Chapter sixteen: The world at a standstill
Lions are travelers. I'm not built for long distance travel, only short distance speed. My brother used to refer to me as a cheetah. That was before we were separated and that eventually lead to his death. I've noticed I've been really negative over the years and so I'm hoping to change that. I have a second chance, a fresh start and I'm going to make the most of it!
"Keep up, Shadowclaw!" The lioness said for perhaps the hundredth time. Ugh, my paws hurt, old injuries were playing up and my muscles ache! Shut up, be positive!
She then picked me up by the scruff of the neck. I wriggled and squirmed, no one had don't this to me for ages! The lion cubs laughed at me for a split second before I silenced them with a warning stare. My tail flicked with irritation as I was carried across the land like a tiny kit.
We settled down in some shade under an Acacia tree since the heat of the dry season started to fry our pelts. It was getting late and we were all pretty tired, so we let sleep take over.
I woke to the sound of thunder. Dangerously close lightning and the smell of smoke filled my nostrils. Light flashed between the branches of the tree as it burst into flames. The world seemed to slow down almost to a standstill. The tree crumbled and fell, pinning the nicer of the cubs to the ground as dark ash clouded my vision.
"HEL-" I heard the small cub cry just before something hit the back of my head, forcing me to the floor. I can hardly hear or see now. The smoke stung my eyes and all that could be heard were screams. I lay on my side wishing for this all to be a dream alas, it's not. Not even my vivid imagination could have conceived this horror!
"Please... help..." I heard the cub beside me plea as the others ran in the opposite direction. Courage of a lion my but! "...Please..." The voice grew weaker.
The scorching flames singed my fur and burned my skin, yet that didn't stop me from making one final effort to break free. I have a knack for cheating death. A puny mewl could be made out from under the charred tree as I searched for my friend.
I dragged the little scrap of fur from the remains of the tree and watched as the cubs breathing became more and more ragged.
"S-stay with me, buddy!" My amber eyes glistened with sorrow. The poor cub coughed and stuttered;
"Leave... me,... it-it's not... safe... here..."
"I'm not leaving you, and you know I won't." I lick soothingly.
"You... you are as stubborn as... you are... legendary..." the cub grunted before going into a series of spasms and finally going limp. There was no life, no character left in those wide eyes.
"Goodbye." I whisper.
FORGET BEING POSITIVE, THIS IS WHO I AM! The burning anger and everlasting fury had returned.
Author's note: when Shadowclaw says 'years', what is meant by this is leopard years.
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