59 Return
Victor: "You need to stay away from your apartment...I don't want that cop finding you. I need to speak with him first."
Crip blinks a bit: "Speak with him? Victor...what if arrests you?"
Victor laughs a bit: "He has to catch me first. I've outran the cops for years. They're not about to catch me."
Crip: "Still.."
Victor: "Let me protect you."
He really wanted to do this.
Crip: "Okay Victor.."
Victor smiles a bit, stepping closer.
Victor: "They beat you pretty bad huh? What else happened?"
Crip: "The guards strapped us to this chair and put a machine on us. It probed your brain, and made you relive all your worst traumas. It was...awful."
Victor frowns: "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner."
Crip: "I can't believe you found me at all..but Victor..there was this inmate, Jacob. He was crazy, and he changed me."
Victor: "How so?"
Crip: "He tortured me until I broke. I fought back, and it felt...good."
Victor: "He's as good as dead if I ever see him."
Crips eyes widen a bit. Victor was very..overprotective.
Crip: "Victor.."
Victor: "Hm?"
Crip: "I missed you."
Victor smiles warmly, and draws him in for a soft, tender kiss. Crip missed this warmth, and gentle touch.
Victor pulls back, and those blue eyes are staring into his dull green ones.
Victor: "Go to your hideout. I'm sure they're worried about you. I'll be back as soon as I can. I grabbed your clothes from the institute, they're right over there."
Crip nods and goes over to his clothes. He was ready to get out of these striped mental clothes.
Victor leaves, and he's surprised. He must really need to be somewhere. Was he...going to Jameson already?
No matter. He couldn't worry about Victor right now. He needed to get to O'Riley.
So he does. He leaves, limping on the backstreets to avoid any cops. Hopefully, he wouldn't have any trouble.
Luckily he doesn't, and he makes it safely. Shank jumps up once he spots him, and rushes inside.
Bear on the other hand, stands up and walks out to him.
Bear: "We thought you were dead. What happened to you?"
Crip: "I uh..got caught."
Bear: "How the hell- no never mind..you're here now. You need to go tell the boss what happened. We've been worried sick about you."
Crip nods and heads inside, and straight to O'Rileys office. He passes Shank, walking out just as he's walking in.
O'Riley: "Crip..where have you been?"
Crip closes the door, and sits in the chair.
Crip: "A cops had it out for me. The same one that attacked me before. He got me sent to a mental institution, and Victor just broke me out."
O'Riley: "I see..I confronted Red, thinking he had something to do with your disappearance, and Victor had come in pointing guns at both our heads. We didn't know where you were, but he wasn't having it. He nearly killed us both."
Crip: "I'm sorry...he's very protective."
O'Riley: "He's skilled. A good thing to have around. Just, try and control him. If he kills me, you'll have a war between him and our gang. Wouldn't want that."
Crip nods.
O'Riley: "I don't know how you got caught, but you better straighten it up. We can't have you getting caught. Understand?"
Crip nods yet again.
O'Riley: "And Crip."
Crip: "Yes?"
O'Riley: "Good to have you back."
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