Chapter 12 - A Message for Harlem
Race POV
Yesterday, Amelia never came back to the lodgin' house. Everybody is worried, especially her brothers, Blink, Boots, Jack, and I. We have no clue where she is, she could be at the refuge, she could be with her uncle, she could be in Harlem for all we know!
After Amelia went missing, we visited Spot, but he had no clue where she was.
"I's sorry, I don't knows where she is" Spot says.
Just then, before we leave, one of Spot's spies comes up to us.
"Does shes have long brown hair, hazel eyes, 'nd very pale skin?" He asks. Spot, Jack, Blink, Boots, and I turn around.
"Have ya seens her?!" I ask.
"Yea, she gots taken by da Harlem Newsies. I believes deir names are Ace, Jets, and Jax" he says, "I was spyin' fer Spot when I saw her try ta run from dem, but she couldn't because ofs her leg."
"Ace 'nd Jet, dose are da people Oscar and Morris told us 'bout" Jack says, putting the pieces together.
"Dat means dat Ace 'nd Jet are working wit Scar! Da king of Harlem!" Boots says; he and Blink look panicked.
"Scar... that means" Blink starts. He looks at Boots, who nods.
"Means wat?" Spot asks.
"Scar's stupid second in command is someone wese knows, not in a good way eitha'" Boots says and Blink and Boots both roll their eyes.
"Okay, dats fine. We can take em', anyfing ta get Amelia back" I say, making fists with my hands.
"Calm downs Race, we'll send Lucky, Sniper, 'nd JoJo ta Harlem ta tell dem da message, we'll go tomorrow mornin'" Jack says.
"Dats dangerous" Spot says.
"It's da only plan we've got, we have ta go wit it" Jack says.
"Fine, I wills meet ya in da mornin', night Kelly" Spot says before he leaves.
Amelia POV
After yesterday's escape, I got soaked pretty bad. I can barely move and everything hurts. I was looking out of the window in the bunk room when I see Lucky, JoJo, and Sniper.
"What are they doing here?!" I whisper to myself, shocked, scared, and confused.
"See someone ya know, Amelia?" Asks Jets, who is sitting next to me, because it's his turn to watch over me.
"None of your business, Jets" I snap.
"Quit it wit da attitude, dollface, or it'll get ya in trouble" Jets snaps back.
I refocus my attention back on JoJo, Sniper, and Lucky. Sniper is a few weeks older than me, but JoJo is 7 months younger than me and Lucky is at least a year and 3 months younger. What were they thinking?
"What's boss doin' out dere?" Jax asks Jet. I look out, and see Scar and Ace outside talking to JoJo, Sniper, and Lucky. Then, I see JoJo and Sniper point me out to Lucky, and I wave. They wave back with sadness covering their faces.
After a few minutes of them talking and of Jax and Jets mocking my sadness and confusion, Lucky, JoJo, and Sniper left. And Scar came inside.
"Looks like we haves a meetin' wit yer friends tomorrow, Amelia" Scar says and he, Ace, Jets, and Jax all smirk. I turn my head to look out the window and I see JoJo, Sniper, and Lucky looking back at me while walking away.
"Please... just stay safe boys... don't worry about me..." I whisper, hoping they hear it, but I know they won't.
Race POV
JoJo, Sniper, and Lucky come back with Lucky crying, JoJo looking worried, and Sniper looking very sad.
"What happened?" Jack asks as Lucky runs into Specs' arms.
"She looks bad, real bad" JoJo says, quietly.
"She's real beat up, 'nd she looks sad 'nd worried" Sniper says.
"Wat did Scar say?" Finch asks.
"He says ta meet at Newsie Square tomorrow mornin', wit ya 'nd Spot 'nd all of ya Newsies" Lucky says, still crying while Specs hugs him.
"Wat if somefing happens, ta ya, or ta Amelia?!" I ask, standing up. "We can't risk losing anyone or anyfing!"
"Race! Calm downs! We gets it! Ya don't want to lose Amelia! But dis isn't helping anyfing!" Albert shouts.
"I don't want ta lose her or ya! Anyone!" I shout back, "Dis isn't just 'bout her 'nd me! It's 'bout all of us!"
"Calm downs! Both of ya's! Everyone will be okays!" Elmer shouts as he steps in between me and Albert.
"Let's talk 'bout dis in da mornin'. Everyone go ta sleep" Jack says.
Hope your enjoying the story! I've been having a lot of fun writing it! And I wanted to just say, not that anyone might care, but my mom and sister read and edit my chapters/books before I publish them, and so yesterday my sister was only supposed to read 2 chapters, 10 and 11, but she ended up finishing this book, aka 17 chapters. I asked her how far in she was at Chapter 13, as she is a fast reader, and she told me she was at chapter 13, and I asked her why, as she said she was only reading 2 chapters tonight. She said that she was enjoying reading my book so much, and that she couldn't put it down, it was so good. I was over the moon. My sister goes to a high level college and I look up to her so much, so I was so happy when she said that because she is my role model/hero. I love her more than anything, my mom at a close second. Of course, sometimes I make a few mistakes in grammar, but I was so happy that she liked it. She finished the book and said she really liked it. Anyway, just wanted to say that, hope you enjoy it, too!
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