Chapter seventeen: Arena days
I sat there the entire night watching the tree burn to dust and waiting for the approaching sunrise. Flies has started to gather on the cubs lifeless body which was admittedly a little gross. Time to move on. Just like all those many times before.
The milky strands of colour danced across the darkened sky as day consumed the night. Following the light, I took a deep breath and set paw on another journey. Who knows where I'll end up? I could become anything from a glorious warrior to some beaten-up skin in front of a bounty hunter's fireplace.
I followed the light and whatever looked promising for hours. My joints ached to the point of giving in from time to time. Moral was low and I was hungry to say the least.
"Hey, runt!" A cheetah emerged from the tall grass. "Mind getting outta my territory?" I snapped back saying;
"I can do whatever the hell I want!" The cheetah stifled a laugh as I looked up at him defiantly with the sun glowing behind him and obscuring my view. With a small sneer, I averted my eyes from his disdainful gaze. I stayed put.
The cheetah gave me a second warning before lashing out narrowly missing my eyes, but my reactions are quick enough to not even be scratched. Raising his paw again for another attack, I racked my claws down just below his shoulder. The satisfying sound of unsheathed claws meeting flesh and finally bone. Letting out a yowl of discomfort, he let me pass. Wimp.
Cheetahs are incredibly tall, especially in comparison to me! Yet this guy can't even stand up to a cub. Pitiful.
My stomach growled as I struggled to remember the last time I ate. Prey here is plentiful, I may even keep the cheetah's territory for myself. I simply gave the word that I'd be staying here and since there was more than enough prey he can stay too.
"Just be warned, when resources dwindle, you are on the defensive." The cheetah flinched at my words, but was thankful all the same. Of course he wasn't happy sharing.
Come to think of it... I've been independent for so long... it shouldn't be long till mother would send me off on my own anyway. I'm pretty much old enough now. Oh, what does it matter? Hey look, lunch!
I often stroll aimlessly through my newly acquired home just to stretch my legs and explore. It's amazing how easily I get bored, I'm not fighting for my life everyday in the arena with every moment on my toes and poised to strike. I almost want to go back... no, don't think like that! Still... thinking about my age; no one wants to grow old and in the arena, you'd probably die an honourable death before your age gets the better of you. Heck, I do want to go back! Ugh, I'm at war with my own thoughts!
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