Part 5
~~At the first crime scene with Dean~~
When you first walked over to the man hole under which the construction worker was at, nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than the smell of feces and something you couldn't quite place. Upon further inspection you could make out tracks in the ground leading to the hole in the ground.
"What do you think (y/n)?" Dean says as he also sees the tracks in the ground.
"It could be some kind of equipment that was dragged across the ground, but most likely where the worker was dragged across the ground and into the sewers." You say walking closer to the entrance.
"Well I guess we're going down there then." Dean says as he takes off his suit jacket and slings it over some of the hanging police tape. "Ladies first." He says with a grin and you roll your eyes before starting down the ladder into the sewers.
When both of you are standing on the concrete walk way you take out a flashlight and start looking around until you find scratches on the wall of the tunnel.
"Hey Dean, come look at this." You say, loud enough for him to hear. Dean jogs over to where you are standing and looks at what you are shining your light on.
"Look what you found." Dean mumbles and runs a hand over the scratches, showing that they are much deeper into the concrete than meets the eye. "You think our snake did that?" He says looking back at you.
"Most likely, did you find anything?" You say and turn you body in the direction that Dean had just came from.
"Not really, I found where the vics body was. It didn't look like it was really after the people but more like just trying to survive." Dean says as he starts walking down the tunnel to where he was at the show you what he meant.
Sure enough the tape where the body had been found was very close to the wall, almost as if the snake threw it out of the way. As you both start heading to leave you hear a sound coming from further inwards, you tap Dean on the shoulder and start walking to investigate it. The closer you get to the sound the worse the smell gets, by the time you round a corner it's all you can do not to gag. When you make it at the source you see the snakes old skin, a colossal thing that reeks horribly.
"This is gross." You say to no one in particular and walk a little closer to the exoskeleton. Dean just chuckles and walks close enough to touch the thing before walking back to you.
"It's filled with snakes." Dean says and surely enough, the thing is filled with hundreds of tiny snakes withering around on the ground and part of the walls.
"Alright let's go check the next one, this is gross." You say and turn around to head back to the entrance. As you start the trek back up the muck covered ladder to the fresh air you get the feeling you're being watched that make your wings tingle and quickly climb the final few rungs after looking over your shoulder into the sewers one more time.
When you go check the next scene you find the same things along the wall and the snake skin deeper inside, accompanied by the feeling you're being watched haunting you from scene to scene. After wrapping up at the last and most recent Dean gets a call from Sam.
You and Dean head to pick him up from the hospital with a mostly silent ride there with Dean, as you would drop every conversation he started with you to think about the case. When you finally make it to Sam there's a noticeable tension in the air from the silence, other than the blasting rock music.
"What did you guys find out at the scenes?" Sam says as the Impala drives away from the hospital.
"This snake sheds it's skin after every kill and leaves behind tons of little snakes." You say, completely oblivious to the silence that Dean was holding. "What did you find out about the victims?" You ask him.
"They all are in a stone coma, like statues on beds. From what the nurses said, it would take some really strong nerve poisons to do something like that to multiple people." Sam says and looks over at Dean, taking note of his brothers' silence but chooses to ignore it.
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