Wolves and Sheep 99 (TRIGGER)
// Blood and gore!!! If you have a weak stomach do not read! Stay safe! //
O'Riley: "Victor, are you sure Red wants you working here as well?"
Victor smiles a bit.
Victor: "Red does not control me. Neither will you."
O'Riley and Victor stare each other down, and the tension is enough for Crip to speak up.
Crip: "Victor is going where I go..but he won't be a problem!"
O'Rileys eyes drift slowly to Crip, and that alone makes Victors blood boil.
O'Riley: "Why are you sticking around here? Any smart person would've left for good."
Crip looks away, feeling embarrassed.
Crip: "I guess I'm stupid then...This gang is my home..if I didn't come here, my life would be so empty and so boring."
O'Riley tilts his head a bit, but doesn't comment on his answer.
Victor peers down at Crip, an almost sad look in his eyes.
O'Riley: "Okay. Then, if you two are going to be in this gang, I'll place you together at all times on any heists. No separation. If the others get out of line, Victor here will take care of that."
Crip looks back to O'Riley, a bit surprised. What he's saying...he's accepting this? Accepting Victor and accepting the fact that Crip won't be the gangs toy anymore?
Victor nods, and gentle pulls Crip out of the office. Truth is, O'Riley still got under his skin..if Victor had his way, O'Riley would've died a slow and agonizing death. He loved Crip though, so he had to stomach the idea of working under O'Rileys orders.
Crip: "Victor, are you okay?"
Victor doesn't speak, instead he pulls Crip all the way to the back exit of the hideout, and once the door closes behind them, he pushes Crip against the hideouts wall.
Crip lets out a soft gasp, peering up at Victor.
Was he angry?
Victor: "I know you love these people..." he whispers, "but I don't, and if they cross me I will hurt them. Don't get involved if I have to put someone in their place."
He's whispering but his words are absolutely threatening. What would Victor do if he tried to stop him? Crip thinks to himself.
Victor leans down, kissing him softly, before letting him go, and continuing to walk.
Crip quickly follows behind.
Crip: "Where are we going now?"
Victor: "I have something to take care of..but I'll walk you home first. Just lock your door and you'll be safe until I get back."
Something to take care of?
Crip: "Why can't I go with you?"
Victor stops for a moment, planting his boots firmly on the concrete.
Victor: "If you really wanna come, you can, but you'll have to stay in the car."
Crip: "W-why?"
Victor: "For your safety."
Crip frowns, but in the end, he did end up going with Victor.
They drive, until they're outside this large building. It's tall, bricks on the outside, with men in suits standing guard at all entrances.
Is this...the mafias hideout?
Crip wants to ask, but he doesn't want to seem too curious. There was something Victor didn't want him to know...he just doesn't know what.
Victor parks the car, and turns to Crip.
Victor: "Stay here."
Then Victor gets out, and walks towards a guarded door. The guards look happy to see Victor, and one even gets the door for him.
Victors the boss of the mafia, so these men work for him. He seems highly respected, unlike the reapers, who treat O'Riley like he's just another average man.
After a minute or two, one of the guards tilt their head, looking right at the car. They couldn't see in the windows, the tint was too dark but..they're probably wondering why Victor would leave his car running.
Suddenly one starts walking over, and Crip can feel his heartbeat quickening. What's he doing? Why's he coming over here? Should I lock the door? Crip thinks to himself all at once.
He wants to lock the doors but, that might just make the guard break in.
Shit...Crip braces, staring worriedly as the drivers side door opens. The guards eyes widen a bit, and it's obvious, he's just as surprised.
Guard: "Who are you? Why're you in the bosses car?"
Crip hesitates, unable to form actual words.
Then, out of no where, the guard starts grinning.
Guard: "You must be the reason the boss ain't been around. Never known the boss to have a lover."
Crip somehow feels relieved.
Crip: "I-I've known him for a while now..we just recently started dating though.."
Guard: "Well I'll be damned. Names Butch kid. Sorry if I scared ya. I was just comin' to turn the car off."
Crip: "It's alright!"
He says politely.
Crip: "When do you think Victor will be done in there?"
Butch glances back at the door, then back to Crip.
Butch: "You know bout' Victors..gang?"
Ah, he's testing the waters.
Crip: "Yes, I know he's the boss of the mafia. I'm..in a gang too."
Butch smiles at that.
Butch: "M' not sure when he'll be back out but, we'll let you in if you wanna go inside. Gotta treat the bosses lover like a gemstone."
Crip smiles at that, and decides to go inside. He'd just wait around until Victors ready to leave. Besides, a good look at this hideout interested him.
They walk closer to the other guard, who's staring wide eyed at them.
Butch: "The boss done got himself a lover~"
The guard awkwardly smiles.
Guard: "Never thought the boss was the romantic type..and to pick a guy at that."
He peers down at Crip, his voice soft and polite.
Guard: "What's your name sweetheart?"
Crip grips his fingers, nervous.
Crip: "Everett.."
Guard: "Why you got that limp when you walk?"
Crip: "Old accident.."
The guard is smiling..he can't be..thinking he's cute..
Butch: "Don't even think about it, or you'll be the next one on Vics hit list." He points, and Crip thinks on that last part.
Hit list.
Butch: "Go on in kid. Oh, and don't tell the boss we talked to ya too much yeah? Don't want him thinkin' we's pryin' on his love life."
Crip nods, and enters the building, the door making a loud slam behind him.
There's a door to the right, and stairs to the left..but he can hear something loud, and it's coming from upstairs.
He starts walking up, and the closer he gets, he starts to hear Victors voice, mumbled.
He quietly goes through yet another door once he's up the stairs, following Victors voice.
He walks down a hall, hearing the words "traitor" and "coward."
Who's he talking to?
He rounds the corner, and his green eyes widen.
There's a bloody man chained to a brick wall. A few guards are watching closely, as if they're completely fine watching what's happening.
Victor: "You know what we do to traitors here, don't you Derik?"
Derik: "I-I didn't snitch I swear!"
Victor: "Then how is it that Morris knew we had a hit out on him, and he RAN?!"
Deriks eyes are swollen..red.
Victor: "You must think I'm a fuckin' idiot!"
Derik: "No! I don't think that! I swear!"
Victor is walking circles, and finally disappears for just a moment, returning with a knife. A big knife.
Then he starts speaking softly, no longer yelling aggressively.
Victor: "You will confess."
His cold blue eyes are staring right into Deriks.
Victor: "There's no way outta this. You know that. You were one of my guys, you've seen what happens to the ones who end up on this wall."
Derik: "I swear-" he sobs, barely able to form the words, "I didn't do it."
Victor: "You and Morris were close." He says, voice still soft, but he's stepping closer and closer.
Victor: "You didn't wanna see him up here. So you told him to run."
Derik suddenly springs to life, standing firm on his feet. He starts pulling at the cuffs, the chains rattling as he struggles.
Finally, Victor reached him, and stands directly in front of the man, eyes narrowed. He looks so cold..so cruel..
Derik: "You're a monster."
Derik rasps out.
Victor: "The world made me this way. There are sheep, and then there are wolves."
He picks the blade up, and uses his left hand to push Derik harshly against the wall.
Victor: "But I'm afraid you're not either of those. You're a goddamn snake."
Crip can feel his stomach twist and turn.
He watches as Victor drives the knife into the mans neck, and twists it, causing the man to scream and kick and cry.
He's not just killing him..he's torturing him..and that look on Victors face..he's enjoying every second of it.
The man fights, struggling against the chains, the knife, and Victor, until..his cries turn into gurgles. He starts spitting up blood, deep red, and it's getting on Victors face, but that doesn't stop him from twisting that knife around even more.
Finally, Derik slumps. He's limp..and his eyes are still wide open.
He's dead.
Victor jerks the knife out, blood oozing from the wound even more. A guard steps over, taking the knife from Victor, and in that moment, Victor turns, and uses his clean arm to wipe his face.
The blood smears across his face, and those blue eyes look just like they do every day.
But those blue eyes peer up, and his gaze is fixed on Crip.
Crips heartbeat is so loud, and his legs feel wobbly. His stomach was still tight, and he felt like throwing up, but the way he's staring at him made Crip fear for his own life.
He told him to stay in the car, and this..he definitely didn't want Crip to see this.
Crips wide eyes are staring directly into Victors. It feels like time has slowed almost to a halt.
Crip takes a deep breath, and quickly forces himself to act. He rushes back, down the stairs and out of the back door.
Butch: "Woah kid-what's the rush?"
Crip turns around for just a moment.
Crip: "I have to be somewhere! Nice to meet you!" He shouts as he dashes away.
He doesn't even know what he's doing anymore. He runs a good ways, and finally stops to catch his breath.
His legs and arms are trembling. His eyes are heavy, and he can feel warm tears ease out of them and onto his hands.
Then he's snapped back to reality. He hears something, boots, stepping on the sidewalk. He looks back, where he ran from but there's nobody. Shit.
He looks to the other side, and there stands Victor, blood still smeared on his face and arm.
He takes one step, which makes Crip quickly dash down an alleyway. He makes it through, until he's in some kind of grassy area. A small park maybe? It's so late, nobody's here.
Suddenly he's grabbed, and he knows he's been caught. He wasn't fast enough.
He lets out a scream, but is quickly pushed to the ground.
He struggles, but Victor pins the back of his neck down, so he's stuck in the position.
He can hear Victor huffing. He ran after him..
Victor: "Do you ever do what you're told?"
His voice is soft, but he sounds irritated.
Victor: "I told you to stay in the car."
Crip burst out, crying.
Crip: "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't know! Please! Don't hurt me!"
Suddenly Victors grip eases.
Victor: "Hurt you?"
Crip huffs, submitting to Victors eased grip.
Victor: "I'd never hurt you..I just pinned you to get you to stop running away from me..if you'll be still, I'll let you go."
Crip doesn't answer.
Victor: "Will you please stop running?.."
Finally Crip nods slightly, and Victors releases him. He pushes himself up, and stands, knees weak and now burning from the impact.
He turns, peering up to Victor, who's just staring at him calmly.
Victor: "I'm sorry I scared you...that's not what I wanted..that's why I told you to stay in the car.."
Crip: "You..you killed him.."
Victor steps closer, and Crip has to bite back the urge to flee.
He's close now, his voice soft again.
Victor: "I'm a killer. That's how I have to be..otherwise these thugs will run me over, and try to kill me. I have to be violent. It's the only language they speak."
Crip: "But you liked it-"
Crip bites down his tongue, wincing at the pain.
Victor looks a bit guilty..a regretful look on his face.
Victor: "I..I'm sorry...I understand if you don't wanna see me again."
Crip looks up again, eyes still full of tears.
Victor calmly stares back.
Crip can taste blood from biting his tongue. It hurts..
Victor starts to reach out, hesitating before gently placing his hand on the back of Crips neck.
Victor: "I really do love you.."
Crip moves closer, standing on his tip toes until his mouth touches Victors.
Victor doesn't care if Crip does decide to leave. Right now, he just wanted to feel his love, even if it was the last time.
He leans down, both hands on Crips face. They kiss a few times, but it's not long before Victors tongue is in Crips mouth, tasting blood.
He licks at it, kissing him in between, and then pulls away, a bit of their spit trailing to each other's bottom lips.
They're both out of breath, but at this point Victor would rather suffocate than let Crip go like this.
He pulls Crip by his wrist, and Crip lets out a soft "ow," making Victor look back at him, and move his hand on top of Crips hand instead. He pulls Crip to the buildings, and pushes him against the bricks.
He doesn't even give Crip time to complain. Victors lips are already back on him, tongue exploring every inch. Crip pushes his hands on Victors chest, whining.
Finally Victor pulls away, moving to Crips neck, where he sucks down hard.
Crip lets out a cry, arching into the pain. Somehow, even though Victor was being rougher than usual, it still turned Crip on.
He really was a disgusting person..enjoying pain inflicted on him like this. Not just the pain, but the fear. Victor was scary, even though he says he'd never hurt him..
Victor pulls away, admiring the bruised skin left behind.
Crip: "V-Victor-"
He whines out, making pained sounds.
He's pushing Crip against the bricks, and it hurts.
Crip: "Please-stop-"
Victor leans up for just a moment, eyes narrowed. It's a mixture of sad and lustful, and anger all in one..
Victor: "I'll leave you alone, but..if you're gonna leave me, let me fuck you one last time."
He leans back in, right up to Crips ear, still pushing his small body against the bricks.
Victor: "Long and hard~"
He whispers, and Crip shakes his head quickly, making Victor lean back.
Crip: "I-I'm not leaving..I don't wanna leave you..I'm just scared, so please..not here. The wall hurts."
Victors eyes widen a bit, and he immediately backs up, letting Crip lift off the wall slightly.
Victor: "I'm sorry..I..I can't think straight. I thought you'd leave me, run away.."
Crip: "No..I don't wanna leave..It's my fault for getting out of the car. I should've listened..and I ran because I was so scared. It reminded me of.."
He stops, thinking back to how O'Riley made him stab Jameson.
Victor frowns, pulling him in for a hug.
Victor: "I'm sorry..I never wanted you to have to see my bad side..I know I'm cruel."
Crip: "Not to me.." He whispers, wrapping his arms around Victor tightly.
Victor: "Come on. I'll take you home."
Crip: "You mean us home.."
Victor smiles.
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