Where did the clans come from?
Suggestion by xXspotted-eyeXx. I thought this'd be perfect considering I haven't read dawn of the clans
The kit looked up at the God with curiousity
in its eyes. Abandoningkit supposed that it must've run away from camp to ask the almighty God about the meaning of life or something.
But as soon as it asked it's question, Abandoningkit had accepted his doom.
"Where did the clans come from?"
Abandoningkit let out a gulp, which seemed to make his belly tremble.
"Well, you see, some cats went 'Hey we're besties' and joined clans together and stuff"
The kit mewed, "But where did cats come from?"
"You listen here, kit. You are not worthy to speak to the God of StarClan"
"Then where is the deputy God?"
"Deputy God?"
The chonky cat appeared in front of the kit, smiling. "How can I help you, my child?"
"This mean kitty won't tell me how the clans were made!"
The chonky cat turned to see where the kit was pointing. As soon as they made eye contact, a smirk crossed his face. He pulled out a pocket watch out of nowhere and swung it in front of him. "Tick tock" came his whisper, before he turned to the kit once again. "Well, my child, it started with a few words: 'Unite or die' and then-"
Abandoningkit grabbed the chonky cat by his scruff and flung him to Uranus. "Have fun up there!" He called.
"Listen kit, I'll explain where the clans really came from. You see, StarClan first consisted of Twolegs, but then they were all sent down here to begin the clans. They had mighty lions cough on them so they became preggers and gave birth to cats. Then all the cats from the same lion-twoleg parents became a clan. Each Twoleg was named something different, like thunder or shadow or river. And then, that's where the names came from" Abandoningkit grinned to himself as he finished.
"Are you telling me my mum and dad are littermates-"
"OK BAI" Abandoningkit rolled away
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