Hello! You've reached KindOfAnAlien's generic voicemail- but as an author's note! You can reach me by PM, posting on my wall, and/or commenting on any of my works!
If you are currently with me right now, and I am in need of emergency assistance, comment here, or direct your situation to ThePurpleCoconut57 or ByeByeBirdieBoy !
If you have feedback, comment here!
If you have theories over Xavier's death, comment here!
If you also want to confess your love for Xavier Clark, comment here!
If you want to talk about anything nerdy, comment here!
If you are also an alien and want to become my BFFAOOFTL (best friend for all of our fifteen thousand lives) comment here!
If you would like to become My Earthling, comment here and follow me!
If you ship Xavier x Carolina, comment here!
If you ship Xavier x Mona, comment here!
If you ship Xavier x Kate, comment here!
If you ship Xavier x Alexia, comment here!
If I am currently dead and my Vestian kin are invading Earth, speak to PaperJamLover1 , HayleeTucker , ThePurpleCoconut57 , or ByeByeBirdieBoy !
If you want to give or receive a high five, comment here!
If you have any negative comments, comment here! Like I actually care.
And if your situation was not mentioned, comment here!
If you wish to share this story, press the share button somewhere over there.
We call him Max. Press Max to make him happy. 👇🏻
And finally, if you wish to vote, all you must do is press that little star right there.
There he is. This is Geoffrey the vote star. We love him. Press him. Let your love show.
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