Happy Pills 76
Those dull green eyes open. It's just another day. The "same old same old" nowadays. Why does it feel like an endless loop?
Every single day, it's just pointless. He gets up, and goes to the hideout. To do what? To commit crimes? To just stand around and talk? To get beat on...raped. Worse...to use the gang members for some easy sex. He was sick right? Everett was sick in the head...
He had nobody to open up to. These negative emotions just linger, causing him to feel so sick and tired. He's only opened up to one person...Dr. Helk. It's been a long time since he'd seen him. Wonder if he'd be willing to listen?
"Hmm..." he hums and gets out of bed. To the hideout he goes, where he ends up telling O'Riley he'd be leaving early. He leaves, and heads to the police office.
As soon as he steps through the doors, he feels anxiety. Cops...they always gave him a bad vibe...but this where Dr. Helk stays, checking mental health of criminals before allowing them to be arrested fully.
Much to his distress, Jameson is there, and he spots Crip quickly.
Jameson: "The fuck are you doing here?"
He gripes, in a low, disgusted tone.
Crip: "I'm looking for Dr. Helk."
Suddenly James face screws up even more.
Jameson: "Why him?"
Crip looks at the taller man stupidly.
Crip: "Because I need to talk to him, that's why. What's your problem?"
Jameson: "Hm..we had an agreement, remember? You haven't bothered coming over or finding me..but you're hunting Helk down? What? Got a dirty agreement with him too?"
Crip: "N-no!"
Jameson: "So you haven't slept with him?"
Crip blushes a bit.
Crip: "Th-that...is none of your business..."
Jameson frowns deeply, pinching the skin between his brows.
Jameson: "Don't make me come find you...you live right next door. I'm not covering your ass for free. Got it?"
Crip: "Yeah, I got it.."
Jameson sighs and leads Crip to Helks office.
Jameson: "Just knock, he doesn't have anyone in there."
He leaves and Crip knocks. The doctor opens the door, and his eyes widen at Crip.
Helk: "Mr. Wilson. Hello."
He seems surprised and sorta...happy?
Crip: "Hey...I wanted to uh...vent."
Helk: "Of course. Come in. Sit."
They get inside and Crip starts talking, about everything, even details about the gang. He'd already explained a bit before, but this time, he laid it all out, even the embarrassing parts.
Helk: "You must be very depressed, being apart of that gang."
Crip: "Sometimes, yeah...but I owe O'Riley my life. What other choice do I have?"
Helk: "Everett..refusing to be pimped out doesn't make you a selfish person. O'Riley is using you...you must know that."
Crip: "I do, I know he's using me, but he saved my life. If I go against him, I'd be scum. No, worse than scum...and he'd probably hurt me worse than Red did."
Helk: "If he doesn't try to kill you anyways. Men like that, they don't see lives. They see pawns."
Crip: "Oh, he'd never kill me. Punish me, maybe, but never kill. He's definitely not like that. Not to me anyways."
Helk gives him a sad look.
Helk: "You remain miserable, tortured by a life you just cannot seem to get out of. How's your mood in this life though?"
Crip: "I usually just go through the motions. Whatever happens just happens.."
Helk: "But are you angry? Confused? Sad?"
Crip: "I'm...sad..all the time. Even when I should be happy..it feels like I'm always forcing a smile to please others. To cover up how I really feel inside."
Helk: "Yes...have you considered medication yet? I know I mentioned it before, and I can tell by your previous reaction that you're obviously scared of medication. I'm guessing due to having men force feed you date-rape pills..but I think an SSRI would do you good."
Crip: "SSRI?"
Helk: "Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. A um..happy pill, if you will? It releases serotonin, and will make you feel calm and at peace, rather than depressed and always so anxious."
Crip: "Ah..."
He's quiet, then looks up dreadfully.
Crip: "You really think it'll help?"
Helk: "I do. I really do Everett."
He sighs.
Crip: "Okay then..I'll try it."
Helk smiles at that, "Great. I'm going to prescribe you Prozac. It's by far the safest, as far as side effects, and we start out on a dosage of 10 milligrams. Take it slow. If at any point you feel you can't take it, just come back to see me, and I'll take you off. Don't just stop taking it though. You'll need to be weaned off, to avoid bad reactions to the withdraws."
Crip: "Okay."
By the end of their visit, Crip is headed home with a bottle of pills in his hoodie pocket.
He goes straight home, and takes one pill with a cup of coffee.
He doesn't feel much different. Perhaps it'll take a while for it to really take affect.
Still, what a thought. If this Prozac works like Dr. Helk says, he won't feel so on edge..and he may can actually feel...happy.
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