33 Curious
The weeks go by decently. Thankfully nobody really messed with Crip.
He feels Victor is to thank for that.
Tomorrow Crip can finally go back to O'Riley for a while. He looks forward to the break. These new guys were rough...especially the ones who knew Crip from before.
Crip opens his bedroom door, seeing Victor sitting at the table.
Crip: "Morning Victor."
Victor: "Good morning."
Crip: "Whats the plan for today?"
Victor: "Nothing. Today we relax, since you'll be leaving tomorrow."
Crip smiles.
Crip: "I wanted to say thank you again, for protecting me these past two weeks. I think things would've been a lot worse without you."
Victor: "No need to thank me. It was my job given by Red, so thank him."
Crip frowns a bit. How could he ever thank Red? Even if it's true...he just couldn't give Red any credit.
There's a knock at the door.
Crip freezes. Who could it be this early?
He answers it, and is met with Charlie, who barges right inside.
Charlie: "Hey baby. Boss wanted me to come check on ya."
His brown eyes meet Victors dull blue ones.
Charlie: "The fuck is this?"
Oh no.
Charlie: "You fuckin' the new guys already?"
Crip: "It's not like that-"
Charlie: "Bullshit-"
Before Crip can protest Charlie's hands are on him, squeezing his wrists.
Charlie: "This wasn't a goddamn invitation to fuck guys outside the gang you little bitch."
Crip: "Charlie-"
Suddenly Victors hand is on Charlie's wrist, gripping rather tightly.
Victor: "He's not fucking anyone. I'm his protection as long as he's apart of our gang as well."
Charlie: "Protection? What is this bullshit?"
Victor: "I suggest you get your hands off of him before I have to step in."
Charlie gives Victor a look. One of dare and audacity.
Charlie: "You gotta be kidding me."
Victor doesn't budge, but thankfully Charlie releases Crip.
Charlie: "Better not be fuckin' any of em. I'll be telling the boss about your little servant here too."
With that he leaves, and Crip honestly can't believe it. He didn't fight, for once. Maybe something about Victor intimidated him?
Crip: "Th-thanks.."
Victor: "He must be a member of your gang."
Crip nods.
Victor: "Spirited guy, I'll give him that."
Crip is silent.
Victor: "Come drink your coffee. We don't wanna be late for your last day."
Crip and Victor finish up the coffee, then head to the hideout, where Red is inside waiting for Crip.
Red: "You, come. You, stay."
Red states bluntly, pointing to Crip then Victor.
Crip follows Red into the office.
Red: "Well you survived the first two weeks." Red says happily, sitting in his large chair.
Crip takes a seat in front of him.
Red: "And you haven't slept with anyone. I'm impressed."
Crip doesn't speak, he just glares at him. This man broke him.
Red: "When you return I expect things to change."
Crip widens his eyes curiously.
Crip: "What?"
Red: "Part of your job here was to 'help' my gang members. By that I did mean sleep with them."
Crip feels fear welling up inside him.
Crip: "My gang doesn't allow me to sleep with anyone outside the-"
Red: "Oh shut up. I know good and damn well O'Riley told you to do what I say. He knew what he was getting you into."
Crip: "No..that's not true, he wouldn't-"
Red: "Sell your body off to keep you apart of his gang? What do you think this agreement was about? Do you honestly believe I'd keep you alive just for you to work for me? You're not that useful, except when sleeping around. That's what I want from you."
Crip shakes his head.
Crip: "I won't."
Red: "You will, or else I'll punish you."
He was serious about this. This was his way of getting his claws into him, just like Victor said.
Red: "Tell you what, here's what I'll do. I'll forget about these two weeks if you sleep with one gang member today."
Crip: "That's-"
Red: "If you don't, I'll fuck you. Simple as that."
Crip: "Um..how am I supposed to sleep with someone if Victor is protecting me?"
There's silence again.
Red looks confused.
Red: "I told Victor to stop following you days ago."
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