I'm Going To Kill You
"Father, I believe I have sinned."
Michael leaned his head against the wall, giving a tired sigh. He had slept really well the previous night, but after the awkward shower that morning he was beginning to get lightheaded.
Had that really happened? Of course it did. You were staring at... it.
"How so, young priest?"
Licking his lips, Michael took in a deep breath and spoke quietly.
"I... stared at another man's body. It wasn't intentional, but I walked into the bathroom half asleep and, not noticing that he was in the shower, I got in."
Michael figured that was all he needed to say to get the obvious point across in concern with the specific what he had been staring at.
"I see. I assume that you live with this man?"
Huh. Do I? I suppose I do now.
"I guess. It's short term."
"How long has it been since you have gone out with a woman?"
Err. I don't even want to think about that. It's been way too long.
"Um, awhile?"
"I believe you are just yearning for physical company. Do not stray down the wrong path, young priest. Why not find a young woman to marry? I do not believe you are a homosexual. I just believe that you need to find yourself a wife."
That does make sense. I haven't had a girlfriend in a long while.
He should have known that he was just longing for a partner. It had been far too long since he'd even tried to find someone.
"Thank you for your words, father. They make perfect sense."
The other man chuckled as Michael got up and stepped out of the small room.
"You are welcome. Have a wonderful day, Michael."
"You too, Father!"
About forty minutes later Michael was shoving his way into Church's office with a cocky smirk on his face. The guy was right in the middle of what looked like an important phone call. Oh well. Michael strode right up to him and extended his hand, which Church took with a raised eyebrow... until the contact started to burn his skin. He snarled and immediately slammed the phone down on the receiver, glaring up at him for a minute before the situation seemed to dawn on him.
"Oh wonderful, looks like the little priest has got his holy back. Come to visit the big bad demon?"
Michael rolled his eyes and sat down near the side of the desk, peeking beneath it to where he knew Hanna would be. The boy was there, sitting on a dog bed just like the first day he'd visited.
"Wait a second. Why does he even have a dog bed and not a child one? Or even a normal cushion?"
Church glared and nudged at Michael's chest with his foot until he actually fell backwards onto the dark blue carpet with a grunt.
"Because there was a pet commercial about adopting a dog on TV and he wanted one, but god knows I don't. So, I took him to a pet store to at least play with them, but when I tried to leave he wouldn't get off the darn dog bed or stop barking until I bought it."
I guess that makes sense.
"Hey Hanna, want play with Uncle Michael?"
Michael tried to speak with a chipper voice as he rolled over onto his belly and scooted forward until he could just barely see beneath the desk. The boy was there, making a weird face at him, which he quickly made right back. That seemed to surprise him since his face changed abruptly to curiosity.
"Migal look 'eird."
Michael stuck his tongue out before Hanna tried to mirror the action. His little tongue just barely passed his pink lips when Church leaned over to look beneath his desk.
"What are you doing you weird little boy?"
Michael quickly glared up at him, "He's just a kid, let him be one."
Church rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, looking one hundred percent the business tycoon that he was in his black suit, pants, and a tight white button-up shirt.
Guess he decided to skip the tie today.
"I was talking to you, priest."
Michael's eyes narrowed and he sat up, but the fight drained from him as he thought about what Church had just said.
"I don't volunteer there anymore... and heck, I don't even know why I came here."
Pushing himself up onto his feet, he dusted off his pants, then started for the door. Except, a sudden jerk on the back of his shirt made him stumble backwards. He knew Church had done it just to make him wait for a second before leaving, but the demon didn't know his own strength. Well, that was honestly doubtful. But he'd used a bit too much this time, making Michael lose his balance and fall. He thought that he was going to hit the floor, hard, but suddenly there was a strong, well-muscled arm sweeping in front of his chest and under both of his own arms, stopping him from hitting the floor by mere inches.
While he was definitely grateful that Church had caught him, he could also feel his face heating up at the contact. I really need to get a girlfriend. He did not like Church! He was a foul-mouthed demon who stole a human child after helping kill his parents. There was no way that he was going to ever come to li—"Human, stop ignoring me."
Church's voice right up against his left ear made Michael's heart jump into his throat as he struggled to get out of the position he was stuck in. Of course, Church didn't let him go, using the arm of his chair and his right arm to easily hold him where he was.
Scowling over his shoulder, Michael waited for Church to speak again, since he obviously wasn't allowed to go anywhere until he did.
Stupid demon.
"You still have a job if you can prove that you can take care of Hanna without causing another injury."
"Eh, really?"
He nodded, then shifted a little so that he could retrieve something from his coat pocket. That something was handed to Michael as he released him from his hold. Michael sat down where he was as he opened the envelope, his eyes going wide when he realized what was in it.
"You're paying me? But I barely worked at all."
Not to mention that the check had four-hundred and fifty four dollars written on it.
How the heck much did he pay me per hour?
"Some of it is your pay and the rest is an apology. I lost my cool when I saw Hanna hurt and it was uncalled for to fire you and threaten you before knowing what had happened."
Holy shi—mother. Did he just apologize?
"Mister I'm So Much Better Than Humans just apologized to the human priest?"
Church was about to reply when Hanna scooted out from under his desk and looked up at him with big, pleading eyes.
"Chesh... gotta go poddy."
That much become obvious as the little boy held the hem of his jean shorts and shifted from foot to foot.
"Want me to take him?" Michael asked.
Church was just opening his mouth to reply again when his phone rang and he grumbled, but reached over to answer it anyways. Considering he didn't hang up right away, Michael figured that it was important and knelt next to Hanna, tugging on the boy's sleeve gently to get his attention.
"Mr. Chesh is busy right now but do you want Uncle Michael to take you to go potty?"
Hanna seemed to panic a little as he looked back and forth between him and Church several times. Michael thought it wasn't really his choice in the end, though, because when Hanna turned to him he was about to the point of crying because he had to pee so badly.
"Okay, here. Hang on a second."
Michael scooped him up in his arms and ran for the door, making it to the bathroom in seconds. He then set him down in the handicap stall and quickly helped him get the button undone on his shorts. Once he was ready he lifted him up onto the toilet just fast enough to not have to clean up an accident.
When Hanna had finished Michael used the bathroom, too, then flushed.
"Alright, do you know what you do after going potty?"
Hanna licked his little pink lips and swished his hips from side to side before hesitantly answering in a quiet, unsure voice.
"Em... soapy hans?"
"Right! Good job."
Hanna let a tiny smile find its way onto his lips before turning towards the sink and lifting his hands up. It took Michael a minute to figure out that he was silently asking to be lifted up. Duh, of course. Not like he can reach the sink well any other way.
Giving a quiet chuckle, Michael carefully lifted him up. Thankfully, he knew what he was doing as he ran his little hands under the automatic faucet, then Michael lifted him a tiny bit higher so that he could get some soap.
"Alright, what do you do next? I forgot..." Michael said, trying to hide a grin.
Hanna looked over his shoulder at him and lifted his hands so that Michael could see, then rubbed them together sloppily. Soap suds went flying, but he didn't really pay any mind to that since Hanna was completely serious about showing him exactly how to wash his hands.
"Ah, of course. Thanks for showing me how to do that! Let's get that soap washed off now, okay?"
Hanna nodded and shifted a little so that he could run his hands under the water, rubbing them together until there was no more soap left. Michael then set him down and handed him a paper towel, then quickly got his own hands washed and dried.
When he looked back down at Hanna a minute later, he was nibbling at the paper towel.
Michael quickly squatted down in front of him and met his eyes when they glanced up.
"Can I have that, Hanna?"
He took it out of his mouth but then stepped back and shook his head.
"...but if you eat that now, you'll ruin the treat uncle Michael has planned for you later. I need that exact paper towel to get it for you."
Hanna gave him a funny look, then glanced down at the paper towel gripped in his little hand. When he finally looked back up at him, he mumbled quietly.
"Is good tweat?"
Michael smiled and nodded.
"The best. I promise you'll love it."
He had to wait another minute before Hanna finally lifted his hand and plopped the damp paper towel into his outstretched one.
"Thank you, sweetie. Now then, let's go back to Church and bother him, okay?"
Hanna cheered and began hopping from tile to tile towards the door like a bunny. Michael took that chance to toss out the paper towel, then scooped him up at the door to carry him back.
The phone call had been the guy he'd hung up on when Michael had come in. After a quick explanation that his friend had run in and caused a ruckus, he excused him hanging up and they had set up a meeting time for the next day to close the deal.
Church was just setting the phone back on its stand when he heard the doors to his office open. Hanna was soon running towards him, getting a glare right away. He skidded to a halt on the carpet, a blush creeping up onto his little cheeks.
"What have I told you about running?"
He chewed his lower lip and looked down at the carpet, embarrassed.
"I sowwy, Chesh. No running em Chesh's room."
Church's eyes rose to meet Michael's as he walked past Hanna and leaned over to whisper to him.
"What is something that he really likes?"
Church eyed him, a bit confused until he noticed Hanna didn't have his normal after potty snack.
"You took away his paper towel."
"I couldn't let him eat it," Michael whispered back.
"Why? It's just paper."
Michael glared at him and Church rolled his eyes, sighing with an annoyed shrug.
"He doesn't like much. He's super picky with food and I haven't found anything besides ice cream that he really enjoys as a treat sort of thing."
Michael seemed to pause at that, then massage his jaw for a moment.
"Hmmm... can you watch him for like, an hour or so?"
Church hesitantly nodded, unsure of what he was going to do.
"Where are you going?"
"Just to get him something I think he'll like in exchange for the paper towel he let me have."
Michael smirked at him, making Church fidget in his seat. He didn't get much time to stress over what he was going to come back with since Hanna was suddenly crawling up into his lap.
"Sneaky little boy. You just let Michael escape, too. Without telling me what he was bringing back."
Oh well. It'll probably just be ice cream or something like that.
Once Hanna got settled he stuck his tongue out at him.
Great, the priest taught him a new gesture that he'll definitely be using from here on out...
"Alright, Church has some work to do but you can stay there if you behave, okay? Uncle Michael will be coming back with something good, too, but only if you're quiet for me."
Hanna kicked his little tennis shoes off and curled up like a cat in his lap. Well, I guess that is a good enough answer. The little boy gave him just enough room so that he could lean forward and type, as well as make a few calls before he heard the doors open up again about an hour and a half later. He knew that it was Michael because of the sound of his footsteps, but what he didn't expect was for him to set something down on the carpet to make the now fully-awake Hanna squeal.
Church's eyes rose from the contract he had been reading through for a new buyout he was planning, but when they came into contact with the fluffy, white, drooling puppy Michael had brought into his office, he honestly thought that he was going to have a heart attack.
"No. Get rid of it. Now."
Hanna didn't hear him at all as he ran around, tackling the poor puppy and rolling around with it on the carpet... right before it peed.
Dammit all!
Church sent a death-glare to Michael, who just pointed awkwardly back towards Hanna. Looking in that direction, Church jumped up from his seat.
"Hanna, no!"
The little boy jumped and looked up at him, his shorts already down around his ankles, obviously about to follow his new role-model's example and pee on the carpet.
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