1. 8:00 AM, Thursday, May 29, 1980
So I kind of disregard Endgame's time travel logic and came up with my own version that I'm not entirely sure how it works either. Also I chose the date for a reason. Expect many 'Easter eggs' in these next few chapters. Anyway. Enjoy! :)
Thor opens his eyes wearily. Something feels different. Something in the air...it doesn't feel right. He sits up. This room isn't the same one he fell asleep in. Bruce isn't here. It also looks slightly older fashioned, too. Tony would never allow a room like this in the Compound. And there's no sign that Bruce was even here. It also doesn't look like the same building that he fell asleep in.
There are so many things triggering red flags in Thor's mind right now.
You're a man out of time, a strange voice hisses in his head.
That's another red flag.
This is the same voice he heard briefly yesterday but ignored. He searches through the drawers of the dresser next to his bed and thankfully finds his Midgardian clothes, quickly gets dressed, and finds a way outside after briefly navigating this foreign house.
What he finds is not what he is expecting.
The city, it looks...different. He turns around from the house he just came out of and it is definitely not the Compound.
There's got to be something or someone to tell me where the heck I am, Thor thinks.
Now that he's had experience waking up in a completely new place, he reacts calmer. More likely to blend in, not make a scene. Nothing like what happened when he landed on Earth in 2011. Of course, the circumstances for that case were entirely different. Come to think of it, what would have been considered a normal circumstance?
He sees a man walk by with a newspaper in his hand. He decides to go for it.
"Excuse me, good sir," Thor approaches him.
The man lowers the newspaper so he's looking at Thor. Thor is so sure he has seen him before.
"Have we met before?" Thor blurts out.
The man raises an eyebrow. "You know, there may be many other dark faces that look like mine, but that doesn't mean a face you saw was mine."
"Of course," Thor amends quickly. "I'm sorry, it's just..."
That voice. He knows it.
He just never saw this man with two eyes and hair before.
"Fury!" Thor exclaims.
Nick Fury raises his eyebrows, his gaze a little less cold than a few seconds ago. "Maybe we have met before. Still have a reason for talking to me?"
"Er, I was wondering if I could look at that quickly?" Thor asks.
Fury looks him up and down, like there's something behind Thor's simple request.
"Sure, but nothing too interesting is in it." He hands the newspaper to Thor.
"Thank you," Thor acknowledges, and scans the page. He couldn't care less about the actual content, he just wants to see the date.
At the top of the page, he finds it.
Thursday, May 29, 1980.
So he is a man out of time.
But just how did he get here?
"Anything interesting?" Fury prompts.
"No," Thor says. "I'm just not from around here. Er, thanks." He hands the paper back to Fury and continues walking down the street.
1980, Thor muses. Time is strange.
You have a purpose here, the voice says.
Oh, go away! Thor snaps at the voice silently.
Just one day, the voice continues. Find what you have to do here. Then, at least for a moment, it goes away.
"Good riddance," Thor mutters. He looks around. "Do something here...I have no idea what happened in 1980."
Unsure what to do, he continues walking, hoping that he'll find something.
As he's distracted, he hears a man shout at a child to watch where he's going as he bumps into Thor.
"Oops!" the kid exclaims. "Sorry!"
"It's okay," Thor assures him. As he gets a look at this child's brown hair, brown doe eyes shining, how he holds himself, how he's still moving, he reminds him of...
"Tony!" The man who the child was with catches up to them. "You need to watch where you're going!"
This is indeed young Tony Stark.
Thor wants to exclaim something aloud but it wouldn't be right for young ears.
And here I am, refraining from cursing in front of Tony Stark of all people.
"Sorry, Jarvis," Tony says, scuffing his shoe. He still looks like he has somewhere to be.
Jarvis is what Stark calls his A.I., Thor remembers, further confirming his idea that he's conversing with a younger version of Tony. But just how young is he?
"My apologies," the man, Jarvis, tells Thor.
"It is quite alright," Thor assures him. He turns to Tony. "Now, where are you going in such a hurry?"
"Today's my birthday!" he exclaims with pride.
"Well, happy birthday!" Thor congratulates him. Tony beams. "How old are you today?"
"Ten," Tony answers. He looks really excited. "Jarvis is letting me skip school so I can see Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back!"
So this love of Star Wars dates back before the 21st century. Really shouldn't be surprising.
Thor smiles. "Ah, yes! That sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy your day, young Tony!"
Tony nods vigorously. "Come on, Jarvis! We're gonna be late!"
"Farewell," Thor nods to Jarvis.
"Thank you for understanding," Jarvis says, before he runs after Tony.
Thor smiles. Maybe this is what he's supposed to do? He still has a lot of the day left. He turns away from Tony and Jarvis and carries on going about ... whatever he's supposed to do.
His stomach rumbles. I should probably find some place to eat.
He looks for some quick restaurant that he can duck into. But first, he checks his pockets, hoping to find some money. Normally, he doesn't deal in Midgardian money, leaving that to people like Tony and Bruce; but he'd rather starve from not having money to buy food here than steal money and/or food. Fortunately, he does have a few dollar bills in his pocket. He just hopes he figures out how to use it, and that's enough for the day.
He manages to swing by a small diner called La Petite Boulangerie to stop for a quick meal. Satisfied afterwards, he continues walking around. By now it's more or less 9:00 a.m.
He hasn't ridden a subway before. He figures that one ride to see the city and see if it gives him any ideas of what he's doing here won't hurt.
Hii! So that's that! I did my research; May 29 1980 was a Thursday, Episode V of Star Wars came out May 21st 1980 in the U.S., La Petite Boulangerie was in fact a little café that existed in New York in the year 1980, I feel bad about not citing sources but Google was my source through quick searches and articles. Thanks internet! Tony Stark was born May 29 1970, so yes, he turns ten, that was the whole purpose of it being this specific date, I mean I knew it was going to be 1980 because that was one those Facts my Author Brain decided about this Story, I love Jarvis so he was a part of the story, what's a story without Nick Fury, I hope I wrote him right, I know this makes little sense but bear/bare (I FORGET THE CORRECT BEAR/BARE) (hey, at least I'm being honest about the bear/bare thing and not hoping for the 50/50 chance of getting it right and not looking like I don't know how to spell (but someone please enlighten me on how it is spelled)) with me it gets better and worth it! Tell me what you guys think so far! I think I'm going to post this in a few minutes. I wanna proofread first. Except it will probably turn into a bunch of proofreading rounds. If you see any grammatical/spelling/other errors, tell me, please. The next chapter is coming up soon. Like later today soon. At a reasonable hour.
Please. No homophobia, profanites, hate, etc. in the comment section.
~ Your Author (who second guesses themself way too much and should probably be sleeping right now and really enjoyed watching WandaVision)
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