Chapter 7: Dramatic Entrance
"Wait!" Thomas cried, looking at me with huge eyes. "The Right Arm?"
"I think...they are the bloody Right Arm, Tommy." Newt gasped, his big brown eyes just as wide.
"Aren't you the badass!" Frypan chuckled. Hope let a small smirk appear. Frypan wasn't too bad, he didn't seem to take himself so seriously. Unlike the other three.
"That I am. Now...out." Hope demanded. She hopped out and took her guns out of the truck and went to the back of the truck just as Lanna and Joe pulled up. Everyone pilled out and the new comers all crowded around each other.
"So...still don't think the Right Arm is real?" The Hispanic man grinned at the group.
"Well...had hoped." Thomas said slowly.
"I think...hope is a dangerous thing. Hope has killed more of my friends than the Scorch and the Flare combined." One of the girls said, she had short dark hair, and still looked pale and sweaty. Even her voice was thin and wobbly.
Hope narrowed her eyes, an uneasy nervous feeling crawled over her skin.
"Wait..THAT Hope? She's killed more of your friends?" Minho sassed, as he pointed at me.
"Hardy har har. Like I haven't heard that before. Very original." She grumbled and rolled her eyes.
"They've been planning this for over a year now, since they started rounding up for a second round. This is all for us. You guys are luck you found us when you did. We're leaving in a day or two." Sonya explained.
"Hey! Where's Vince?" Harriet called down.
"Somewhere over there, I think." Someone yelled back.
"Who's Vince?" Thomas asked. He hadn't stopped gaping with his mouth wide open at the camp spread out before him.
"He's the one who decides if you get to stay." Sonya explained.
Hope was busy cleaning her rifle at the back of the truck. Lanna was keeping her distance, which wasn't usual. Hope gave he a questioning look.
"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army." Minho asked, his frown was deep. And I could here the disappointment in his voice. I huffed and rolled my eyes. This guy ...he seriously had no idea about anything, judging everything before he knew anything.
"Yeah, we were." A voice said behind them. Hope turned to see Vince and Papa Odin marching up the hill. Vince was big and commanding, but Odin defenity dwarfed him. Papa came right up to Lana and Hope and held his arms out. They each gave him a big hug, as the group of new commers eyed him up.
"This is all that's left of us." Vince said, and indicated with his head towards the base of the hill. "Lot of good people died getting us this far. Now, who are they?" He swept a hand out to the group.
"They're Immunes." Harriet said immediately. Though I wasn't so sure. The one girl didn't look so good, I watched as her eyes fluttered for a second.
"Caught 'em up the mountain." Hope said, narrowing her eyes at the girl.
"Hope and Lanna know what their doing, I say make 'em watch leaders." Harriet added. "They gave us a solid training on how to do it properly. She seriously could have taken out their driver."
Papa squeezed her shoulder.
"And Lanna...she needs to train our guys on what to look for." Sonya added.
"Done. I'll see to it that Joe and Jonny get them set up for their own rotations. Odin, you're okay with that?"
Papa nodded. He kept a straight face but when Hope glanced up at him she could see the pride in his eyes. He winked at Hope and Lanna. Lanna gave him a tight lipped smile.
"Good. Now, Did you check 'em?"
"I know this guy, Aris. I trust him."
"I don't, that girl isn't looking good." Hope whispered to Papa. He fround, and looked over at who Hope indicated to.
"Well, I don't. Check 'em." Vince demanded.
Hope agreed. Always check, whether you know them or not. Better safe then sorry. Especially when a new group comes in, they need to be sure they wont infect the none immunes who have taken refugee. Papa Odin's eyes narrowed and his jaw clamed tight. The girl started to sway slightly.
"Hey, boss!" Odin barked, just as the girl collapsed, wheezing and coughing.
"Brenda! Brenda!" The older man cried as he dropped down beside her. He grabbed her shoulders.
"What's on?" Odin demanded. His voice was deep and harsh. The group that they came with all froze, and took a step back, except Thomas. He threw himself down onto the ground beside the sick girl.
"Brenda! Brenda. Brenda, talk to me!" He cried, clearly he was panicking. Collapsing in a fit of wild wet hacking coughs wasn't normal. Hope knew. She glanced at Odin, he looked like he was controlling his rage by a thin cord.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She wheezed, her voice was thin and frail, and riddled with gasping and coughing.
"What's going on with her?" Vince demanded.
"I don't know!" the man cried.
"She needs to be checked... arms and legs first..." Hope whispered, Odin nodded.
"Check her." Odin demanded. Vince nodded in agreement and crouched down.
"Brenda, are you all right?" Thomas asked, trying to shake her as well.
"Brenda? Talk to me."
Vince had pulled her pant leg up, and pulled a bloody bandage away.
"What the hell?" Odin cursed.
"Shit!" Hope yelped. She grabbed Lanna and shoved her behind her and Papa. everyone from the Right Arm pulled a gun in panic, including Hope and Papa, and Lanna, despite being shielded by Hope.
"Crank! We got a Crank!"
"No!" The man cried as Odin grabbed the man and yanked him away from the girl.
"No!" Thomas cried and lunged in front of Vince and his gun and the girl.
"Wait, wait!" He cried, holding his hands out.
"Step back, son!" Odin growled.
Everyone around panicked. Sonya and Harriet helped hold people back, a few more of the Right Arm members ran up the hill when there was yelling. They either held a gun out or grabbed someone holding them back. Thomas and the girl were surrounded now.
"Listen, okay?" Thomas pleaded. "This just happened, okay?"
"You knew she was infected and yet you brought her anyways? What kind of selfish jerk are you?" Hope snarled, her gun pointed directly at the girls forehead.
"She's not dangerous yet!" Thomas protested.
"She's still infected and can infect others!" Hope screamed back. Her anger was more out of fear. Lanna wasn't immune, and she couldn't lose her! And Lanna was stuck in the truck with her for half an hour. Hope tried to repress a sob.
"You shouldn't have her here!" Vince yelled.
"I know." Thomas tried to reason.
"We let cranks in here now, the Safe Haven doesn't last a week!"
"Step back!" Odin yelled, he still had a firm grip on the man who kept trying to struggle out.
"I understand, okay? I understand. Just listen. Please. Please, okay?" Thomas cried, he was trying to plead to anyone who had a gun pointed at him. Hope's eyes where filled with anger, they were hard and wouldn't listen to his excuses. She had been in this situation more then enough times to know it doesn't work. They always get worse and infect others.
"I told her that you could help. Okay? No. Please! There's got to be something you can do!" Thomas looked close to tears.
"Yeah, there is." Vince said flatly. "I can put her out of her misery." He cocked his gun, along with everyone else around. We were ready to protect our community from a deadly virus that showed no mercy.
"No!" Thomas screamed.
"No!" the man in Odin's arms screamed, he struggled more, trying to get to the girl, who was hardly breathing now. Hope knew the next steps, black phlegm, violence, hunger, snarling, the next step they were the most dangerous.
"Vince, that's enough! Let him go." A female voice demanded.
Vince looked over his shoulder, Doctor Mary was striding up the hill. She had a determined look on her face. "Let him go!" She demanded again.
"She's infected, Doc." Vince said, "How many has she infected already? There's nothing we can do for her."
"No, but he can." Mary indicated at Thomas. The group all sucked in a breath. Thomas opened and closed his mouth in confusion. Mary pushed Vince's arm down. Odin slowly lowered his gun, and let go of the man. He threw himself down onto the ground beside the girl. He picked her up and held her tight to his chest. Hope glanced at him, Papa. He frowned and glared at the others. He spun on his heel and placed his large powerful protective arm round Lanna, who was shaking and trembling and doing her best to not hyperventilate. Lanna had grabbed onto Hope's jacket and was holding on so tight her knuckles where white. He nodded and gently steered her away, and back down the hill.
"Hello, Thomas."
"What? You know me?" He stuttered, his eyebrows pulled together. He definitely had no idea who Doctor Mary was, his look of shock and confusion was clear. But Mary gave him an understanding smile.
"Interesting. It makes sense they'd put you in the maze. Though I must admit...I was sure they'd kill you after what you did."
"What I did?"
"The last we time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore... watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we gave me the coordinates of every compound, and lab of WICKED's."
"He was our source." Vince marveled.
Mary nodded, not taking her eyes off Thomas. "We couldn't have pulled all this off without him." Mary and now Vince were looking at Thomas like he was God's gift to man. Frustration in this situation made my hands shake with anger. Just disregard ever non immune in this camp because Thomas the savior gave them some information. I slid my gun into its holster. I spun on my heel with a growl. I grabbed my backpack and Lanna's stuff and stormed away. On my way down the hill I heard Mary instruct others,
"Take her to the medical tent. Get these guys some warm clothes. Thomas, come on. I need to get some blood from you."
I was in the kitchen helping with supper. I had checked on Lanna. Mary had come by and given her some antianxiety medicine and checked her on the insistence of Odin. She came out clean, but None of us were impressed with Mary and letting a crank stay in the camp.
"You keep away from right now. I don't need to banish my girl." He growled.
Hope slammed her knife down, she needed more potatoes. She picked up her bowl and went to the cellar, outside and around the corner. It was cold enough underground, the little dug out cellar worked perfectly keeping food fresh. Hope opened the door and let it drop. She climbed down the later into the dark, she squinted trying to find the potatoes. The bags were in the far corner. She shivered. Being in the dark enclosed spaces made her heart beat faster, and made her mouth feel dry. She tried to do her job as fast as she could. But her hands were shaking, which made her keep dropping the potatoes. There was a few voices and then a loud grunt. Hope spun around, dropping the bowl. The cellar door slammed closed and then she heard the giant piece of wood slid into place, locking the doors.
Hope froze. She couldn't move, she was left in the dark. Her heart had jumped into her throat, and her stomach dropped out of her body. Her voice forgot to work for a minute. She finally managed to get her feet working. She stumbled over to the stairs, she fumbled her way up and tried pushing on the heavy wood door.
"No no no no." She whispered. Tears prickled her eyes. "Please no, not again!"
Her chest felt tight, and the tears spilt down her eyes. Hope tried pushing the door again. It was stuck. She was stuck. No one was coming. Mama and Daddy promised but she was four years old again. She was alone and trapped in the dug out under the kitchen floor.
Hope banged her fists on the door, a sob finally escaped. Her sobbing became more wild. She was now hyperventilating, and screaming for help. She couldn't get enough air in her lungs. The space was becoming smaller and smaller. She sunk down to the floor and cried. Her teeth started to chatter. She was freezing and the tears on her face made her even colder. She slammed her fists on the door, she kept slamming until her hands were bruised and bloodied. Her screaming became more frantic the longer she was stuck.
There was a loud scrap and then there was setting sun glaring into the cellar. Footsteps stormed down the few wood steps and then someone crouched in front of her.
The voice was worried, but oddly calm and gentle. Hope couldn't even talk at this point. She just shook her head, her eyes clamped closed, she was clawing and ripping at her shirt. She couldn't breath, her lungs were too tight, she was shivering and shaking. She felt warm hands under her elbows and she was lifted to her feet.
"Come on, into the sunshine and fresh air."
She couldn't get her feet to work properly, they were freezing. She stumbled a few times up the stairs, but the strong arms didn't let her fall. They walked a little ways, then she was helped to the ground in a bright patch of setting sun.
"Breath. Nice big deep breaths."
It took Hope a few minutes to be able to take proper breathes. She lifted her face up into the sunshine. She felt the wind blow in her face and made her hair flutter around her. She took another slow shaky breathe. Unsinging the heels of her hands she dried the tears off her face. Her hands where stuff and cold. She shivered. She had taken her jacket off in the kitchen, and didn't bother putting it back on when she was just running for another bowl of potatoes. She hadn't planned on getting trapped.
Something warm was placed over her shoulders. She didn't recognize the smell. She finally let her eyelids flutter open and looked around. Of all the people, Frypan was sitting beside her. He had taken his jacket off and placed it over her shoulders. He sat beside her his knees up, and his arms draped loosely around his knees. He had his face turned to the sun.
He turned his head and looked at her. He gave her a big smile, like she didn't just fly off the handle. His big smile made his dark eyes sparkle in the sun set. When he smiled it reached his eyes, it was a full genuine smile, and for some reason it eased the tight knot in Hope's chest.
"Hello Hope."
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