F O U R: A Day Out
(I'm so sorry for the inactivity lately! School and stuff has been getting to me and a lot of stress as well. So here's another chapter for Valentine's Day!)
You crawled out of your hiding spot, trying to take in everything that just happened. Then you heard someone from the second floor.
"Psst. Hey. You wanna go to Grillby's?" You looked up. It was Sans.
You nodded and Sans walked down the stairs. He opened up the door. "Okay, I'll show you the way."
You followed Sans. You walked out into the snow. You shivered a bit. Thankfully, Grillby's was close to the skeletons' house. Sans opened the door. It was a warm restaurant with plenty of monsters, some creepy and some cute, and one even made out of fire. "Well, here we are." Sans walked into Grillby's. You soon followed. You sat down at the bar next to Sans.
"Well, what are you thinking of getting?" Sans said. You looked at him and noticed little white hearts in his eyes where his pupils should be. "Aww, there are little hearts in your eyes!" You said, smiling a little. Sans' eyes reverted back to normal and he blushed. "Oh, really?" He said, trying to forget that ever happened. You looked at the menu and decided to get a burger.
The fire monster walked over to the two of you and he was silent for a while. "Go ahead, order." Sans whispered. "He doesn't talk that much." You ordered your food, and Sans ordered the same thing. You fiddled with your thumbs for a little bit and looked over at Sans. He rested his hand on his cheekbone, staring off into space.
Your food came and Sans was still spacing out. Grillby set the food down and Sans jolted a little. "Oh, thanks Grillby!" The skeleton looked over at you again and asked, "You want some ketchup?" You shook your head and Sans shrugged and chugged down the ketchup. You stared at him for a moment, noticing he had a bit of Ketchup under his teeth. "Oh, Sans, you have some ketchup on your chin." Sans' eyes widened. He licked the ketchup up with a blue tongue, and you watched in shock for a minute.
"Sans, you have a tongue? You never opened your mouth before." You were still a little surprised. "Yeah. It's made out of magic. My non-skeletal parts are. I conjure a stomach to eat, but when my magic disappears, well, the food does too." It was a little much to wrap your head around, so you just ate your food.
Once you were done, Sans got out of his seat. "Just put it on my tab, Grillby." He said as he walked out, and you followed.
"Well, that was fun." You said. You kept the slight awkwardness to yourself. The two of you walked back home. The shops were closing and it was getting dark, even for the underground.
You entered Sans' house and Sans said. "We'll need to find a place for you to stay. Maybe you can sleep on the couch for now if you're okay with it. I can find a blanket." You were already pretty tired, so you nodded in agreement. You laid on the couch and Sans brought you a blanket. He tucked you in like your parents would. "Goodnight!" He said, walking up the stairs and turning the lights off.
This felt so much like home.
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