7 Stolen Goods
He pours his coffee, taking a sip slowly as he walks into his bedroom. He looks over into the full body mirror on the other side of the room. He's skinny...he starts to think he's lost weight again. Has he even been eating lately? He's been so busy with life that he isn't even sure. He'll only be weaker if he continues to lose weight.
His eyes drift to his arms.
Cigarette burns are on the top of his arms, and old scars from him cutting the bottom of his arms up are still quite visible.
Then there's the bruises and bandaids, all over his body. His neck. His wrist...all wrapped up because of that dog.
He shakes his head, getting rid of his thoughts, and quickly drags out a shirt from the dresser. He slips it on and then puts on his favorite hoodie with the yellow smiley face.
Finishing up his coffee, he puts the cup into the sink and heads out, locking the door behind him.
"Hey squirt." A deep, raspy voice says behind him. Crip jolts, turning around with his keys in his hand.
It's his neighbor Randy. He and Randy take up this floor. There's three apartments on this level, but one has been vacant for some time now.
Crip: "Hello Randy.."
Randy intimidated him, but he's never done anything to make Crip fear him.
Randy: "Landlord told me we're finally having someone move in. Poor sap. They must be in a bad place if they gotta resort to living here."
Crip: "Y-Yeah..hopefully they'll be friendly."
Randy smiles. He smells like beer.
Randy: "Sometime I'm gonna drag you out to have a drink with me. If you don't pick a night, I'll just wake you up one night."
Crip: "Oh. Yeah, sounds fun, even though I've never drank before."
Randy: "No problem squirt, you'll love it. Well I gotta get into work. See you some day this weekend?"
Crip nods, smiling politely. Randy was an odd character. He didn't seem like a bad man. Maybe he was just lonely? Still, Crip tried to stray away from people who drink all day long.
Crip makes his way to the hideout, and everyone's inside, except for Switch and Bear. They're outside keeping watch.
His eyes scan the room once he enters. Switch and Bear are outside. Inside is O'Riley, Charlie, J-Dog, Knots, Shank, Lyric, Prophet, Bullet, and Tobi. All twelve of them make up the Reapers, and Crip owed O'Riley his life, so these people were his family.
Charlie: "Well, look who it is~"
J-Dog: "You finally decided to join us."
Crip eyes Charlie daringly.
Crip: "What're we doing today?"
O'Riley: "Recon. Some gang robbed one of our usual spots. I want some of you to go in undercover, snoop out the area, and see if we can find out which gang is on our turf."
Crip: "I can go."
O'Riley: "Very well. I'll allow it. Prophet, Shank, you two go as well. See if we can find out any rumors about this gang."
Crip smiles. He liked feeling useful to O'Riley and the gang.
Soon the three set out, finding the local store that was robbed. Things were seemingly calm. A couple officers stayed nearby, and there were civilians everywhere.
Prophet: "I will walk in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the path of justice." Prophet announces. He always lead them on with some quote from his book. "The lord shall lead us, show us the way, and protect us on this quest."
Shank: "Yeah...thanks for that. Now let's get busy. I'm taking the store. Crip, you check them allies, make sure they didn't ditch nothin' when they ran."
Crip nods, immediately parting ways with his fellow members. The first alley is empty. Nothing much to be seen. Then there's the second one. There's a figure standing there, leaned against the wall.
Crip approaches, trying to look tough. Which wasn't his forte...
Crip: "Hey, you. Know anything about the recent robbery here?"
The man doesn't talk, he just snarls his nose up. He had white hair, with a black beanie on. He's clean shaven, and even his eyes are almost grayish white. He wears a large dull green coat with a white and black striped shirt.
Finally he speaks.
"I might know a thing or two. That all depends. Did you have anything to do with it?"
Crip swallows.
Crip: "Course not. Look at me. I just wanna know if you know anything, that's all."
"I only got a glimpse the other day. Looked like a gang that's from around these parts. Guess they wanna take more and more area over in this city. The boss, he had red hair. Ginger guy. Real lean."
Crips eyes get wide.
"So you know em' huh?"
Crip: "Well..sounds like someone I used to know. He's very dangerous."
"Ah, but so are we. Something tells me you and I are in the same boat. So tell me, did this gang steal this place from you and yours?"
Crip: "I don't know what you're talking about.."
"Oh come on, I ain't a snitch. I'll tell you first, how bout' that? I'm in a gang. We don't mess with these parts, but my boss knows which gangs go where and he'd never stoop as low as to take another gangs place. He doesn't like gangs who try to take over, so he's wanting to know just who this gang is as well."
He's from another gang? So he's basically here for the same reason. However, Crip got what he needed. He knows exactly who stole from them.
Crip: "Thanks for your cooperation..I'm gonna head back now."
"Names Blanche, by the way. Next time I see you, you better remember it. I'll tell my boss the rightful gang is looking into this."
Crip nods, and leaves.
As he steps out, Prophet is talking to someone as well, and Shank has already exited the store.
He approaches Crip, not looking too happy.
Shank: "Red head. That's all I got. Apparently they like to wear red hoodies but the boss was seen without one on."
Crip: "I...know who it is. O'Riley isn't gonna be happy."
Shank: "Who is it?"
Crip: "Our old gang leader..."
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