Chapter 1
Dull green eyes open drowsily to the sound of a screeching alarm. doesn't matter how much he's never enough. He always wakes up feeling like shit.
Regardless of that fact, he slumps his legs over the edge of the bed and practically forces himself to get to his feet. With a stretch and a yawn, he makes his way to the bathroom.
He's only wearing a black t-shirt and his boxers, and his legs can certainly feel the chill. This city stays cold...Though there was no point in turning the heater on, since he'd be leaving soon.
Looking in the small mirror hanging over the sink, he scowls, seeing the black eye he had obtained yesterday...not only that, but countless hickeys and bite-marks.
"I am just a toy..." he whispers to himself.
He tries not to dwell on it any longer, and focuses more on brushing his teeth. Once that's done, he gets dressed, which consists of light colored blue jeans, a white shirt, and his favorite black hoodie that has a yellow smiley face on the chest. Naturally before he leaves, he must have a cup of coffee.
He brews it, chugs it, makes a disgusted face at the taste of the coffee mixing with toothpaste, and heads out the door. It was hard to walk, due to his deformed ankle, but he was not allowed to drive. God forbid he ever got pulled over attempting to drive with this sort of disability...
Thankfully, it's not too long of a walk. As he nears the building, two men sit outside near the gate. Those two men are Switch and Bear. They're usually seen together. The three give a slight nod to one another; their way of saying hello, as he heads inside. He needs to go straight to O'Rileys office, but as he opens the door, he's greeted by a grin. Charlie stands just behind the doorway, and it looks like he's in a mood. The door closes behind him, but it seems he isn't allowed to go on in just yet.
Charlie: "Whatcha doin' this afternoon baby?"
The cute little pet name physically makes his eye twitch. Out of everyone here, Charlie was his least favorite.
"I'm busy..."
Charlie chuckles a bit, "Oh yeah? Doin' what?"
"None of your business.."
Charlie steps closer, and it makes his back hit the door.
Charlie: "It is my business when it interferes with what I want. Maybe I should just go ahead and break your other ankle too, hm Cripple? Then maybe you'll HAVE to sit at home."
Crip can feel his heartbeat speed up, but thankfully, a stern voice behind Charlie stops his advances. It's O'Riley, and O'Riley is the boss.
O'Riley: "That's enough. It can wait until I'm done talking with him."
Charlie listens obediently, leaving him alone at last.
O'Riley: "Crip. Come."
His nickname and "come" are the only two words needed for him to follow. They get into the office, and the door gets closed.
O'Riley: "Sit."
Crip sits down quickly, resting his hands in his lap.
Once O'Riley sits down, he explains why he was needed in the office.
O'Riley: "I have a job for you Crip."
Seriously?! Crips eyes light up, and he starts to feel a little excited. He felt so useless during the heists, because his messed up ankle prevents him from doing most things correctly, such as running like a normal person. This is his chance to show O'Riley he can do more and really pull his own weight around here!
O'Riley: "I'd like you to help Switch. His job is to create some kind of big ruckus on the other side of the city, that way most of the patrol cars will be in that area. That is what gives us enough time to get in, take the money, and get out. Quite the advantage, hm?"
Crip: "Yes sir."
He didn't realize Switch created those distractions every single time...He must be really good at it.
O'Riley: "Whatever he tells you to do, you do it. He has been asking for someone to start joining him, but I need a lot of men for certain jobs, and have nobody else to spare. Except you. You can help Switch this evening, and if you do well, I might just let you help him every time."
Crip: "I'll do my best boss."
O'Riley smiles slightly. Crip knew him very well. Well enough to know that he likes it when people are obedient.
O'Riley: "Good. Switch should be out front. Go talk with him and stay close."
Crip nods before leaving the office. Sadly he doesn't make it to the front yard just yet. His hood is pulled over his head and he is dragged outside through a side door.
That fucking chuckle is unmistakable...It's Charlie, and that is only confirmed once the hood is yanked off of his head so he could see.
Charlie: "Now you didn't think I'd be letting you go that easily, did you?"
Crip: "Ugh-Fuck off.."
Charlie was choking him against the grey colored bricks, and dear god could he feel the strength in his grip. If this man wanted to, he could choke him out completely. Lucky for him, Charlie likes him conscious...
Charlie: "Fuck off? How about I just fuck you instead?"
It isn't long before he's flipped around, and his cheek scrapes against the bricks as Charlie holds his head in place. This was normal. This was his life. He could never stop, even if he really wanted to. He chose this after all.
He chose to be apart of this gang.
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