29 Murder
Victor ended up showing Crip around, then he was allowed to go home. Crip got a shower and went straight to bed, since he'd had a long day.
His eyes still feel heavy as he opens them though. What time is it?
He looks over to his alarm that he conveniently forgot to set.
It's 8:53.
Not too early, not too late.
He slumps out of bed and tugs on some fresh clothes.
He opens his bedroom door and almost has a heart attack.
Victor: "Good morning."
Victor is sitting at his table drinking coffee.
Victor: "Came to lead you to the hideout, figured you wouldn't be able to get there on your own."
Crip: "How the fuck did you get in here?! W-wait, did you pick my lock?!"
Victor: "Relax birdy."
Birdy? What the hell? Some sort of new pet name? Crip stops, realizing Victor was actually very intimidating. He got in so quietly, and there's no telling how long he's actually been here.
Victor: "I made you coffee."
Crip blushes a bit. He felt defeated...in his own home.
Crip: "Th-thanks..."
Crip walks over, grabbing a pure white coffee mug and filling it with coffee, some creamer, and some half and half.
Victor: "You should really consider getting a better lock."
Crip: "I see that now.."
Victor: "Did I scare you?"
Crip: "N-no..."
Victor chuckles yet again.
Crip sits down at the table, across from Victor, and sips his coffee in silence.
Soon they're walking up to the hideout, two men out front. Crip recognizes one of them.
Tattoo: "Well well look who it is. Never thought I'd see your face again."
He wears a muscle shirt, but underneath is a shit ton of tattoos all over his upper body. He also has a silver nose ring cuffed around the right nostril, a large fishing hook through the left ear, and two silver rings on the bottom of the right ear. Blonde hair, greenish blue eyes. He was very familiar with tattoo.
Crip: "Tattoo.."
Tattoo: "You remember me? How sweet~"
Victor gives Tattoo an odd look.
Tattoo: "Head on inside. Boss was looking for ya."
Crip heads on in, Victor in tow.
Victor: "Probably best if I wait out here. Just..try not cause any trouble."
Crip swallows and steps into the office, seeing Red with his head down in a notebook. He looks up, seeing Crip in the doorway.
Red: "Come on in."
Crip does so, softly closing the door behind him.
Red: "I know we don't exactly see eye to eye..but I'm willing to move past that. If O'Riley wants peace I'll give him peace, for a price. You're gonna work here. Starting with a raid."
Crip: "A raid?.."
Red nods: "Yeah, a few punks came in on our terf, stealing our money. We're gonna get it back the hard way and make an example out of them. Keep your head on, and there won't be any problems."
Crip nods slowly.
Red: "You're more obedient than you used to be. That because of me?"
Crip nods again, not wanting to open his mouth.
Red: "Good. Now get out of here. We strike at night."
Crip leaves the room, and Victor is leaning against the wall just outside the door.
Crip: "Victor-"
Victor: Shh.."
He tilts his head, signaling for Crip to follow him to the front of the building.
Victor: "Listen, stay close to me during the raid. We do things a bit...bloody here."
Oh. OH.
Crip: "You mean we're gonna hit these people?"
Victor nods: "Red wants them out of the picture. You're gonna be involved in it. If you wanna keep your head on your shoulders I suggest you watch out for bullets."
Crip: "Okay.."
Soon the gang is headed out, everyone following Reds every move. Some people Crip recognized, others he didn't. They were a quiet bunch, unlike the Reapers.
They approach a place, large, seemingly abandoned. Red signals for half to go around the back. Victor quickly places a hand on Crips shoulder to keep him in place though. They stay up front while half the others head around the side of the building.
Red is the first one walking up, pulling out his pistol. Victor pulls out an assault rifle he had strapped to his back, and the both aim at two men out front. They don't shoot yet though. They wait until they hear a gun shot, which means the others went in from behind and started shooting.
Finally Red and Victor shoot the guards, and the others rush in, Red, Victor, and Crip begins them.
Crip stays as close to Victor as he can, keeping behind walls and any furniture Victor flips over. He wants to look up, see everyone getting shot by the bullets, but he knows it'll just give him nightmares. Besides if he lifts his head he takes the chance of getting shot.
Luckily it doesn't take long for the gang to chew through the other gang members. They were a small gang, probably just now starting to think they could take over.
Poor saps.
Victor grabs Crips wrist and bolts out the door. Crip can hear faint sirens growing closer. Someone nearby must've called the cops.
Victor dashed around an alley way and thought there they find the main road leading to the building.
Victor: "We need to distract the cops for a few, let everyone get good and far.
Crip blinks, and asks: "Do you have a lighter?"
Victor: "Uh..yeah?"
He pulls out a blue lighter and Crip quickly takes it and climbs over the dumpster. He reaches and manages to set some trash on fire. It doesn't take long for the flames to start catching and building up.
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