Chapter 13
Just as the strange man said, they ended up at a coffee shop.
It's one Crip has never been to before, but that doesn't matter. Coffee is coffee. He still feels on edge. Everything's so confusing...Why on earth would Red order this guy to protect him?
Why is he not just killing him?
Something doesn't feel right...
"Uh, sir?"
The lady says behind the counter, completely snapping Crip out of his thoughts. Oh's his turn to order and pay.
Crip: "I'd like a medium vanilla latte, hot."
He starts to fish out some cash he had in his back pocket, but Victor immediately pulls out a card and pays.
He probably shouldn't complain...This guy could seriously hurt him if he wanted to. Best not to give him a reason.
Crip: "Thank you.."
Victor gives a slight smile. Once the latte is finished, they head out. They reach the hideout, and Crip is unfamiliar with it. He always assumed Red was still at the old hideout, but clearly he has made a lot of changes over these past few years. Including the members. There's some new faces, and Crip isn't sure if he should feel relieved or even more concerned.
The first one to notice them enter is this guy with black hair, shaved on the back and sides, styled on the top. He's rather...short. Just a little shorter than Crip actually. He approaches them, and Crip almost feels the urge to flee, until the man smiles.
"Well hey there. You're a new face."
This guy is...friendly. Victor walks over to him, and stands beside him, so now they're both looking directly at Crip.
"You must be joining the crew. I go by Deadman around here. What's your nickname?"
Crip: "Crip."
He states softly, realizing these new members know absolutely nothing about his ties to Red. They seriously just think he's a new member.
Deadman: "Crip?"
Crip: "It's uh...short for Cripple."
Deadman: "Oh! So you're a little fucked up then?"
Crip: "Only my ankle..."
Victor: "Walks with a limp. Kinda cute."
He whispers that last part, and Crip can feel his face getting warm. Cute? Seriously? Why can't people just see him as a normal guy?!
Deadman must've noticed his face turning a bit red. He smiles and shrugs off Victors words.
Deadman: "Hey, don't feel bad. I had stunted growth as a kid, since my mother couldn't afford to feed us much. As a result, I'm a little short for my age. Me and you though, we're fuckin' tough. We get up every day, and don't let anything stop us from living our life. You just keep doing that, and it'll all pay off in the end."
Crip can't help but smile a little. He really liked this guy. He's treating him like he's....normal.
Deadman: "Well, I gotta meet up with someone in a few, so I'll see you guys later. Oh, and welcome to the gang Crip."
With a quick wave, he leaves, and Crips eyes follow him as he exits the hideout. Once he looks back in front of him, he quickly realizes that Victors eyes never left him.
There's this cold chill that sets in...
As if he was being stalked...
As if...he was in danger...
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