Chapter 3
He wakes up in a cold room, and as his eyes adjust he can tell he's in the hospital.
His eyes wonder, eventually looking down to see he's handcuffed to the hospital bed on the arm that didn't get ripped into by a German Shepherd Dog.
Ugh...They have to know...They have to know he was the cause of the fire. This is it. He's going to jail, all because he couldn't keep up. This is his own fault! He always fucks everything up, no matter how hard he tries.
His self-loathing is interrupted as a tall man enters the room. He looks clean...very little stubble on his jaw, nice styled brown hair, blue eyes behind glasses, dressed nicely too, all while holding a small book and a pen. Who could this be?
"Hello Mr. Wilson."
Oh shit.
Crip: "Hi..."
"My name is Dr. Helk. I've come to do a psychiatric evaluation on you."
Crip: "A...a what?"
Dr. Helk: "Ah. You see I am a mental health doctor. While I do have my own business on the side, I also help with the police. I was not called by the police, but the nurses here at the hospital said you appeared to be...pretty roughed up."
Crip can feel his face heating up. He was in a gown...they stripped him...they saw all the bite marks and bruises...they saw everything.
Quickly, he thinks of an excuse.
Crip: "I'm a...prostitute..."
Dr. Helk makes a slightly sad face.
Dr. Helk: "Even prostitutes have boundaries...this is abuse...are you in danger?"
Crip: "N-no! No! I'm serious, I want to live this way...It's just easier to make more money if you let them do what they want."
Nice one.
Dr. Helk: "Alright...and what about these?"
He asks softly, using his pen to point to Crips arms. There's scars on the bottom, where he used to cut his wrists all up, and cigarette burns on the top of his arms.
Crip: "That's...that's from the past..."
Dr. Helk lets out a soft sigh, and puts down the pen, not continuing to write further.
Dr. Helk: "I can tell, you know. The way you talk, and your body language. You're suffering, and in my opinion, from quite a lot of different things. Now you've been wrongfully attacked by a police officer. I'm sure that damaged your trust in people even more."
Hold on a minute. Wrongfully?
Crip: "That officer...his dog really hurt me."
Dr. Helk: "Yes, I am aware. He seems to think you started a nearby fire. The problem is, he has no proof and just based off the nurses reports on your physical condition, there's no way you could've done that. Your ankle is very deformed."
Crips eyes widen a bit.
Dr. Helk: "He also did not read you your Miranda Rights upon arresting you. Which means he really messed up. I am not too happy with him right now. I will be telling the chief about this as soon as I leave here."
Crip: "When can I leave?"
Dr. Helk: "You want to leave the hospital so soon? You need the pain medication. The stitches are still fresh."
Before he can protest, the officer walks in the room. Crips eyes meet his brown ones and it makes Crip want to jump out of that hospital bed and run for it. Luckily, Dr. Helk is in here, and he immediately stands up and faces the officer.
"What're you doing here? We didn't call for you and I was supposed to question him alone."
Dr. Helk: "The hospital called me. This man is mentally ill, and should never have been attacked in this manner."
"Attacked? He was fleeing the scene!"
Dr. Helk: "From what I read, your words by the way, he was in the park. Surrounded by other people also in the park."
"He looked shady!"
Dr. Helk: "Do you hear yourself? You profiled this man. You sent your dog after an innocent civilian."
"Duke wouldn't of chased him down if he didn't have the scent."
Dr. Helk: "That dog will do anything you tell him to do. He is looking to please his master, and you've taught him that it doesn't matter what he thinks. He hasn't been properly trained. He's been trained to do only what you tell him to do."
The officer stops, looking mad as hell but not continuing the argument.
Dr. Helk: "I will be telling the chief about this. You did not read him his Miranda Rights, and witnesses at the scene have already confirmed that. Witnesses also say the dog came out of nowhere, next thing they knew, this poor man was being dragged to the ground. I suggest you let this go before you loose your badge Officer Jameson."
Officer Jameson doesn't respond. Instead he leaves, letting the door close a little hard behind him.
Dr. Helk: "You should rest. Someone should be in very soon with a key to un-cuff you from the bed. You're not a criminal, and I'll see to it that Jameson has to answer for this mistake. Until then, Mr. Wilson."
With that, the professional man leaves, and Crip sinks into the bed. He was very tired.
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