Part 2
Sam and Dean are in your house, you haven't seen them since they told their dad about you. Since John came over wanting to kill you in cold blood. You shiver at the memory and grab a beer for each of them and yourself.
"Hey Max, you've gotten tall since I last saw you." Dean says smiling his legendary Dean Winchester smile at Max and taking the beers from your hand.
"Yeah its been, how many years now (y/n)?" Max says, not getting up from his spot at the table.
"Eleven years." You say rolling your eyes and taking your spot back at the table. Max stops eating for a minute to look at you with a question in his raised eyebrow, you flash him a half smile. Hopefully you can make it to the end of the meal with out having a panic attack.
You zone out of the conversation, reminiscing what you had with Dean as kids. You don't notice that you had been scratching your arm, something you do out of anxiety, until you feel a big calloused hand grab yours under the table, bringing you out of your daydreams. You try to identify the hand, which is harder than it may seem, it's too wide to be Max but too slim to be Bobby. That leaves your guests, you look between the two of them. Sam's on the other side of the table, too far to reach you. Which leaves Dean, who's sitting to your right side.
You stare at Dean for a while until he turns and meets your gaze. You can feel yourself start to blush as he sends you his heart melting smile and squeezes your hand before turning back to the group.
"So about this case you boys are on." Bobby says as you start listening to the conversation again.
"Yeah, have you found anything on whatever could be causing it?" Sam asks, a very serious look on his face. Bobby looks at you to let you know to talk.
"I don't really think it's dinner talk, but I'll tell you that it's a Basilisk." You say looking around the table at everybody's faces, judging their reactions. When it stays silent you shift uncomfortably, opening and re tucking your wings slightly, suddenly feeling the need for fresh air.
"Ok, well Sam, Dean. What trouble have you been getting in for the past eleven years?" Max says, breaking the silence, and winking at you. You let out a sigh you didn't know you had been holding in, glad that the subject changed.
Dean talks about their dad going missing, (which I'm not going into detail about because that's boring if you have watched season 1), and Sam talks about his time at college. It all seems pretty heart warming, you certainly didn't expect that Sam would quit the hunting life.
After a long talk and many awkward pauses, everybody starts to get up and go their separate ways in the house. You go to get up, only realizing that you're still holding Deans hand a moment too late. You start to move away when your arm jerks back and you fall flat on your bum. Surprised, you look up and see Dean chuckling as he picks you up like you're nothing and sets you on your feet.
"Well (y/n), I see that you're as clumsy as ever." Dean says, giving you a cocky grin.
"Yeah." You mumble, looking down at the ground as you start to blush.
"Do you still have your wings?" He says as he steps back, you nod and look up as his eyes get a new kind of spark in them. "Can I see them?" Dean practically looks like a child jumping in a candy shop.
"Yeah, ok. Lets go outside though, I need some air." You say as you walk towards the front door of your house, Dean following close behind.
When you get outside the cool night air making you shiver as you leave the warm premises of the house. Dean puts a hand on you shoulder and smiles once again as you turn to look at him, a look that you absolutely love on his face.
"I've missed you (y/n)." Dean says as the pair of you walk further away from the house and under one of the many street lights that seem to have just lit up.
"I've missed you too Dean." You say as you stretch out your ebony wings, sighing as the breeze runs through you feathers.
Dean reaches a hand towards the silky black feathers before thinking better of it and pulling his hand back.
"You know it's ok if you touch them. I don't mind." You say extending a wing towards Dean. As soon as his hand touches your wing the feathers stand up on end.
"They're softer than I remember." Dean says and a warm look splashes though his eyes.
"That's nice. Your hands are really rough." You say, carefully watching him and your surroundings.
He pulls his hand back and looks in your (y/e/c) eyes, then down at his calloused hands.
"Can you feel them when I touch your wings?" He asks, his eyebrows bunching together.
"Well not really, but I felt it when you held my hand." You say shrugging and tucking your feathered appendages against your back. "You should use lotion." You add as you look into his green orbs then up into the starry sky.
Dean chuckles and steps slightly closer to you.
"You know, we could always use a third person in our trio." Dean says, his voice just above a whisper.
"Yeah, you'd have to convince my dad first though." You say and grin wickedly at Dean. "And then who says that I'd even want to come with you?"
Dean shakes his head at you and pauses before speaking again. "Well would you want to come with me?" He asks, a hint of emotion in his voice.
Before you could answer you hear your dad yelling at the two of you from the front porch.
"Get in here before you freeze ya idjits!" Bobby yells before ducking back into the house.
You laugh and turn to Dean, he's wearing a small scowl upon his face.
"Awe come on Dean, don't pout about it." You say and playfully punch his arm before whipping out your wings and taking off, only to land on the second story balcony that was roughly 500' from where you were standing with Dean a moment before.
When you duck into your room from the window, you see your brother sitting in your desk chair waiting for you.
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