41 Serious Talk
Victor: "I won't cause any trouble, trust me."
Crip: "You can't! What if O'Riley tries to kill you?! Victor please, think about this!"
Victor: "I have. Trust me little birdy, I know what I'm doing."
Crip frowns deeply, afraid of the outcome of Victors actions. He wants to speak with O'Riley about the other gang members harming him. Crip fears the absolute worse in every situation but this was taking it a bit too far. Victor could seriously get hurt...or worse, O'Riley would take it out on Crip.
Crip: "Victor..."
Victor: "I'll be right back." He says with a wink, and walks towards the entrance of their hideout.
Bear quickly gets to his feet, standing in front of the door.
Switch is on the offense, standing with a knife ready.
Switch: "Woah there fella, you're in the wrong part of town. Better turn right back around."
Victor smiles, pulling out a gun and pointing it right at Switch.
Oh shit, this has really taken a turn for the worst.
Victor: "That's not very nice, pulling a knife on a guest."
Bear: "We don't take visitors here."
Victor: "Ah, right you are, but I won't be leaving until I speak with O'Riley."
Bear gives Switch a look, then Crip steps into the fence.
Switch: "Crip, get back! This guys nuts."
Crip: "N-no..he's with me."
Bear: "You sure?"
Crip nods.
Crip: "Go get the boss, telling him Victor would like to speak with him."
Switch grits his teeth, not liking Victor still having the gun on him.
Bear nods, heading inside. He later comes out with a nod.
Bear: "Boss says come on into his office."
Victor smirks, putting his gun back into its holster.
Victor: "Be back in a few." He says to Crip, and follows Bear inside.
O'Riley actually invited him in? Maybe because Crip mentioned Victor the other day..or he's curious. Who knows what'll happen in there.
Crip can feel his stomach tying into knots. He felt sick, and so afraid. What if Victor dies here? Just like that, it'll all be over.
After what feels like an hour, Victor steps out of the hideout door, and onto the porch where Crip sits.
Victor: "There you are." He smiles.
Crip quickly stands up. Well he's not dead..and he doesn't look like he's been jumped on.
Victor: "Hope you like having me around."
What's that supposed to mean?
Crip: "Huh?"
Victor: "I'm your bodyguard now."
Crip blinks a bit, shocked.
Crip: "B-bodyguard? How did you-?"
Victor: "I threatened your boss. Told him I don't like seeing you always beat up and broken. So basically, he either lets me protect you, or I'll start my own gang and come after the Reapers."
Victor: "He saw things my way once I told him my last name and my bloodline."
Crip: "You're...crazy."
Victor laughs.
Victor: "I promise I'll protect you from now on." He gets down his knee, taking Crips hand and kissing it all around the palm.
Crip blushes deep red, and stares with almost teary eyes. He was so embarrassed but..nobody's ever treated him this way before. Dr. Helk was the only one that came close.
Crip: "V-Victor-"
Victor chuckles a bit, getting back on his feet.
Victor: "O'Riley said you've nothing to do today, so I asked if you could have the day off from the hideout. You wanna..go get something to eat?"
Crip nods, still bright red.
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