Hope was helping Fry and the other cooks in the kitchen, it was hot and muggy outside. She had pulled her long hair up into a bun on the top of her head, but strands still fell out and curled around her sweaty face. She groaned as she shifted her weight, leaning against the counter again.
"Hope, Sweetie, please go sit!" Fry sighed in frustration.
She waved a dismissive hand as she held her aching back. She felt Fry behind her, and placed a hand on her aching back. She hummed in contentment and leaned into his touch.
"This isn't the first time I've heard you groan and lean on the counter for support."
"I'm fine. It's nothing, just got swollen and sore."
"Hope!" He said with a bit of exhaspiration in his voice.
"No! Don't you no it's nothing Fry, me, woman! I've been watching the shuck clock and these are contractions!"
Hope stood up straight and she felt her heart beat faster.
"Yes Sweetheart. The doctor said anytime in the next three weeks. It's now exactly a week and a half."
"But....Fry....I don't think I'm ready for this!"
"Come here," he gently turned his wife around. He gently held her face and smiled gently. "This little one is coming whether we want it or not."
"Yeah...but you don't have to actually do this!" She whimpered.
"Shoulda thought of that 9 months ago." He gave her a little smirk.
She gasped and smacked his chest. She groaned again and leaned into Fry for support, he held her, pressing in her lower back where she kept complaining it was hurting. He slowly rocked back and forth, the gentle swaying helped. She let a long low groan out. The tightness eased and she stood up straight.
"Okay. I guess you're right. I guess my work day is over. Wonder how my boss is going to feel if I played hookie the rest of the day."
"He might fire you." Fry smirked down at her and gently kissed her nose.
"Pfft. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if he fired me."
"Very true." He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Now come on. I'll ask Leo to cover."
He took her hand and led her out into the fresh air, the breeze helped cool off her sweaty skin.
"Okay, you get that cute little butt home and I'll go get Lanna and Will and Odin and the Doctor."
She nodded and slowly made her way down the path. Half way she had to stop and lean on a tree, this one hurt a lot more than the others, making her gasp, she held a hand tight to her swollen tummy.
Hope and Fry had quietly been dating for a long time before people started to notice. It was a a year and a half later he had asked her to marry him. There wedding was small and quiet on the beach. Will and Lanna got married a few months after they did and found out they were pregnant a few weeks apart for each other. Papa Odin was beside himself in excitement. They had been married a few years before they started trying for a family. Hope was 25. Sure they were young, but after the kids they all lived it felt like they were a lot older.
The first person who found out (after Lanna and Will) had been Minho. Hope and Fry had been working in the kitchen the day after the big fire where Vince and Odin reviewed the memory stone. Fry had started a flour fight, and they were covered head to toe in the white powder stuff, she was laughing so hard tears ran down her face and her tummy hurt.
She threw another handful at him as he reached out and grabbed her around the waist. She shrieked and they stumbled into the door of the cupboard. He braced them before they slammed into it. They were both laughing hard. She was still laughing when he closed the distance between them, she giggled into the kiss. Her flour coated hands grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer, he slid his tongue into her still laughing mouth. Her laugh was cut off and she kissed him back.
There was a banging noise and they ripped away from each other and looked around at the noise. Minho stood in the door a look of shock on his face. It slid into hurt and then anger and then into his regular look of indifferent stone.
"Minho?" Fry asked, confused.
"Well...sorry for interrupting."
"What are you doing here?" Hope asked.
He raised an eyebrow, "Interrupting. Clearly."
He spun around and left the kitchen. Hope frowned after him, she gently pushed away from Fry. She left the kitchen and followed, Fry on her heels.
"Hey, shank, stop!" Fry called.
Minho paused, his back stiff and muscles tense.
"I'm happy for you, shank. She's a good one. A keeper."
"Ya, I know." Fry said.
"Fry? Can you give us a second." She said quietly.
He kissed her forehead. He smiled in understanding, "I'll be inside if you need me."
She waited until he was inside before turned back to Minho.
"Why did you come to the kitchen?"
"I...wanted to talk to you. But clearly..." He shook his head and looked away.
"Clearly what?" She asked with some sass in her voice. She crossed her arms and glared at the back of his head.
"It doesn't matter now."
"Why doesn't it matter?" She pressed.
"Because you with him." He finally cried and spun around.
"You came looking for me to talk to me but it doesn't matter anymore because I'm with Fry?"
"Nicely summed up, Ace." He snapped.
"Spit out whatever you were adimint on saying. You even saught me out."
"It doesn't matter anymore Hope. You've moved on."
She could see the hurt in his eyes. She took a step back, shock hit her hard and then it turned into anger.
"Seriously? After the way you treated me, you still expected me to have feelings for you?"
"Are you happy?"
"Yes." She said immidiatly.
"Nightmares? Flash backs?"
"Always. But with Papa, Lanna, Will and Fry I manage. We were tortured for almost a year Minho, it's going to be a forever thing."
"Well...glad you moved on so quickly. Glad your happy." He spat, his eyes narrowed.
"Seriously? I moved fast? It's been almost three months since we were rescued and you dumped me in the beach back at the mainland. It took you how long to dump me like a Bunge of baggage? On yeah a single shucken day! A few hours after our Berg lands, and you're dumping me because you didn't know. You wanted to try your options." She was yelling, her hands flaming she swatted at the angry tears and tried to rake her hands through her hair, but her hair and face were covered in flour and cookie batter. She huffed and growled in frustration. "What's the matter, Minho? Gone through the available girls in SafeHaven? None of them meet your incredibly high double standards? The Might Glader expected me to be waiting, pinning for you? Ha! No. You broke my heart Minho. You don't get a second chance."
He clamped his jaw and his eyes narrowed, she could see them shinning with unshed tears. She shook her head.
"No. Minho, you made your choice. You broke my heart you left me, and then treated me like some one night stand, like just some girl . You can't those words back, and now you live with the consiquens of your horrible choices and that terrible mouth of yours. I hope you learn that your actions and words have consiquens. Good bye, Minho, I'll see you around."
She spun on her heel and slammed into the kitchen and broke down in Frypan arms.
Hope was groaning and trying to breath through the contraction when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Ace? You okay?"
"Shuck!" She groaned, she reached out and grabbed hold of Minho's arm, "it shuck hurts!"
"Where's Fry? Shouldn't be be here?"
The contraction eased enough for to straighten up, she was breathing hard, but she could stand again on her own.
"Went to get Lanna and the Doctor."
"Oh. Can I help?"
Over the years of being stuck in the same community as Minho, Thomas, Newt, and Tim they had slowly learned to get along. Vince and Odin were strict and they didn't get to just do whatever they wanted, which helped. There wasn't a threat on their lives either, so they also calmed down, Thomas was still impulsive and thought rules didn't pay to him, but Brenda kept him in line. Minho took a while to grow up, but him and Sonya were now together and just found out she was expecting their first.
"Just...help me get back home."
"On it."
He walked slowly beside her. She had to stop again. Minho held her elbs. She tried to keep quiet but a gasping cry escaped.
"Come on Ace, you can handle torture, this is nothing!"
"Shut up Minho!" She hissed, "I'm litterly getting read to push a fully grown human from a ten centimer hole!"
"Alright. Point taken."
Once the pain subsided she straighted and continued up the path to hee and Fry's little cottage home. Minho helped her up the stairs and into her home. A few minutes later Fry burst through the door, Lanna Will, Odin and the doctor behind him.
"Oh thank shuck." Hope cried as another one hit hard. Fry rushed over and took her in his arms. This time she stayed hunched over in Fry's arms, her head on his shoulder, eyes clamped.
"Thanks man." Fry nodded at Minho.
"Anytime. I was on my way home and she didn't look to good. But you guys are good? Anything I can do?"
"Yeah, actually...could you tell Leo I won't be there for supper? And see if Jorge made it back from the mainland? He was supposed the be trying to scavange some baby stuff."
"On it." He nodded and as he left, he paused at the door, "you got this Ace! It's easier then a human rat's torture."
Hope managed a small snort of amusement.
Minho smirked and left.
Fry helped Hope to the bed where she just sunk down to her knees leaning on the bed and whimpered as another contraction hit. Fry knelt down, rubbing her back.
It didn't take long and Hope was trying hard not to scream as she used what little strength she had left to push. Baby had managed to wiggle around and wasn't face the proper way, meaning Hope was in a lot more pain, and it was more unsafe for the baby.
"Fry!" She kept whimpering, "it hurts!"
"I know! I know sweetie. Almost done! Almost there!"
"Good...good Hope, next contraction push." The doctor instructed. "I'm going to untwist baby's head."
"I can feel one coming!" Lanna said, she had a hand on Hope's stomach. Hope squeezed Fry's hand and cried out with the pain. The doctor flipped baby. She felt the baby roll and she screamed in pain. But that seemed to help.
"Okay, baby is crowning!"
"Wholly hell Hope, this kids got hair!" Lanna cried.
Fry shifted and took a peek. He crouched down beside her, smoothing hair from her sweat coated face. His eyes were a mix of awe, pride, worry and fear.
"You're doing amazing!"
"Stop! Stop pushing!" The doctor cried suddenly.
"What's wrong?" Fry cried turning back to the doctor. Hope had flopped back, zero strength left to stay upright. She was in so much pain, but she was loosing a lot of blood and she had been pushing for a long time. Frypan lifted her limp body, and shifted so he was behind her, supporting her body so she wasn't flat on her back.
"The cord is wrapped around baby's neck. Just a second..."
Hope's eyes shot open with another contraction.
"There! Free!" The doctor cried
A wild scream ripped from Hope and baby came sliding into the world. The doctor had to work quickly, baby came out not breathing. But with the help of Brenda who was a nurse, they got baby breathing while Lanna did her best to help Hope who had her eyes flutter closed and her breathing was shallow and ragged.
"Doc! What's wrong! She's not responding!" Fry suddenly cried shaking Hope's shoulders.
The Doctor spun back to Hope, passing the baby to Lanna, who backed away. The doctor shooed Frypan and everyone out except Brenda and called Odin in, with his army medic first aid, the doctor needed his help. Lanna passed the baby to Fry. Will and Lanna ushered him out onto the porch. Where he sunk to the little swing bench.
He gazed at their baby, a mix of emotions. Hope had passed out and was loosing a lot of blood, and he had no idea what was going on with the woman he loved, his wife and mother of their child.
"Congratulations daddy. You have a girl." Lanna smiled and sat down next to him with a groan of her own.
"I hope this doesn't scare you." Fry gave her a small apologetic smile.
"It comes with the territory."
It was a long half an hour. Frypan held his daughter close and tried not to loose it. Will and Lanna never left his side. The doctor opened the door with a small smile. Before Fry could even ask.
"She's just fine."
"Fry?" A small weak voice called. He rushed over and gently laid their daughter down on her chest and he sunk down beside them.
"Hope! Don't ever do that again! You shucken scared the klunk out of me!"
He kissed the top of their daughters head and then Hope's lips gently.
Mommy!" The little girl squealed. She came running as fast as her little two year old legs would move in the sand. She had ocean water dripping from her ringlets. Frypan right behind her.
"Desiree!" Fry laughed, "you're so fast!" He caught up to her and snatched her up making her shriek and giggle wildly.
Will came wading out of the water, Lanna and his son Cooper, tucked under his arm. The kids were plunked down onto the towels.
"Fry!" Hope hissed, "I just got Bennett to sleep!"
"Sorry Sweetie." He chuckled and kissed her gently.
"Men!" Lanna rolled her eyes. She was nursing their daughter, beside Hope.
"Hope my grandbabies are hungry!" A deep voice boomed. Hope turned her head and saw Papa Odin walking down the beach holding a big cooler, Vera and Harvey behind him.
Hope smiled. She looked back at Fry who had settled beside her, their daughter running as fast as her chubby little legs would take her beside her cousin over to Papa Bear.
"Second half of my dandilion wish is fulfilled." She whispered contently.
"Oh?" He asked turning his head a s kissed her forehead. "and what was that wish?"
"Live happily ever after."
"Great wish." He agreed. He was quiet for a second and then whispered, "You're going to have to make another wish."
Desiree (pronounced Dees-er-ay) meaning Wished; desired. Age 2yrs
Bennett meaning blessed. Age 1 month
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