"What about you? Do you have a family?"
"I had one... But they got killed." He sighs and looked up to the sky again. "You wanted to know things about me. Let me tell you about my past."
She sits up straight and looks at him excited. The lady always wondered what kind of mysteries were behind that strong fassade of his. Mabye he wasn't that of a cruel person like everyone pictured him. Mabye something happened in his life that made him into exactly that kind of person he is right now and the female was determined to know.
"I grew up as an only child in a nice house in the weatlhy quarter. My parents were always very caring and my father raised me well. I still look up to him." He starts and she smiles. "What kind of things did he teach you?" The lady asks as he stared into the sky.
"He taught me how to fight, be respectful and how to treat women right. He was always disgusted when he saw how some men treated women and often gave them shelter so they don't have to stay out in the cold and have to do such a dirty job to earn their dinner." Kakuzu's heart ached a bit thinking back at how his father and mother always helped these poor women and now he was in this mansion helping a man with selling his own daughter.
The woman went silent for a while before looking up at him. "Your father was truly amazing..." "He was... And I think he would be very sad at how I turned out now..." (Y/N) quickly shook her head. "I am sure he wouldn't be" Kakuzu scoffs and just continues talking.
"I soon got promoted to Jonin at a young age and was one of the elite ninjas of Takigakure. My parents were very proud and I fullfilled many missions."
He stops for a second and sighs. "One day the elders of Takigakure gave me the mission to assasinate the first Hokage. Hashirama Senju." The lady gasps a little. "I heard he is unbelievably strong!" Kakuzu just nods. "He is. And after a very long and hard fight I lost. When I retreated and came back to the village the people plagarized me as a traitor. I then had to go to jail. I was... Twenty-six at that time and I broke out of jail a few days ago. I was still on my way to flee when I came across this mansion."
The ladies eyes widen and she gasps. "You broke out by yourself? How did you do that?" "I killed the guard that kept the key and sneaked around the other guards or killed them. I then killed off all the elders and took their hearts and scrolls." The female's eyebrows furrowed "T-Their hearts? What did you do with them"
Kakuzu chuckles. "You really don't know anything at all, do you? I kept them. I have five hearts. They are kept as masks on my back."
She nods and wonders if she could ever see them. This man gets more mysterious with every little thing he tells her.
"Well... When I broke out of jail I wanted to visit my parents. Turned out the got killed after I failed my mission. They didn't even get buried and were still on the same spots they got killed at. So I buried them myself and set the house on fire before coming here." The lady sighs and pouts a little.
"I-I am so sorry Kakuzu... That must be terrible..." There were slight tears in her eyes as she looks at the male next to her. "It is alright... I can't change the fact that they got killed. But it hurts me to know that they died because of my failure..." And suddenly something came over the female. She didn't knew what it was... If it were the small tears in the corner of the male's eyes or just the fact that he lost his family in the same way she lost her mother but she just leaned over to hug him as good as she could.
The woman tried to ignore the little pain in her arm and closes her eyes. Kakuzu stood still and looked down at the lady. At first he didn't know how to react and then just patted her back. "Are you hurt? If yes then I advice you to stop it for your own well being..." He whispers softly into her (h/c) hair and she nods before scooting away.
"It hurt a little in my arm... But I just felt like you... And mabye I... Just needed a hug." She blushed and tried to hide her face a little and Kakuzu smiles a little under his mask.
"It was comforting. Thank you." He then looks up at the sky. "It is starting. Look" The lady stares up and smiles as thousand of colorful sparks lit up the sky. The lights reflected themselves in her (e/c) eyes as the followed the different kind of patterns.
"Wow... It is beautiful..." She says in awe and leans her head against Kakuzu's shoulder as (Y/N) gazes at the fireworks.
Kakuzu slightly moved once again as he felt her head against his shoulder. He wasn't used to this kind of touch and he didn't knew how to act. The male thought it would be the right idea to just let her stay like this. "Yeah. They truly are."
As time passed the lights slowly went out and the two were left in total darkness once again. Kakuzu wanted to move but just heard steady breathing next to him. The female had fallen asleep during the firework and was still laying on his shoulder. He gently moved away and picked her up to carry her into her bedroom.
Kakuzu put her down on her bed gently before covering her with the big sheets. He then went next to her bed where his matress was spread out and sighs.
"I hope you enjoyed the firework. I hope you can see one soon. But not from the rooftop."
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