{Fourty-eight years later}
"You can't be serious." Was the first thing the lady said when looking at her mother. "I am not lying. Have you ever seen me lying to you about that matter?" She asked as she sipped on her tea with a smile.
"Mother you can't be serious when you say that they want me to be a supervisor for the Chunin Exam. In all these years I have been a Jonin in this village they never asked me once"
"I know but they want you now. There have been strange activities near the boulder and they want stronger Jonin to supervise the Exam so that they can prevent any incidents from happening." The woman explained and her daughter sighed. "I would rather go outside Konoha and check it out myself then waiting here for an attack to happen. What does Hiruzen even think? Wouldn't it be better to just send some Jonin to the boulder and to keep the ANBU here to watch?"
"The ANBU has more important things to do than to watch over little kids as they fight each other even though this generation does seem promising." Yukiko groaned and leaned back in her chair while nibbling on one of her mother's cookies. "I would rather be an ANBU... Their missions are far more exciting than boring B and A rank missions." "Why did you never ask to become one? Hiruzen would have been able to--"
"I asked Danzo personally around a thousand times. He always said that I wouldn't be cold enough to become one" (Y/N) gaped at her. "You are one of the coldest people I know except when you are here with me." "Yes. I have no problem killing people and doing my missions without any problems. I think he still holds a grudge against me since father picked Hiruzen as the next Hokage and not him."
(Y/N) flinched a little and the nodded at her. "That may be possible... He is a strange man. But anyways... I think you are a great shinobi. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. So I heard that Asuma got assigned to a team?" At the mention of her beloved student the lady looked up. "Yes! I am so proud of him. Now he can train and advice them as good as I did."
The woman chuckled and smiled at her daughter. "Hopefully they won't learn that damn smoking habit from their sensei like he did." Yukiko rolled her eyes and sighed. "You can be happy I don't smoke anywhere near this house." - "Of course I am. Tobirama would haunt you if you did. He was strictly against smoking." The daughter laughed and leaned forward to rest her head on her arms. "Yeah I remember when whenever we went out and he saw someone smoke he would go up them and snatch the cigarette out of their mouths and destroy it."
(Y/N) laughed as well and finished her tea with one final sip. "I think you should get to know the team too. It will be nice for Asuma to see you again and seeing his students." Yukiko nodded and stood up. "You are right. I will search the training grounds. It was nice to see you again mother." She bowed and left the house after (Y/N) said her goodbye as well.
While walking through the village she looked around. It was just amazing what happened over the years. Konohagakure used to be such a small little village and now there were people and life everywhere. Vendors, restaurants and everything that one needs. She was truly proud to call herself the daughter of the second Hokage who played a huge part in building Konoha together with her uncle and Hiruzen.
Tobirama may not have been her biological father but he raised her when her 'real' father wasn't even near.
Yukiko was certain that Tobirama loved her like she was his real daughter and that he also loved her mother with all his heart. She was sure that he didn't just marry her so she could be registered as a Konohan Shinobi and they could live together without anyone getting weird thoughts. It was because he loved her. And it made the lady unbelievably mad that her mother didn't even accepted this love just a bit. They may have shared a bed but she never got a brother or sister. Nor did she ever hear her mother say 'I love you too' when Tobirama said it or comforted her until she fell asleep. And he let it all happen because her mother just wasn't able to accept that the man she 'loved' would never come back for her.
Yukiko clenched her hands into fists before shaking that thought out of her head. It wasn't the time to get angry about it . It has been a few decades since Tobirama died and she was still getting affected by it too much. She missed him a lot. She missed her uncle Hashirama as well. And Mito of course. Tsunade and Jiraya have been god knows where and Orochimaru left Konoha a long time ago too. She felt lonely.
"Oh? Is that you Yukiko?" A voice said and she turned around to meet eyes with Kurenai. "Oh hello Kurenai. I didn't see you" She chuckled and looked at the raven haired female. "How can I help you?" Kurenai smiled and tilted her head. "Ah with nothing. I just wanted to say hello to you. You looked a little lost so I thought mabye I can bring you back to the real life" Yukiko laughed a little and smiled at her.
"Thanks a lot Kurenai. I really needed to get thrown out of my thoughts"
{Several years before}
"I did what you wanted me to do. What now? I have better things to do than to let me get ordered around by my former teammate" The man grumbled as the orange haired woman just continued laughing.
"Ah Kazu-Chan~ You know I can easily knock you out and take you back to Taki so they can hurt you again hm? But I may love you a little too much to do so" She purrs and rubs her hand against his sweaty and toned chest.
"You know exactly what I think of you, Rayna."
Yey! First chapter done!
Anyways I hope you like it and also like the direction it may go?
Love you all♡
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