Chapter 9
As he walks home, he thinks about something his grandma said after the funeral.
"It's a dark world."
No shit grandma....She said it as a form of comfort, he's sure, probably regretting having sent him back to his mother. It was too late though. Would all of those bad things have happened if grandma would've just kept him? He missed his cousin Edgar dearly after that. Thankfully they stayed in touch through the years. He starts to wonder what he's even up to nowadays. Last he heard, he started this mechanic job in town. What was the place called again? AutoFix or something like that.
Suddenly Crip is yanked from the sidewalk and into a shaded alleyway. His ass hits the ground, and as he looks up, those eyes widen in fear. Green eyes meet blue ones. It's his old gang leader. The one that crippled him. The one that almost killed him.
Crip: "R-Red!" He whispers excitedly, knowing this wasn't a friendly meet and greet.
He wants to get to his feet, quickly, but Red kicks him. A warning to stay down...
Red: "Look at you, all banged up."
He gestures to Crips casted arm.
Red: "What're you doing on MY side of town?"
Crip swallows, and good god it's loud.
Crip: "I-I had no idea-I was seeing a therapist-"
Red: "A therapist?" He asks, chuckling a bit, "You think you're worth all that?"
Crip doesn't answer.
Red: "Maybe we should just finish what we started hm?"
With those words he kneels down, grabbing Crip by his hoodie.
Crip: "W-wait! Wait! I'm no threat! I'll go!"
Before he can protest anymore, Red decks him in his nose, and it starts bleeding everywhere.
They take a moment to assess the situation, and Crip realizes just what kind of danger he's in.
Red, on the other hand, is smirking, and he rears back and hits Crip in his face again and again. This is it. He's gonna die here, at Reds hands.
He gets just a moment to look up at Red before he lands another blow. His eyes widen, as he sees a shadowy figure behind Red with a....Is that a police baton?
The figure smacks Red right in the back of the head, and the blow knocks him unconscious. Crip peers up at the figure, finally making out who it is.
Helk: "Come on, we don't have much time."
He states quietly, and helps Crip get up. He leads him out of the alleyway, and down to his car. They get in, and the doctor drives rather quickly away from the area.
Crip wants to thank him but something is off...
Crip: "How'd you know I was there?" He asks confused and somewhat skeptical.
Helk: "Relax, I wasn't stalking you. I was heading out for lunch when I saw that man grab you. I parked the car and wanted to make sure you were actually in danger before stepping in."
Crip looks down at the floorboard. How embarrassing..
Helk: "I'm going to take you to my place. I have a first aid kit there. We'll clean you up."
Crip suddenly wants out of this car. His place?! To do what exactly?! Clean him up? Right! Or maybe more like an easy fuck target.
Wait...this is a certified doctor we're talking about. Not only that, it's Doctor Helk...He wouldn't do something like that. Not everyone is out to get him. Just these dirty gang members. He calms down, accepting that he needs the help.
Once they arrive, they both pop out the vehicle and the doctor gets right to work inside, cleaning up the blood.
Helk: "You want this thing off?" He asks, gesturing to the cast.
Crip nods, and Helk gets it off of him. He cleans the wound, observing the stitches, and then wraps it with clean bandages. Ugh, this all feels so good, to be pampered on.
Helk smiles a bit, happy he could be of use.
Helk: "That man..what did he want? It didn't look like a robbing. Seemed you two knew each other."
Crip let's out a deep breath.
Crip: "The old gang leader...the one that had me raped and busted my ankle...That was him."
Helk blinks, quiet for a moment.
Helk: "Maybe I should've hit him a bit harder.."
Crip laughs at that, enjoying the doctors company.
Helk: "You're in a gang now aren't you?"
Crip: "N-no! No! I'm trying to turn my life around!"
Helk smiles a bit, "I know you're lying you know."
Helk: "Don't worry. I knew from day one that you started that fire."
Crip: "You what?"
Helk: "I already knew you did it. That Jameson was right. I didn't think it was right to send you to jail when you weren't actually caught though. Not only that, but when I saw you, your black eye and such, I knew there was more to your story than just a criminal."
Crip is quiet.
Helk: "As your therapist, I won't tell a soul. So it's alright. You can trust me."
Can he really?
Crip: "Oh...okay..thanks I guess."
This has become awkward, but he is relieved.
Crip: "Do you mind taking me home? I really don't want to walk again..."
Helk nods, "Yes I'll drive you home."
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