Chp 11
Manik after warming the food sat on the dining table and started eating his dinner....he was in mid when he observed nandini's absence.....he waited for her for another 2 3 minutes bcz it was their usual routine.....although they weren't talking but still nandini used to accompany him in dinner and that day nandini wasn't there...he felt strange and decided to check on her....he ate his food quickly and proceeded towards her room.....he twisted the knob of door and entered the room but found her bed empty...he checked her bathroom but she wasn't there too...his worries were increasing by the passing moment.....he shouted her name but in return he heard nothing else but a faint helpless cry.....he rushed towards the source....his heart beating fast and as soon as he reached there he saw her on floor....face smudged with tears and she was supporting her right hand with her left hand......manik immediately sat besides her in order to check her.....he touched her elbow but she immediately pulled it back.....nearby her was a stool lying inverted and he immediately came to conclusion that she slipped from it.....he forwarded his hand for her.....she took it whimpering a little but as soon as she tried to get up....she felt sharp pain in her thigh and she bit her lip to control herself from shrieking......she left his hand and sat on the same position shooking her head in hurted manik to see her like this......he took her in his arms and proceeded towards the bed....he placed her on bed ever gently and sat on floor to examine her soon as he touched her thigh she pushed his hand saying
N: it's hurting
Ma: why didn't u call me.... kab hua ye sab......
N: about 10 minutes back.....And we were not talking so......(her face was depicting the pain she was facing)
Ma: can u plzz stop acting dumb sometimes..... (he shouted, his face was depicting the anger)..... we were not talking...damn...(he quoted her words)..u fell 10 minutes back and there was no one else than me in this house but u didn't tell me bcz we r not on talking terms.......u r not able to move on ur own but that's okay....what matters is that I shouldn't be bothered about anything ( the intensity of pain and manik's scolding brought tears in her eyes but she turned her head away from manik so that he couldn't guess it.......while on the other hand manik was busy in talking to a doctor telling him about nandini's condition.....he turned his head towards nandini and found her blinking her eyes continuously to avoid tears from spilling out........he sighed and mentally scolded himself for shouting at her in that state too.... )
After cutting the call he went towards her taking baby steps......he sat in front of her and said
Ma: zayda dard horha hai (softly To which she nodded while biting her lip to control her cries)
Ma: doctor is cming 5 minutes only (he said patting her cheek while caressing her hair to calm her down)
After few minutes doctor and started examining nandini......
Dr: how it happened
Ma: she fell from stool Dr
Dr: ohhh that's why.......(he turned his head towards manik and said) Mr malhotra she needs complete bed rest....she broke her arm and due to over extension of her leg it resulted in ligament tear (both tensed listening to doctors words and doctor sensed it so he continued) it's nothing to worry just make sure that she takes proper rest otherwise it can worsen the situation (manik nodded listening to him and making notes of everything in his mind......he then accompanied Dr till door and then returned back to her room....he tucked two pillows under nandini's fractured arm to give it a support.......nandini smiled at his cute gesture....
He disappeared again making nandini confused of his acts....she was sitting idly staring at the wall yawning.....her stomach was growling as she was hungry but she couldn't get the food on her own and manik was nowhere to be seen.........she closed her eyes and after few minutes she heard clicking sound of door and the door flung open revealing manik holding a tray.....he placed the tray on bed and then took seat besides nandini couldn't move her hand so he started feeding her gently......
N: manik r u still angry at me (she asked innocently)..... manik stared at her for a minute but said nothing and started making a morsel for her but she placed her left over his right hand and said
N: m sorry manik....I didnt mean to hurt u.......u know how big fool I m....but plzzz forgive me....m very ashamed of my act........
Manik looked at her and found her guilty...he decided not to stress her more so he smiled and said
Ma : achaw ye lo khana to khayo....
N: tm naraz nhi hona
Manik simply nodded but nandini smiled to her fullest pinching his cheek saying thnku and manik's teeth were on display bcz of the scene that happened
After dinner manik took her to washroom so that she could freshenup....nandini was back to her bed when she said
N: manik ab tm jake sojao.....m fine
Ma: I will sleep here(nandini raised her eyebrow at him and he continued )..... hmmmm on sofa..... i will sleep there (pointing at sofa)..... But what were u thinking that I will sleep there with u on the same bed (and nandini's face turned red due to embarrassment)
N: no it's not like that.....
Ma: well if u want i can sleep here (leaning close to her whispering in her ear and nandini just stared at him with nervous face not knowing how to answer......manik laughed loudly seeing her like that...btw they slept not before nandini promising manik for the thousand time that she would wake him up if their would be any problem)
It was midnight but nandini's sleep.broke due to the sharp.pain she was feeling specially in her lower limb.....she let out a few heavy breaths to control herself......she looked at surrounding frustatedly and cursed the moment she decided to stand on stool...she looked at manik to wake him up but as soon as she witnessed him sleeping like a cute baby she rejected the idea of disturbing his sleep and rather tried to sleep again but the effort proved was about half an hour and she was lying on bed in same position hoping that pain would end soon but it was increasing by the time so she decided to finally wake him up......
N: manik..... (no respone) manik.....manik ( a bit louder but again no response...he didn't even stirred)
N: mannnikkkkkkk ( throwing cushion at him....then another) manik woke up bcz of attack and said rubbing his eyes
Ma: kia hai ( yawning)
N: it's hurting (pained expressions)
Ma: to mein kia karo.....sone do yaar ( he threw his head back to its place while hugging the pillow)
N: ye dekho phle keh rha tha utha Dena now he is not getting up ..... manikkkkkkkk (more like a shout which caused manik to wake up with a jerk..... he was fully awake after realising the sensitivity of issue.......he moved towards her to investigate more about pain )
Then he called doctor ....after formal hi hello manik said
Ma: Dr nandini is facing extreme pain in her leg......she is unable to sleep
Dr: it's normal Mr malhotra
Ma: ummmmmm yeah we know but for now what to do........
Dr: if it is so just give her some painkiller and ask her to not move her leg that much
Manik cut the call and went towards the kitchen to bring tablet and water for his way he remembered that daadi used to give him haldi wala doodh so he decided to make it for nandini too....he came back with tablets and glass of milk and nandini made a yuck face seeing milk....she was about to deny when manik said
Ma: dare u say no to it...... I swear I will start crying now(and nandini laughed at the over dramatic fellow.... after taking medicine nandini closed her eyes while manik kept patting her head to make her sleep)
Next morning
Manik woke up early in morning and found her sleeping peacefully....he exited the room quietly careful enough to not break her sleep.......he went towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast......he started making bread omelette, pancakes meanwhile he prepared fresh juices...after preparing everything he came back to room and then woke her up and helped her in freshening up........they were sitting on bed and manik was feeding her and they were talking about random things
Ma: did u sleep well??
N: yeah (he brought another morsel near her mouth while saying ohhh that's gud )
N: manik tysm....u r doing so much for me......
Ma: kuch nhi hota partner.....jab mein bemaar (sick) hua to u have to do the same
N: bhagwaan n.a. kare tmhe kuch ho
After finishing the breakfast he wiped her mouth with napkin despite her constant insisting that she could do it......he was actually treating her like a princess.......
Their maid had arrived but still manik wasn't ready to leave nandini in that state for his office.....he had planned to take a leave......they were talking...manik was lying beside her and teasing her making her giggle when he received a call from office asking that he need to be there bcz their was some urgent work......manik denied but nandini insisted him to go and he having n0 other option decided to go.......after getting ready for office he came back to her room with a basket of fruits and a glass of milk......he made her drink that milk and eat some fruit in his presence while giving her loads of advices........he then placed everything that she would need on her bed i.e cell phone, tv remote, magazines, laptop, biscuits etc and also handed her a bell so that she could call maid by ringing it instead of shouting on the top of her voice............nandini went all aww on that last he went away patting her cheek lovingly
N (self thought) : (while looking at the door from where he just exited) ohhhh nandini u were going to say NO to this I luv u so much that u forced me to marry him..he respects me 😍😍😍...he cares for me like no one else.....awwww he is so cute (and the moments of him caring for her flashed in her mind making her smile like a fool)
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