Your pov:
I open the door to my house. (Favorite fragrance.) engulfs me into a hug and pulls me inside. I sigh in relief as i take off my heels and flop onto the couch. I lazily flopped my hand on the coffee table to get the remote. I turned the tv on and flip through channels til i find something interesting. I watch friday the 13th. Soon my eyelids felt heavy so i got up turned off the tv and get ready for bed. I throw on my spaghetti strap crop top the shows off my belly button. Afterwards i mark today's date off the calender near my bed. Then i finally go to sleep
I wake up in a dark room tied up to a chair. A flickering light dangling from the ceiling swinging back and forth.
I look in front of me to see the silhouette of a man standing in the shadows.
"Who are you?" i asked.
The mystery man chuckles with a deep voice. "Im your worst nightmare." he growls.
"Please let me go." i plead.
"Why leave so soon you just got here?" he chuckled.
He steps out of the shadows to reveal his skin pale as snow,eyes black as the night with pupils red as blood. Wearing a red flannel. Black skinny jeans and converse. With a knife in his hand.
"No,please dont. Please." i beg he chuckled evily and put the knife to my throat.
"No please stop please just let me go." i cry.
He chuckles once more."good night (y/n)." he said in a sing song voice.
I screamed as he slit my throat.
I shot up panting in a cold sweat.
"Just a nightmare." i tell myself.
I wipe the sweat off my forehead. When i look up i see a man like figure standing at tye edge of my be.
I turn on my bedside lamp to see
The guy from my nightmare.
"No! No way youre not real." i said shaking my head in denial.
He chuckles. "Oh (y/n) im just as real as you are." he climbs on the bed i scoot off the bed and fall onto the floor and back myseld up into a corner. He towers over me.
"Please dont kill me." i plead."im so close to getting my promotion." i cry.
He chuckles.
I scream.
Then i laugh i laugh so hard my sides hurt and i get teary eyed.
"Oh god i havent had a good laugh in a while did richie set you up to this?" i asked getting up.
"What? Arent you scared?" he asked confused
"Why would i be scared of my own kind?" i say
He looked at me with a great bit of confusion.
"You cant tell?" i asked.
"Tell what?" he asked.
I sigh and flash my black eyes at him and let my black wings out. Then give him a toothy grin to show off my fangs.
"How did i not know?! Ive done my research ive been watching you for three months i know your every move!"
I laugh."You didnt study hard enough. now learn from a pro. Whats your name?" i asked circling him.
"Ugh youre one of those demons." i say exasperated.
"What do you mean by that?!" he asked offended.
"Youre just one of many counterparts correct?"
"Yes howd you know?"
"Your name says it all whoever youre creators name is youre his dark side. He is in his late 20's early 30's around age 26?" i guess.
He stares at me with shock
"Precisely 26 years old Korean and german heritage. Whats his name?" i asked.
"Why should i tell you?!"
"Fine dont play the hard way this'll be fun." i say i stop and stare at him dead in the eyes. "Hes a youtuber of course only youtubers develope counterparts and im guessing his name is in his youtube channel... His first name starts with a J? S? C? R? L? N? M?" i guess and his pupils grow bigger.
"Bingo M it is. Mitchell, Michael? Mando, Mandy, Miles." he wasnt fazed. "I was close with Ma. Mandy? Marco? Mark?"
he flinches.
I look him and darkiplier up.
"Darkiplier is the dark character created by one mark edward fischbach better know to the internet as Markiplier... no shit" i say as a smart remark." Darkiplier's powers include shadow travel,flight, telepathy, telekinesis, and astral travel aka dream hopping."
"So dark.." i take his knife grab him by the collar and push him up against the wall.
"I used to be one of hells best. Ive trained with the knights of hell. Ive befriended Kaine and the 7 deadly sins. Im pretty sure lucifer wants me back under his belt and there most likely a bounty on my head so listen and listen very closely you are gonna leave and if you so much as mutter my name under your breath or even as much think of telling someone i will hunt you down i will find you..and i will....kill you." i say.
"Threats dont move me however make a deal with me and i bet youll find me most cooperative."
"What do i have that you could possibly want from me?"
"A proper home a place to sleep and you most definitely have to teach me how to do that search thing." he says.
"The search thing?"
"Yes the search thing."
I let him go."you must be off your fuckin rocker." i walk away
"Id like my knife back!" he called.
"Too bad then? I like it so im gonna keep it thank you very much. Now do you want to sleep or not?" i asked.
He follows me to the guest room.
"This is your room for now dont get too comfortable." i look for him behind me. "Dark?"
"Dont worry i will." he was already on the bed legs crossed and his hands behind his head.
I roll my eyes."training begins tomorrow at 6." i tell him.
"In the afternoon?"
"No in the morning."
"Why so early?" he whined.
"Because unlike you i like living in a nice house. Unlike you i like lights, water, cable and high speed internet so i got something called a job."
"Youre a demon you can make money appear at your finger tips you dont need a job."
"I know but its part of being human."
"Part of being human?!" he laughed."maybe you had your powers taken from you and you just dont wanna admit it." he teased.
I rolled my eyes and threw a fireball at him. His shirt caught fire.
"Holy shit put it out!!!" he screamed.
I snapped my fingers and the fire went out.
"You were saying?" i asked innocently cocking my head to the side like a puppy.
He stayed silent.
." That's what I thought see you tomorrow morning."
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