Part 12
~~ Sam's pov ~~
After Dean walks off with (y/n) in tow, I turn to leave when I hear shuffling in the hole and look back over, expecting Dean to be walking back through the snakes. What's really there is not anywhere close to what I expected, but something so much worse.
"Hiya Sammy." A woman calls up at me, my eyes widen in surprise at the strange woman and the other two following her.
Turning to get away from the hole and out of the house, there's several more people standing behind me, and I know, this has been set up. The men trudge forward to grab my arms and I slash up with the knife that's still in my hand, breaking the grab on my arm. The first man grins at the challenge and his eyes flash black at me before several more demons come from down the hallway at me.
It's a fight I'm destined to lose, one against at least eight maybe more. All it takes is a hard push and I find myself falling down the hole that (y/n) and Dean had fallen down earlier, towards the woman. The last thing I see is the demon woman standing over me smiling as the darkness takes over me.
When I wake up my arms are above my head, I try to move them and the sound of chains rattling stops me. I look around the dim room I realize I'm in and see cages, I move my arms again and notice that the chain sound is coming from me because my arms are chained to the ceiling. Looking around the room again I see that there are people inside the cages, dozens of them crammed into tight quarters.
One of them makes eye contact with me and cowers back further into it's cage. I hang from the ceiling, looking and thinking of how I could somehow escape, free all of them from the cages as well. Nothing seems plausible though, my thinking is interrupted as the door to the room opens showing the demon woman from the sewers.
"Hello my children." She hums to the cage, I can hear them trying to move as far away from her as possible. She turns and walks towards me, the stench of sulfur hitting me in waves.
"What do you want from me." I demand to know, a few of the kids in cages turn and look at me when I do.
"From you?" She says, picking up a knife and inspecting it in her hands. "Nothing." She dips the knife in a jar of liquid before bringing it up to my face, making a thin slice above my right eyebrow.
"Why am I here then." I hiss out at her, "Who are you?" she ignores my first question, slicing open my shirt to gain access to a larger cutting board.
"Medea." She says bluntly, pushing the knife against my skin again testing it's durability under the blade.
"Is it my brother you want then?" I question again, confused on what she's planning.
"No, but there's plenty of people who do." Medea says setting the knife down on a small table out of my reach. "You too Sammy boy. You've made tons of enemies haven't you." She turns and raises an eyebrow at me before turning back to the table, laying out more objects.
"Is it money then?" I ask, she turns and leans back on the table looking at me with a bored expression.
"What would a demon do with money? Think harder if you want to figure it out." She steps closer to me as she says it but then turns away towards the cages at the last second. "You have so many monsters after you and your brother, vampires, kitsunes, demons gone rouge have shown up, even angels, just to name a few. All of them just want a piece of you, to make you bleed but I couldn't care less. As long as they don't kill our poor little boy." She mumbles the last part before going out the door.
What seems like hours later someone else comes through the door, I don't look up but I'm sure it's one of the monsters Medea was talking about. It walks over to me and picks up my head, looking into my face.
"How pathetic that one of the great Winchesters is here hanging from the ceiling." It says, the monsters claws dig into the skin on my neck. "What ever shall we do first?" The thing says as it scrapes down my chest, deep cuts forming behind them.
"Why are there so many monsters here." I say to it, looking deep into it's yellow eyes before it looks away.
"We all have a common enemy here boy. That's you and your brother." The werewolf says, drawing on my flesh with its claws.
"My brother's here?" I question, looking towards the door, "What about (y/n)?"
"They aren't here yet, but that's enough information for now. There's a job to do." It says before going back to endless hours of cutting and throwing punches until finally Medea comes back in.
"You can leave now, it's the human's turn." Medea says with a blank stare at it then glances over at the cages that are now covered.
The torture goes on for what feels like centuries with person after person and tool after tool. Eventually Medea comes in and talks to me.
"Now Sammy, was it that bad?" She says giving me a pouty face. I look up to her and say nothing before dropping my head back down. "Aren't you just so worried about your brother and what's her face?"
"(y/n)." I provide.
"Ah yes that one. There's a big plan for that one." Medea says turning to get a bowl of food from the table.
"What is that plan then." I say looking at her through my lashes.
"Oh you know, world domination mostly." Medea throws scraps into the cages and the kids pounce on top of it.
"Why do you want her so badly when you could have hundreds of demons lining up for the job?" I snap and watch the kids devouring what little food they got.
"That's true, but she has something they don't."
"A soul? Me or Dean would take her place." I spurt out, hopefully I can save at least one person if it's not myself.
"Oh no I would't do that. Every time somebody wants you for one reason or another, it never works." Medea says. "Besides, we couldn't kill you if we wanted you that badly." She says rolling her eyes. She walks towards the door sending me a sweet look before closing the door and leaving me to hang in the room.
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