the area so keep playing the footage. Hanna ran off so he surely had to have tripped another one of your cameras."
He heard the officer still sitting beside him shift in his seat, uncomfortable. That instantly drew his attention to him.
"Show me the rest of the footage," Michael said as he looked back up at the shrink and grinned.
"Push play, shrink. I dare you."
The man fidgeted for a moment, looked at the cop, then hesitantly turned towards the television and lifted the remote, pressing the play button. Almost immediately the right screen switched, now following Hanna as he stumbled through the thicker part of the forest. It was really hard to see him during certain parts, but the second he ran into something huge, black, and... eating an owl? He realized who it was.
"That's Church!" Michael shouted, making both of the other men jump. The shrink quickly paused the tape and turned back to him. He knew what he was going to ask before his mouth even opened and cut him off.
"That was Church. I don't care what you say about the other two, but that's my demon."
The shrink sighed, but the officer got up, grabbing Michael's right arm.
"We're done here. I'm going to take you back to your cell until we come to a decision on charges."
I'll tell you your decision. I'm being set free you idiot.
Michael kept his mouth shut as he walked him back to the cell and locked the door. He thought that he'd be left alone for a good while with their attention focused on Church, but his demon was surprisingly brought back within only a few minutes of Michael returning. Even more shocking was the fact that he was smirking, Hanna in his arms, obviously awake now, with Max somehow tucked between them and not caring. As soon as he stepped inside the door was locked behind him, but Michael completely ignored that in favor of jumping up and into Church's arms. Of course, he was careful not to squish Hanna, but he wanted some Chesh, too!
"I was worried about you," he whispered as Church's right arm came around him, holding him close to his chest right beside Hanna.
"Aww, my little priest was worried about this ol' Chesh?"
"Dork," Michael grumbled, pushing himself out of his arms and turning to go sit down... only to feel that arm snag around his waist and pull him right back.
"Let me go, you buttface," he said, glaring over his shoulder at Church's cocky face. He just let his grin stretch wider and pressed his fingers playfully into Michael's belly, making him squirm.
Oh crap, don't tickle me!
After a moment Michael, having to use both of his hands, pried Church's one away so that he could stumble to the other side of the cell. He then turned on him like they were in a fighting match, his hands gripping the bars behind himself.
"Anyways. As fun as playing with you is, I may actually be in some trouble if we stay here," Church said as he set Hanna down on his feet along with Max. The pup was still somehow half asleep as it stumbled around, then just decided to fall over and return to dreamland. Looking back up at Church, Michael noticed him sauntering over and relaxed a little.
"How so? Did they try to frame you with that stupid video, too?" he asked, meeting him halfway so that they could share a hug without the other two for a moment. Feeling his strong arms around him was reassurance he had definitely needed, but now it was time to get down to business. Michael looked up at Church from where he had him tucked against his chest and grinned.
"So... I take it we're breaking out of here?"
He snickered and leaned over, stealing a kiss as he whispered against his lips.
"You know it, my little priest."
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