48 Insanity Card
Helk: "Everett, I came as fast as I could-"
Crips behind bars, in the holding cell at the police station. He doesn't speak, just sits quietly. He can't believe he's been caught. Does this mean...he's going to prison?
Helk: "Hold on, I'll be right back."
Helk stomps over to another room, Crip still sits quietly, stuck in his own thoughts.
Helk: "Banks! What's the meaning of this? Arresting my patient?!"
Officer Jameson Banks turns around, smiling a bit.
Jameson: "Your patient admitted to being in a gang. I have every right to arrest him. Don't worry, I read him his rights."
Helk pauses for a minute. Why would Crip admit to that?
Helk: "You have no right! Mr. Wilson is very ill!"
The chief steps into the room, probably hearing all the yelling.
Chief: "Hey now you two, calm down. Doctor, Officer Banks has a witness stating your patient admitted to being apart of a gang. As you know, we cannot ignore gang affiliation."
Helk: "Chief..my patient is mentally ill. He lives in a state of delusion, so it's possible he just told Banks witness that out of insanity. He's not a criminal."
Chief: "Ah...well, we must let a judge decide. You are more than welcome to tell the judge about your patient, if your patient agrees to your terms."
That's probably as good as it's gonna get.
Jameson: "You've gotta be kidding me."
Chief: "That's enough Banks. Anymore bickering between you two and you'll both be sent home for the day. Understood?"
Helk and Banks nod, parting ways.
Helk returns to Crip, standing at the bars.
Helk: "Everett...you're gonna have to fight it."
Crip finally speaks, lowly so only Helk can hear him.
Crip: "Fight it? What are you talking about?"
Helk: "I'm going to tell the judge you're not mentally stable."
Crip: "You want me to play the insanity card?!"
He whispers through a yell.
Helk: "Shh..please. It's the only way you might be set free. If the judge thinks you made it up, you won't go to prison."
Crip thinks for a moment, then nods softly.
Crip: "I understand..."
Helk: "Good. Just follow my lead in court."
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