"I never forgot you. I always loved you, you know? I swore my loyalty for Konoha but I never broke mine for you" Her eyes locked with his again before he leaned down to kiss her after fifty years of being apart.
"I am glad you did... Because I did so as well"
Both of them still stared deeply into each others' eyes as if time stood still. "I missed you so much... How was I able to be apart from you for so long? Now that I see you it feels like I could never let you go..." She whispers softly and pressed her lips against his. Kakuzu immidiaetly answered the kiss gratefully and held her closer. Their lips still fit together perfectly as with time their kiss got more heated.
"I missed this" (Y/N) whispered and Kakuzu chuckled before nodding as well. "I never knew I could miss something that much as well... Where are you staying?" He then asked and the female smiled. "I stay in the renovated inn we stayed at all these years ago. It somehow survived all these years due to their grandchildren taking it over... I am happy about it. Whenever I travelled here the few times I could, I always stayed there. The springs are also beautiful. If you want too... We can go there together?"
Kakuzu grinned and agreed. "Of course. I am going to stay here for a while so whenever I have time and don't have to deal with business... I can come over or we can eat" He suggested and (Y/N) clapped her hands excitedly. "That would be wonderful! Maybe you can also meet Yukiko... She really loved Tobirama though, and only saw him as a father... She also doesn't know who you are... I only told her about us a few days ago... She never cared"
The male sighed as they intervened their fingers and he pulled his mask back up to walk on the streets to the inn. "I can understand that. It would have been strange to let her know about her real father that is a cold blooded murderer and traitor of a village she doesn't even live in. Not to forget I even tried to kill her uncle then. I would still like to see her once. I only heard from my companion about her and you"
"There was a white haired male that went up to us. Is it this one... Hidan or something?" Kakuzu scoffed and nodded. "Yes it is that dumb guy... I can't believe he did that. But well... I do need to deal with him somehow." He said and she chuckled while leaning against his arm. "We are almost there. I can't wait to relax in them again. I had so much sight seeing to do I didn't have time until now." She explained and the black haired male just smiled beneath his mask.
As soon as they entered the inn and greeted the receptionist she went up to their room to grab the bathrobes and towels. "You can have these. We have enough of them." She said and threw it over her arm before leaving the room again to the hot springs. "I am excited. They must have changed maybe a little. The last time I went here was three years ago since I was busy dealing with Konoha business... I was in the council. Can you believe it?" She grinned proudly and Kakuzu smiled while changing out of his clothes into the towel.
"I am proud of you. I am happy that you were able to let go of your past enough to stand so upright... It must have been difficult all these years" (Y/N) nodded while fixing her hair a little for the hot springs after putting on a towel as well. "Yes, the people never really accepted me fully... And they sometimes made fun of me in the council. They also couldn't believe I had one of the highest positions even if I was just married into Konoha. But I stepped down after all these years after Tsunade Senju took the place as the fifth Hokage"
The (h/c) coloured woman explained while she stepped inside the hot spring area and began to wash up her body together with Kakuzu. He began to wash his hair as he sat next to her and stared at her. "You still look as beautiful as you did before. You didn't age at all" The female turned to him and smirked while shampooing her hair as well. "I am can't really explain as well. I don't even know what age I would be now normally. I think maybe in my thirties? It is kind of tired but also excited to be somewhat immortal when it comes to aging." She chuckled and began to wash out the shampoo. "You didn't age as well... Must be because of the many hearts? Did they increase your life span and stopped your aging?" (Y/N) then asked and he nodded while washing up as well.
"Yes kind of" He chuckled and stood up after washing up completely to take her hand. "Let's go" The woman jumped up and nodded quickly while the went over to the bath. As soon as they stepped inside and sat down they both let out a soft sigh.
"Ah I missed this so much..." (Y/N) breathed out and leaned against Kakuzu who put and arm around her and pulled her close. "The last time I went to a hot spring was when we were together here all these years ago" He chuckled and she laughed a little as well. "I am so happy you are here with me now... maybe it is fate that we met again"
Kakuzu wasn't wearing his mask since they went into the bath and leaned over to kiss her lips. The female didn't waste any second to kiss him back and threw her arms behind his neck to kiss him deeply. He pulled her closer onto his lap and stroke her back.
"I love you, Kakuzu..." She whispered between their many kisses and went in for another one. "I love you too" He said back for the first time in such a long time before they kissed each other passionately again.
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