Chapter 16 - The Confession
Okay! Brace yourselves! This is my favorite chapter of the whole book! I hope you love it! (And I had so much fun writing this chapter, and it's longer than usual, for this book.)
Race POV
Since the boys found out that I have a crush on Amelia, they've been trying to get me to tell her, and today they have a plan.
"Go gets wash' up!" Albert says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because! Yer gonn' tell Amelia taday!" Finch says.
"No I'm not!" I say, as I feel my face heat up.
"Yes, ya are. 'nd we're gonn' help ya!" Elmer says, excitedly.
"Fine" I say and I go get washed up. I swear, they act like little kids in a candy store at this stuff.
When Race is done getting washed up
"Here's da plan" Mush starts, "All of da boys know dat we're doin' dis. Yer gonna sell papes like normal 'nd den deres gonn' be a pape that says 'Amelia, will ya be my goil?'"
"Ya guys are delusional" I say, "I hope she says yes."
"He loves her!" Blink says running in with Boots.
"Aww!" Boots says, "Dat's so cute!" Again, my face heats up and I turn pink.
"Her bruddas are gonn' kill me" I say, slightly terrified.
"Nah, dey're in on da plan. Dey helped us make da plan. Dey want Amelia to be happy 'nd dey trust ya" Jack says, also walking in. I sigh in relief, then I realize.
"Is everybody just gonn' randomly walk in like on cue?" I ask.
"Yes" Crutchie and Buttons say as they also walk in.
"Dat's just weird" I say, "Next I suppose is Specs 'nd Henry." I say the last part jokingly.
"Yer right" Specs says as he and Henry walk in, laughing at me being shocked.
"I gives up" I say.
"Okay, well, we have the paper ready and now Oscar and Morris are distracting Amelia" Henry informs us.
"I can't do dis! She don't like me!" I say, throwing my hands up in frustration.
"Race, I literally asked her if she liked ya yesterday, 'nd she said yes. Granted she also said not to tell ya, but it's worth it" Crutchie says. I feel my face heat up once again. She's so cute, and a little oblivious.
The others must've noticed me blushing and/or staring off into space thinking about her, because all of them are either smirking or snickering.
"Oh 'nd also, Spot 'nd some of his Newsies are coming ta watch" Jack says.
"Oh great, not only am I confessing, I'm confessing in fronts ofs my best friends and family" I say.
"Aww Racie, don't be nervous. She loves ya!" Finch says as he, Albert and Elmer put their arms on my head and shoulders.
"It's cute, actually" Blink says and Boots nods his head in agreement.
"Glad ta know dat all of ya are interested in my love life" I say, sarcastically.
"Don't worry Race, we'll help ya. We're ya family" Buttons says.
"Dat's not wat I'm worried 'bout" I murmur, and sadly they hear me.
"Den wat are ya worried 'bout?" Mush asks.
"Nofing, it's nofing" I say.
"Okay den, let's go" Boots says.
Amelia POV
I was outside having fun with Oscar and Morris when Spot, Ace, Smokes, and more Brooklyn Newsies come.
"Hi Spot!" I say.
"Hi Amelia, hey Oscar, Morris" Spot says.
"Hey Spot, Ace, Smokes" Morris says and Oscar waves. Then all of the other Manhattan Newsies come out of the lodgin' house.
"Racie!" I say and run over to Race. I see multiple people smirk and hear some laugh.
"Hi Amelia" Race says, "let's go get papes." I see Jack nod at him, Spot, and a few other Newsies and they all nod back, but I shrug it off.
After getting the papers
"Hey Amelia, dere's a pretty interesting story on page 9" Albert says, as me and Race flip through the pages like usual, looking for good headlines.
"I'll check it out" I say and flip to page 9.
"Be sure ta reads it out loud" Ace says.
I start to read the page, "Amelia, will you be my girl?" I say out loud. I look over at Race and he says, "Amelia, will ya be my goil?" I turn a deep shade of red and I see Race is red, too.
I drop the paper. "Yes!" I say and run and hug Race.
Race kisses me and I stand there is shock while every Newsie cheers, even my brothers.
After a few minutes I'm still standing there, shocked and as red as a tomato. Some Newsies are still cheering.
I hear Oscar say, "Race! You broke my sister!"
"He kissed me" I murmur.
"Amelia's still in shock!" Blink shouts, and he and Boots laugh.
After I snap out of shock I hug Blink, Boots, Crutchie, Jack, Spot, Ace, Smokes, and some other Newsies to the best of my ability, as I still have crutches. Other Newsies are congratulating Race and saying "I told ya so".
All of a sudden, it hits me. "You guys were all in on this!" I say jumping up. Everybody breaks out in laughs.
"Oh my gosh, dat was da best reaction of realization, ever" Spot says, still laughing.
"Amelia, sometiomes yer oblivious" Blink says, as he and Boots put their arms around me.
"Spots right though, dat was pretty funny" Boots says. Some people are still laughing, like Race, Jack, and Oscar.
After a few minutes, Race and I hug again and he kisses me once again. And again, I stand there frozen in shock and as red as a tomato. Race holds me so that I don't fall.
"Race, I finks dat she can't handle ya" Albert says.
"Yeah, she freezes every toime dat ya kiss her" Finch says.
"I guess I'm too much ta handle" Race says and shrugs, and everybody laughs at that. Race picks me up, and I snap back into reality again.
"I'm tired, and I have a boyfriend. This is weird" I say. Race and the others laugh at me.
"Amelia has da best reactions to everyfing" Finch says. Crutchie, Henry, and some other Newsies nod their head in agreement.
"I love ya Amelia Rose Delancey" Race says.
"I love you too, Racetrack Higgins" I say and he kisses me again.
Later I fall asleep on Race again, thinking of how grateful I am that I met the Newsies, especially Race. They're like my family and I am Race's girl now.
Okay, was that your favorite chapter out of this whole book?! It was my favorite, to read, think of, plan, and write! The next chapter is cute too, for the most part. Until then!
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