Part 9
~~~Second person point of view~~~
Through the night you have nightmares about the demon lady, and about Dean coming to save you from her. It seems like an eternity before morning comes and you wake up in a warm bed. You furrow your brows and feel around on the bed only to find a very toned torso laying next to you. You lay there for a bit longer, listening to their heartbeat and feeling their breathing, before you look up and see Dean's sleeping face.
Laying there and watching him sleep for a while you finally lay back down on his chest and fall back asleep listening to his steady heart beat.
Dean wakes up a while later and smiles down at your sleeping figure remembering the previous night, he leans over and kisses the top of your head before sitting up to see where his brother had run off to. Looking around the dingy green tinted hotel room Dean sees Sam sitting at the small table by the door, reading the files for their current case. He slowly eases off the bed away from (y/n), trying to let her sleep, he flashes a grin at Sam before looking back at you once more and joining Sam at the table with a beer.
"I see that you slept well." Sam says putting down the papers in his hands as his brother sits down across from him.
"Yeah I got my four hours in." Dean says taking a swig from his beer and looking up to Sam a he rolls his eyes.
"What happened yesterday, with (y/n)?" Sam inquires, leaning onto the table to look Dean in the eyes.
"I don't know she got all emotional and ran away." Dean says looking at the wall behind Sams head and takes another sip of his drink.
"She just ran away from you out of the blue? No reason that you could've caused?" Sam says leaning back again and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Nope. Just told her what I thought." Dean says mimicking Sams' actions.
"If you say so." Sam says and puffs out a stiff sigh at his brother then checks the time on the wall clock. "Do you want to wake her up?" He says, getting ready to get up when Dean says no.
"Sure. No promises though." Dean says, setting down his beer before walking over to your sleeping form. "(y/n), get up." He tries, nudging you with his knee, but to no avail.
"C'mon Sleeping Beauty, it's time to get up." He tries again, pulling the blankets away from your shoulders, you simply roll over, facing your back to him and pull the covers back up to your chin.
Dean rolls his eyes and looks over his shoulder at Sam smirking. "This is bs." Dean grumbles turning back to you again, a devious smile crossing his face with a new idea. He licks his hand and leans over your figure, wiping the saliva down your cheek.
Your eyes snap open, and so do your wings, trying to get away from the person invading your space. Dean falls onto the floor and immediately goes to grab your flailing wings, only causing more uproar. You flap furiously and get free from his large calloused hands, but also getting your enormous ebony wings caught in the bed sheets.
"(y/n) stop moving, let me help you." Dean yells. Continuing to flail, you fall off the bed and onto the dingy carpet, Sam laughing in the background and Dean yelling at you to calm down.
"You stubborn mule, quit moving!" Dean yells as he pounces on top of you, struggling to free your wings from the sheets and attempting to tuck them back against your body.
Pinned to the ground, your chest heaving from the movement and the anxiety the physical contact gives you, you feel yourself start to suffocate under Deans grip on your back.
"Please, don't be angry with me." You barely whisper.
"I'm not (y/n)." Dean whispers back, pulling you up off the floor with one swift movement. A deep red blush consumes your face, you shrug it off onto the physical activity you just did and pull a stray feather off from your shoulder.
"We're going to head out soon, talk to some people, do you want to come? Or maybe sleep some more?" Sam asks, leaning back in his chair to get a better look between you and Dean.
"No, I'll come. I just have to get dressed." You say walking over to your bag, grabbing an outfit you don't mind getting ruined, and head off to the bathroom.
When you come out, dressed to kill, and see the boys in similar cloths. Dean nods at you before you all walk out the door, you didn't feel like being in a cramped car with Dean so you decide to fly above the Impala, Sam frowns slightly at your antics but doesn't say anything as you take off into the clouds.
Soaring through the air, feeling the wind rush through your feathers, there couldn't be a better feeling to you. Dean drives out past a lake so you coast just above the water, on even level with the Impala the tips of your feathers brush the water and you look into the car to see both the boys watching you. They pull into the rocky parking on the edge of the lake, you circle around the lake a bit more before landing gently on the roof of the Impala (sitting of course).
"Get off my baby!" Dean shouts at you when he looks up from the trunk. You stick out your tongue at him before jumping down and going to collect your flashlight.
"Why did we stop here?" You ask, walking over to where the boys were sitting. "There's nobody around for miles."
"There's supposed to be a man who survived the attacks living out there on the lake." Sam answers you as he closes the trunk.
"Alright, so where is he?" You ask again, looking at Dean as he walks over to the lakes dock, untying a boat.
"It's on that island over there." Dean says nodding in the direction of the island in the middle of the lake.
"Have fun rowing then." You say looking over to Sam. "Want me to fly you over?" You ask him.
"I wouldn't." Dean grumbles, you roll your eyes at him and turn back to Sam.
"Don't you think I'm a bit heavy for that (Y/n)?" Sam asks frowning and raising an eyebrow at you.
"Naw. It'll be fine." You say walking over to him, wrapping your arms under his arms to hook back on themselves. You push off the ground and up into the air, after you've lifted Sam a good distance off the ground you start flying forward to the island, taking far less time than you would have by boat, you set him down on the island.
You smile at him, waiting for him to say something.
"That, that was interesting." Sam says, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing out at the lake at Dean.
"It's not for everyone." You laugh at him before looking out where he was looking at Dean rowing ever so slowly. "Maybe we should go talk to that guy since it looks like Dean isn't going to get here until dusk." You suggest, to which Sam agrees.
~~~I'm just gonna leave this here because I'm having serious writers block issues but I'll add more to it eventually. Excuse the horrible ending.~~~
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