A Means to an End
Feeling those gentle arms go around his waist just made him want to ravage the damn priest, not have a bath with a child. Fuming to himself, Church quickly got Hanna washed, then carefully lifted him from the tub and dried him off.
"Go get dressed and then come show Chesh, okay?" he said, giving Hanna a little nudge towards the door. The boy gave him a big smile and nodded, running out of the room butt naked. Church was just about to shake his head when a very soggy dog jumped out of the bath and stumbled after him, soaking the floor on its way.
I swear that dog is just a pooping mop.
While he had intended to scream at it to get its overly-fuzzy ass back there so that he could at least dry it off, there was something much more pressing hugging him right then that needed an extra dose of unholy affection...
Whirling around using the slickness of the water to easily move in his arms, Church pinned Michael against the small side of the tub and leaned down to claim those delicious-tasting lips. Michael was surprised, of course, but he really shouldn't have been. He was his priest, after all. Even if Church was playing nice, he was still going to be naughty. Michael tried to fight him halfheartedly at first, but he wasn't letting him get even close to getting free. He was getting his minute of time with his priest's mouth!
"Chesh weady!"
The sudden shout from Hanna had Church finally backing off, allowing Michael to get a darn breath in before he passed out. It wasn't that he was adverse to kissing him, but he did need air. Inwardly groaning, Michael let his body relax against the bathtub wall and slide down a little... which only gave him an amazing view when Church suddenly stood up.
Hot... damn.
He almost thought to apologize to god for cursing, but the throbbing burn on his chest froze the words on his tongue. If he cared so greatly for someone, he wouldn't have caused such injuries with his holy items. After he thought that he allowed his eyes to trail over Church's body, noting the burns over a good portion of it.
He may be a demon, but no one deserves that much pain.
"Enjoying the view, Michael?"
Michael's heart jolted hearing his name on Church's lips, making him snap out of his thoughts with a bright red blush. With a weak, cocky grin, he gave a shrug and licked his lower lip.
Church's entire demeanor changed and a certain item between his legs began waking up disturbingly fast.
"Chesh, lookit! I dids it!"
Hanna's shout from right in front of the door forced Church's attention in that direction, giving Michael the opportunity he needed to turn a bright cherry red and look away from him... though it was pretty hard to manage.
"Good job, Hanna. Let's go get you some breakfast before we head to the office."
Hearing Church climb out of the water to wrap a towel around his waist and follow Hanna really made him want to look again, but he kept his resolve strong and waited until he knew the demon was out of the room before heaving a deep sigh and looking down into the murky water at his own arousal.
This is going to get really awkward, really fast.
Oh wait. It already is.
Rolling his eyes, Michael got himself up and out of the tub after a quick scrub. Since Church was busy tending to Hanna, he took the opportunity to run back into his room and grab a set of clothes from what he'd brought up of his own stuff. It wasn't exactly fancy like his suit, but it needed cleaned and he didn't think that it would be happening anytime soon so he just put on a nice pair of black pants and a white button-down shirt.
"Tempting me with those words, then escaping after the child distracts me."
Hearing Church's grumpy rambling from the door, Michael chuckled and turned just in time to be enveloped into his strong arms for a damp hug.
"Tempting, hmm?" Michael replied as he let his left cheek rest against Church's perfectly sculpted chest.
"I was just answering a question, Chesh."
He growled in response, tightening his arms for a moment before releasing him to get himself dressed. Knowing that he'd watch if he stayed, Michael quickly made his way into the kitchen and got himself some of the cereal Church had left out after pouring Hanna a small bowl. By the time he was sitting at the table with him, Church was stalking out of his room, dressed in a nice-looking suit as he pouted.
Awww, sexually frustrated Church. How cute!
Michael gave him an evil wink, only to get a nice view of his sharpening upper teeth as he pulled his lip back to bare them at him.
Oh my what pretty teeth you have?
Turning off his suddenly overly-perverted mind, Michael quickly shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, repeating the process to keep himself quiet until there was nothing left in the bowl.
"Come on, we need to go. I already fed the fuzz and it went bathroom," Church said as he walked around the corner, tossing a coat at him before getting Hanna into a small one.
"It's raining," he stated when Michael looked at the jacket in his hands. That brought his attention to the outside window, which definitely confirmed that it was beginning to rain. He was going to ask him if he just had an umbrella but then he realized all four of them wouldn't even come close to fitting under one.
"Okay," he replied as he got up and tugged the jacket on, then zipped it up and pulled the hood over his hair. He then scooped up Max and tucked him into it, shivering a little since he was still wet from the bath.
Soaks up water like a darn cotton ball.
"All good here."
Michael looked up at Church, then down at Hanna who was wrapped up in an adorable yellow rain jacket that had extra fabric inside to keep him warm.
"Here, give me that and you can take this."
Before he could even realize what Church was doing he had Max out of his jacket and Hanna in his arms. Not that he minded, he was just surprised. Now that he had him, Michael totally had to cuddle him.
"You are so cute!"
Hanna giggled as Michael squeezed him in his arms, then turned for the door as Church walked past to open it. They were both beginning to walk forward to leave... until two very large bloodhounds lifted their heads from the floor and bared their teeth.
What the...?
Michael's eyes followed their leashes up to hands, which eventually lead to two police officers wearing special pins on their coats noting that they were a special tracking team.
Uh oh.
The sound of Max yipping as he was dropped on the floor brought everyone's attention to Church, who was now bolting towards his room, likely in the hopes of getting out of the balcony door before he was caught. While Michael knew the dogs were going to be released on him, he couldn't even think about jumping in their way to slow them down with Hanna in his arms... so when the two officers released their hounds and followed, he quickly grabbed Max and bolted out the door and down to his car.
So glad that I at least have some gas in it.
As he was pulling out of the parking lot he caught a glimpse of a large demon lunging from the top of the apartment building off into the neighborhood.
He's heading towards the forest.
Michael quickly got his car going in that direction, following him as best he could until he disappeared into the thick droves of trees. Driving in the rain wasn't exactly helpful, but it looked like it had only just started recently since the streets weren't very slick yet.
Darn rain couldn't have just started earlier and washed away his scent?
Fuming, he pulled into an abandoned parking lot for the nature park and climbed out to look around for Church. He'd quickly buckled Hanna into the back seat before taking off and set Max on the front seat, but decided to leave them both in the car since it was rather cool outside.
He shouted his name but got no response as the rain began to pick up. It got to the point where it was a downpour before he finally decided to give up and go back to Hanna and Max.
He'll come back. Somehow he'll be back. There's no way he would leave Hanna, even if he always said that he was only keeping him because he was afraid of other people.
His jaws clenched together as he forced himself to hold back tears.
"He'll come back."
Blinking hard, he began trudging back towards the car when two vehicles with flashing blue and red lights slid into the parking lot, one on either side of his car.
His mind was screaming the words at him but he couldn't do it. Hanna was sitting in the car with Max and if the cops, for some reason, didn't check the vehicle his heart would break. So, instead of trying to get away he immediately put his hands up and watched as two officers he was unfamiliar with got out and walked over, one with a gun pointed at him and another with handcuffs ready.
"Keep your hands up, you are under arrest for aiding a criminal and hiding a kidnapped child."
Hiding? We didn't hide him.
"The adoption people were out to see him days ago," Michael growled as they got him into the handcuffs and began shoving him towards the back of one of the police cars.
"Wait! The little boy is in the car with his dog."
The office who wasn't leading him quickly turned and ran towards the car, a surprised look on his face when he saw Hanna and Max. He immediately unfastened a radio from his waist and relayed that they'd found the boy, then put it back in its carrier before getting Hanna out of the car. Too bad for him that Hanna immediately started screaming bloody murder when he was lifted into the officer's arms. Michael knew that he wanted Church, or at least himself, but that was going to be impossible... likely for a long, long time.
"His dog. He may calm down if he has it but if not, he's going to keep going. He's terrified of people besides Church and I. He doesn't trust them."
The guy looked at him funny but since Hanna wouldn't stop yelling and now, hitting, he quickly grabbed the small dog from the car and moved it so that he was holding both of them together. Thankfully, that seemed to sate the kid for the moment as he reached out and hugged Max tightly, snuggling into his dampening fur. The officer looked back just long enough to nod to Michael, then got Hanna and Max in his car. He didn't get a chance to ask what was going to happen to them because he was quickly shoved into the other car, the back door slamming shut in his face.
Well, this is great. He leaned against the seat and closed his eyes, feeling a headache coming on as the car began moving. The whole situation had turned into hell in such a short time.
I just hope that you're okay and come back for him when you can Church. He'll be heartbroken without you.
Michael had to force himself not to finish thinking the rest of that thought because then he would of had to acknowledge that he, too, would be hurting without his demon beside him.
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