Part 11
"My league, what do you wish of me?" Medea asks the king of Hell.
"You need to make up for your partners incompetence those years ago. The girl must be in our control." He responds raising an eyebrow at the lesser demon in front of the throne.
"I will not make the mistakes of my shameful student. Consider her ours." She responds as she gets up to leave the dim room.
"That better be true, you don't want to experience what would happen if you were to fail." He says as his minion opens the heavy doors.
Medea shakes her head as she walks through the dungeons of hell to where the false angels are held. Walking into the room, a human would note of the despicable smell of death and body fluids, but Medea is used to the smell by now. Behind the thick bars are the human mutants being held to fight against heaven, she runs her hands across the bars as she walks by, the terrified occupants skulk back as far as they could to the cold stone walls.
"Hello my lovelies." Medea coos to one of the smaller cages which holds her prized prisoners. The most resistant to her malicious ways, are kept there, they will make fine warriors once she breaks them. The strongest of the two snarls at Medea, spitting at her feet and she chuckles. He would make a good general, if the king would allow it.
"How are you today Archie." She says to him, ignoring the other in the cage.
"It's Archibald." He hisses at her, Medea rolls her eyes at him before walking through the door past the cages. The portal to Earth hums with it's power, it leads to the hideout that was lent to her for this mission along with the goons that were assigned under her power.
Stepping through the portal Medea appears in the old mansion, various men lounge around in waiting for their commander to arrive. Upon hearing her heels clicking on the old wooden floor, the men turn to look and stand, realizing who had entered.
"This place is a sad excuse for a shanty." Medea sneers when the floor squeals under the weight of her loaned armada. Most of the men don't look to have nearly the strength or wits that she needs to complete her mission, rolling her eyes as she realizes they were the disposable weaklings in need of training.
"What are we going to do first ma'am?" One man says, sticking out from the rest of the group.
"Clean this place up, it's no place to run this mission from." Medea says glumly and peels some of the homely paint from the wall. "You come with me." She says to the one who spoke and walks back into the small room from which she teleported into this world.
"What's your name?" Medea beckons him over to the heavy desk in the room.
"Adrian." He responds, positioning himself in front of the now closed door.
"Are you aware of the mission." Medea states, more of a command.
"Yes ma'm." Adrian says standing at attention. "Retrieve the final false angels and return them to the commander alive."
"Correct, but we are after just one in particular." She says, raising her jaw up slightly to him. "Project X-636, you need should have the details on the subject already researched. Report your findings."
"Project X-636, known as (y/n) Singer according to adoption records. The subject was specially mutated to be stronger, faster, stronger and a natural leader. She has been placed under the care of Robert Singer in North Carolina, who is a well known hunter in accomplice with the Winchester brothers. She is meant to be the commander to lead the other mutants into heaven and distract them from our intentions to open the gates of hell." Adrian reports to Medea, nodding that he is finished.
"Will the Winchesters prove to be a problem to our mission." Medea inquires, already thinking of ways to distract them as well.
"Potentially, yes. I believe that we could use them in our advantage in some way though." He says looking to Medea to offer ideas.
"We can lure them into a trap with several odd jobs so to not interfere with our business, starting with Nali some ways away from the Singer residence." Medea decides, pulling out a list of things needed to summon the massive snake. "Gather the supplies and make it back here within the days end." She commands the goon and walks back to where the rest of the group is held.
"All of you, get this shack into top condition. If anybody approaches, kill them." She orders them and pulls aside another demon with a specific mission for them.
"Did you need something miss?" The lackey asks.
"The Winchester brothers will most likely be involved in this mission. They have a large following of enemies I want you to gather as many of them as you can, offer them a hefty reward or the brother's souls if they desire, they'll be dead either way, whatever it takes to get them to fight with us against them." Medea orders and dismisses the man to do what he was told.
Hours later everything has fallen into place, the snake is encasing people at a steady rate, sure to attract the attention of hunters. The house is secure, the men are ready for anything thrown their way, the false angels are set up in the cellar of the mansion to be watched. All that is left is to wait for the agent in the town to report the trap had worked.
Two weeks had passed before their agent had reported the presence of the Winchesters in South Carolina at the Singer residence who had left with the target in an unexpected turn of events. Though it works for the better in Medea's directive, with the subject being in the field, a swift extraction would be an easier operation now. Medea and her forces head towards the town where Nali was released, and several agents were dispersed throughout the town to keep an eye on the missions stages.
The first night Medea had went to scout the local establishments, starting with a crummy bar in the town. She sits at the bar and lays her shawl over the back of the stool, after a minute of observing the humans in the pub, someone she expected walked through the door. Dean Winchester takes a seat next to Medea and orders a drink, she watches him as he looks her over, things could be simplified further if she could take him out now.
"What's your name stranger?" Medea asks, drawing his attention without letting on her intentions.
"Charles." He says, clearly a fake name but Medea lets it slide to keep her cover. "What's yours?" He responds nodding at the bartender who brought him his drink.
"Medea." Said woman responds, it wouldn't hurt to tell him her real name, he would be dead by the end of the mission. As she goes to speak and draw him further into her web her phone rings, causing her to roll her eyes and stride outside to answer the call of her goons.
"What did you find." She immediately demands, irritated that she couldn't get the jump on one of their obstacles.
"We saw the target, flying over to Woodrow park." One of the men say, the rustle of leaves could be heard through the line.
"I'm on my way, don't loose her." Medea says before letting the line go dead and walking towards the park.
When Medea arrives she senses the target in the trees above her goons, who are questioning some mewling boy. She walks up to them, careful to stay in the shadows until the boy is gone.
"Enough. The boy knows nothing, let him scamper into the night." She says, careful with her words to give off the illusion of ignorance for the modern world.
"Yes ma'am." The goons respond at the same time, stepping away from the tree.
"Why are we chasin' after the girl again?" The bulkier of the two asks Medea, she rolls her eyes at his incompetence. He would be dead where he stood if it weren't for his immense strength.
"I need her back at the facility to lead the other freaks out of purgatory and fly to heaven to destroy it in surprise." She lies, if the subject decides to tell anybody, they would be led down a false lead, stepping into the tendrils of light cast through the shrubbery she sees the target shifting in the tree directly above them.
Medea looks up into the shadows where the movement came from, they could capture her now but that would risk drawing attention from the locals. It wouldn't matter if the human law enforcement were to find out, but they didn't want somebody being a hero and try to take her, she knows they would fail and news would spread to the hunters that needed to be avoided.
Instead Medea turns around and leaves the park, her cloak swirling around her as she walks with her minions in close pursuit.
Once out of the park none of them ask why the target wasn't apprehended at that moment, for they knew the answer. Medea instead sends several demons to set up the next phase of their mission under the lake, it's quite simple really, they want to separate the group and pick off the hunters slowly. The bigger of the two would be first, he would need to be weakened before the final stage as to not intercept with their final goal.
The other would not have to be worried about, agents are putting phase 3 into effect as Medea waits, demons are set up in every food service area within the radius of the town waiting for the hunter to get food from them. The food given to the hunter is to be poisoned with the first half of the neuro-toxin, when he enters the lair. The other half will be distributed through the air and react with the other chemicals in his system weakening his ability to fight and further delay the end goal. All that's left to do is wait for the web to catch its prey.
The next day Medea heads down into the sewers with a handful of demons, they walk to where the target should be, this time it's not the mutant their after though. Medea knows they walked past the smaller hunter but that's not the main focus, if they capture them now they have to deal with the rational thinker who would call for backup.
Medea reaches an empty spot in the middle directly below a gaping hole in the ceiling above, she looks down at the blood patch on the floor then up at the hole above her.
"Hello Sammy boy." She says smiling up at the said hunter.
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