"I told you it wouldn't be a good night story..."
Yukiko nodded and wiped away her tears. "It just... sounds terrible. I never knew you had such a terrible childhood mother. Why do I need to wait fifty years for you to tell me about it?" (Y/N) sighed and looked up at the clear blue sky. "You never liked to hear something about your real father. So I assumed you didn't want to hear about my past too... He was the one who got me out of this hell, you know?"
Her daughter's green eyes snapped open and looked at her. "That isn't true! I am totally interested into knowing what happened now! I am just mad that you kept holding onto him this whole time even though Tobirama did everything he could to make you happy. I couldn't stand seeing my parents being so close but so far apart. My real father isn't my father figure. So I never cared. But I am still interested. If he is the one who saved you from this hell then he must be an amazing person. But why did he left you then?"
(Y/N) silently agreed to her daughter and brushed through her (h/c) hair. It grew longer over the time because she was too busy to trim it regularly. "I spent on working in this busy for seventeen years from that point on. Until he came around. He is not a good person at all. He was a traitor who got imprisoned after failing a mission. Even though Takigakure appointed him to that mission due to his strength, he wasn't able to fulfill it. The opponent he had to face was way too strong." Yukiko turned her head. "Who was it?" She asked and her mother chuckled. "Your uncle. Hashirama"
She stopped in her tracks with a blank face and looked at her mother. "That is so twisted already..." Yukiko laughed and went ahead next to her mother again. "It is! After being imprisoned for a few years he broke out of his cell and killed off the elders of Taki. With the sacred rolls in his hands he made his way to our mansion to get some money. You got your stinginess from him. Well I was taking a little walk around our big garden and met him for the first time."
"Were you scared? You probably knew who he was right?" (Y/N) shook her head. "No I didn't. My father used to always cut me off completely from civilisation. It was just like that fairytale I read to you so many times when you were younger! And..." she chuckled "My guardians were so scared of him they almost stripped their clothes to give them to him so he could leave. I wasn't afraid at all. I thought he was a paying customer my father picked up from somewhere."
"He wasn't. He just came here for money because he knew we were wealthy. He absolutely detested prostitution. Especially when a father does that to his daughter. Your father was a well-mannered man with high qualities and never lusted after women." Yukiko chuckled. "And then you came along. Probably" The lady laughed and nodded. "Yes! My father came after some time as well, since he was on a business meeting. As soon as he saw your father he offered him to work as my bodyguard and he will get a lot of money for it."
"He most likely took the offer right?" (Y/N) nodded. "He had no other option. My father threatened him with sending him back to jail immediately. After that he started working and he was disgusted to say the least. Not of me but of the surroundings we lived in. I was like a shared cigarette and even my father used my body regularly. Without my consent of course. I tried throwing myself down the balcony after seeing my mother in my dreams."
"You committed suicide? Did he catch you or something?" She shook her head. "No. I did land on the ground and they found me and treated me as quick as possible so I could survive without permanent damage. Thanks to that accident me and you father grew closer together. I wasn't able to 'work' anymore and he had to be by my side the whole time. He started reading a book I wrote about my mother. I always have it with me. I would love to give it to you so you can read it too" She smiled and ruffled through her daughters black hair.
"I would love to! What happened next?" Her mother sighed and touched her mouth. "My fiance came by. His name was Aito and he was a total idiot. He was ten years my senior and the first man to claim me after my father did when I was thirteen. Since then he would be depicted as my fiance so if my father died... He could marry me and continue the business." "What an asshole. I would RIP his face off and chop his dick off!"
"Your father did that. Well almost. After we became lovers and did the adult stuff you know... Aito one time came in ready to rape me again. Something inside your father snapped and he swung his dagger into Aito's sack... making him impotent. I was terrified by this scenery and suddenly got scared of him. I never liked violence and seeing him do that so easily with a smile on his face terrified me to an extend where I thought again if I really wanted to leave the mansion. I was afraid of the outside."
"It must have been traumatic... Did he apologise?" (Y/N) smiled at her daughter. "Of course he did. He immediately told me that the world wasn't like this. He tried his best to make me feel better and we started planning the way how I could escape with him. It was a complex plan since we needed money as well and my father's money was locked behind a seal that needed his blood."
"After many fights and me almost losing my live again we finally escaped from the mansion. Your father killed mine in a heated battle. It seemed like my father was a strong water user who learned specified jutsu. I was able to fight as well! I got taught during my father's absence by him and learned a few basics like throwing kunai and walking up trees and on water!"
Yukiko smiled and sighed. "I am so happy that you two managed to get out! It did sound pretty exciting and dangerous."
"Sadly it wasn't over after we escaped..."
"Kakuzu! Snap back man! We have a mission. Damn you got so old you freaking can't hear anymore when reading. Dug your own grave already" His white haired partner said angrily and the male sighed before standing up and putting on a shirt. "What kind of mission is it?"
"It is a mission in my home town. Yugakure. Some kind of business to stop. Something about someone spilling information about our organisation. We need to investigate as well. So it will be a long term one I think. Depending on how well you can figure this shit out."
"Can we sell the corpses in the bounty house or does he want them alive?"
"He doesn't care. If we squeeze everything out beforehand it will work out with gaining money from it. Old stingy geezer."
He mumbled and left.
"Yugakure it is..."
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