I walked into the hallway still relying on Andy for most of my strength. Matthew was leaning against the wall, but he stood up straight the moment I walked out.
"Hey, you alright?" I shrugged as we walked down the hall, Matthew following close behind. I was slowly beginning to feel better, so we had decided to go visit my mother. Unfortunately, before we got there a figure exited the lounge where both my parents were that stopped me in my tracks.
I groaned and pushed Andy away, trying to stand without his assistance. I needed to appear strong. Then Jonas' eyes flashed to Andy from me and he snarled. He grabbed a small bottle from the table next to him and threw it against the wall. It shattered into multiple pieces and I saw Jonas' hand move and a large piece of glass pierce Andy's side. Andy screamed in pain, and a sharp pain pierced my side.
I screamed as well and watched Jonas' face twist into an ugly mask. "What's wrong with you Victoria?" I groaned as he continued to not remove the glass from Andy and the pain grew steadily worse.
Then I heard a door open and my father yelled, "Stop!" I felt the sharpness removed from my side, but the pain was still there. Jonas looked at the floor and I slowly moved towards Andy's shifting figure. I reached him and wrapped my arms around him, helping him into a sitting position.
This time I could feel him relying on my strength to keep us both up. I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on between Jonas and my father until I heard. "You'll never get to make that proposition now, now you face the court." I sighed and Andy moved to stand. I stood up with him and we both slowly moved towards the two.
"Victoria, go inside with Andy. I'll be in there in a minute." I nodded and led Andy into the lounge, not looking at my father.
The last time I'd been in here had been when Luna had come by for a visit. I shuddered at the memory. Andy walked over to the empty couch and sat down, I sat next to him and helped him heal the wound. I looked up at my mother, and she smiled.
"I think father knows." I muttered as Andy leaned back with a groan. She looked over at him worriedly and I faced her. "Jonas...he hurt him which in turn hurt me. Father saw...oh God. I'm not prepared to tell him." Mother came and sat next to me, putting an arm around me.
"It'll be fine. You've got each other and I'll be here to help if you need me." I nodded and hugged her tightly, then I turned to Andy. He nodded mutely to me and I shuffled closer to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder, his presence giving me comfort.
The door banged open and my father entered. My mother had moved back to the other couch and I tried to relax. My father sat across from us and my mother gave him a reassuring smile, putting a hand on his knee.
"Would you like to explain what happened in the hallway?" I shook my head, interlacing my fingers with Andy's. "Victoria, I demand an explanation or I will be forced to draw my own conclusions." I remained silent, looking up at Andy. "Well, from my understanding and from what I saw...you imprinted. The both of you, on each other."
I looked to Andy and we both nodded. My father was clearly shocked by the news. "Alright, well. We can talk about this later. Right now I need to call a council meeting so go get changed." I nodded again and led Andy back to our room.
I threw him the outfit he'd need to wear and went searching through my closet until I found the dress I needed to wear. I changed and walked out pulling on my heels when Andy stopped and gazed at me.
I wore a long black dress that stopped just past my ankles. The sleeves were a thin silk that left my wrists free and my heels were also black. I quickly pulled my hair back into a bun and then stood up. Andy wore a white button up shirt with black dress pants and newly polished shoes. I walked over and parted his hair properly then handed him a tie.
"You've got to look dignified for council. You'll sit with a whole bunch of others, but I'll make sure that Matthew sits with you to help explain what's going on and the workings of the place." He nodded mutely and I quickly kissed him on the cheek. Then I led him through the multiple hallways and down many flights of stairs to the court.
Many of the seats were being filled, chatter filled the usually quiet room with noise. Vampires seeing others they hadn't seen in a long time because they didn't live with the clan or had moved around to help with missions and so on. I led Andy over to where Matthew and Judith were talking quietly. I explained to them what I wanted and they both nodded, Judith leaving the boys and walking with me towards the women's side of the court.
That's when I saw Jonas' mother. She was wandering around aimlessly, looking for something. I was tempted to quickly run back to Andy and appear busy, knowing that something was probably me. I hated being right, because then she saw me and quickly made her way towards me.
"It's your fault! Your fault that he's here! If you would accept him everything would be fine!" She screeched as she stormed towards me.
Suddenly a hand pulled me back and I found Andy standing in front of me. "Leave her alone." He muttered, his voice hardening with anger. I was shocked, no one had ever protected me like that before, I had to fend for myself.
My mind ran at a mile a minute. Is this what it's like to imprint. You protect and love? Jonas' mother huffed and walked away, over towards an area where she would be allowed to sit. Andy turned to me and undid my hair.
"You look better with it down." He muttered as he walked back towards Matthew. I blushed and smiled, then a gong echoed in the room and I straightened my back, looking for my parents. My father walked over to me and I followed him and my mother over to our seats in front of everyone. I brushed the wood frame of the chair, then sat down looking at the accused.
Jonas sat in the middle of the floor, his hands cuffed behind his back. I shuddered thinking about those handcuffs. If you lied they dug deeper into your wrists, causing excruciating pain, sometimes they even caused people to bleed to death because they lied.
I instead decided to look out at the assembled vampires and attempted to relax. You can do this, one day it'll be you in that main seat. I gazed up at my father who was glaring at Jonas.
"You all know why you have been called here, we deal with a matter of importance. An hour ago, Jonas Midwood attempted to maim both my daughter Victoria Aiken and Andy Young. He attacked without warning and violated our codes. He knew the punishments and has confessed to committing these crimes. According to our laws, he needs to be held until further notice. Are there any questions at this point?" A female vampire who was named Catherine, we all called her Cat, stood up.
"What weapon was used to maim the both of them?" My father nodded to me and I stood up, walking to the front of the balcony and spoke clearly.
"A glass bottle, he shattered it and sent pieces flying into both Andy and myself." She nodded and sat back down.
Jonas glared up at me. He knew a piece hadn't hurt me, but he'd seen my reaction so he knew something must have happened. Another male vampire, Victor, stood up.
"Did he truly act without warning?" I nodded, and thought back to the moment he'd stepped out of the lounge.
"He left the lounge as we were walking there to meet my parents. He suddenly grabbed the bottle and smashed it, then all I can remember is the pain of the glass piercing my side." Victor nodded and sat down.
My father cleared his throat and I stepped down, walking back over to my seat. I gazed at Jonas who was busy struggling to escape the handcuffs.
"Jonas, do you regret your actions?" He struggled then looked up to my father.
"Yes..." He muttered, then screamed in pain as the handcuffs reacted to his lie. Gasps spread around the room and I silently groaned.
Andy stood up and everyone suddenly went silent. I tried to stand up, knowing that Andy didn't know what this could mean. My mother shook her head and I stopped, watching Andy closely.
"Andrew Young, do you have something you wish to say?" I waited, dead silence filling the room.
"I believe Jonas should be punished. He hurt both myself and Victoria without motive and we're now simply restating facts." I shifted my position in case I was needed. However my father simply nodded.
"Thank you Andy, we'll take that into consideration." Andy sat down and I sighed in relief.
After a long while of debating between vampires, it was decided that we would hold Jonas in one of our confinement cells until the council would reconvene or we decided on a sentence and it was carried out.
I personally wanted Jonas to be stripped of all his rights and have to live as a rogue on the streets. That way we could kill him for murdering someone or something of the sort. I would have been happy to hunt him down and destroy him.
I was walking back through the hallways, my heels clicking on the wooden floor as I hurried away. I wanted to be alone at the moment. I heard someone else coming behind me and I quickly ducked behind a pillar. I watched as Matthew and Andy walked past, gazing around.
"She'll be fine." Andy looked at Matthew.
"You think?" He shrugged.
"I've known here for three hundred and seventy five years, if she doesn't want to be found she won't be." Andy sighed and they continued walking.
I waited for another good minute then followed them. However, I instead went into another room and climbed out onto the window ledge. I jumped down and as I fell I tucked into a ball. I rolled out on the ground and popped up. I walked around the house to a small storm cellar. I slipped in and walked down the stairs, then I flicked on the lights as I continued down the hallway.
I arrived in a small room with jars of blood stacked shelf upon shelf. I gazed around and found a certain jar labelled Drugs. I grabbed it and a small syringe. Then I snuck back around and into the holding cells. I found Jonas sitting up waiting in his cell.
"I was wondering how long it would take for you to come and visit me Victoria." I shuddered as he said my name, he extended the ending and said it in a sing-song voice. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist seeing me." I chuckled dryly and unlocked the cell door.
"Well, you shouldn't have attacked me. You knew I would make you pay." I dipped the syringe into the blood and filled the whole thing. Then I entered the cell and quickly pinned Jonas against the wall. I stuck the long tip into his neck and quickly pumped the blood into his system.
"Enjoy." I muttered as I left, picking up the jar as I left. The blood had come from a drug addict and was laced with all sorts of hallucinogens. I smiled as I walked away knowing that he would suffer from delusions and hallucinations.
I placed the jar back on the shelf and quickly disposed of the syringe, then I walked back inside. Andy was waiting for me in our room, I started calling it that because it was clear that he wasn't moving out.
"Hey, how's everything?" I shrugged and flopped down on the bed next to Andy.
"Are you tired? Because I am." Andy brushed some hair from my face and smiled down at me.
"That whole trial took a toll on you huh?" I nodded and I went to get changed into my pajamas. Seeing as it was springtime and it got warm during the day, all I wore was a light tank-top and gym shorts.
I quickly brushed my hair and climbed into bed, gazing at Andy's already sleeping figure. Then I rolled over and tried to fall asleep. Nothing happened. I groaned and got up, walking over to my desk where I sat and flipped through some files. Looking for something. Until I felt strong arms around me pick me up and carry me to bed.
"Sleep Vicky, you need it." Andy. I watched as he climbed back in next to me and fell back asleep. I closed my eyes and sleep crashed upon me. However all it brought were nightmares.
I'm standing on a beach. The wind blows through my hair, I smell the sea. Everything is lovely. Andy walks along the sand towards me. I smile and wave, then I see another girl running towards him. She's dressed very nicely, and she giggles and he picks her up, spinning her around.
They both begin to laugh and I feel jealousy burn within me. I wave again and Andy sees me this time. He glares at me and turns away, and the anger within me sends fire snaking across the sand towards him. Then I realize it's coming for me. The fire curls up my legs, and slowly all I see is orange. I'm burning, but I don't feel pain. I just feel sorrow.
Then my father rips away the flames and I'm standing in the court again. But the flames now curl up the walls. Everything is burning, dying. I gaze to my father who is fighting a woman. She suddenly drives a stake through his chest and my father collapses, dead on the floor. But his voice echoes around the room; Vicky! Vicky! Wake up!
I gasp awake, finding Andy shaking my shoulders. It had been him at the end telling me to wake up. My arms flew out, grabbing onto his as my eyes flew open.
"You were screaming in your sleep. Are you okay?" I nodded quickly, trying to bury the fear I felt.
"I'm fine." I muttered, my voice hoarse. I quickly thanked Peter who stood there with my breakfast. I grabbed it along with a change of clothes and locked myself in the small room where I'd kept Andy for one night. I could hear Andy outside, but I needed my time alone. I sat against a wall, the empty cup next to me on the floor. I gazed around the room, the dim glow of sunset shining through the windows.
My cheeks were covered with tear tracks, I could feel them. I shuddered as memories and thoughts flooded my consciousness. I groaned and lay back on the floor, trying to distract myself from my own mind. But it wouldn't work, and I curled up into a ball. I felt the light tears begin streaming from my eyes once again.
Everything around you is always in danger, ever since that day. Luna's words echoed in my head. I shook with silent sobs as images from over 300 years ago flashed before my eyes.
Luna was leading little me to a shrine. I'd thought of her as an aunt back then. Until she tied me down to the stone slab and held a knife above me. I was young and couldn't defend myself. A few other werewolves gathered around. A decent pack size. I could feel myself panicking, but I refused to show it. I closed my eyes and waited for the stabbing pain.
It never came, instead the knife clattered on the ground and I found my parents and my many aunts and uncles fighting off the werewolves. My one aunt, Jessamyn, had broken away from the group and quickly carried me away. Luna pounced at the both of us. Jessamyn had fought her off, fire swirling around her in a whip.
But then Luna hissed at me; "No one will ever be safe around you Victoria, this was for your well being as well as many others!" To prove her point she ripped out my aunt's heart and left her there. I had run over to my dying aunt who smiled at me, stroking my blonde hair. She died in my arms.
I shrieked and the werewolves made to run, cowering in terror. My mother had scooped me up into her arms but I made her put me down. I faced the werewolves, and cracks grew under their paws, the earth breaking apart under them. I thrust out my hand to them and two fell down into the endless abyss.
Luna screamed, turning into her wolf form and running off into the distance, five more following. The rest continued to fall down in the darkness, howling as they disappeared. My father had put his hand on my shoulder and then taken me away to a strange place. I'd spent a few years there, learning to control my newfound abilities. I couldn't remember who was there, or even where it was.
Usually a pureborn is only gifted with one ability, I was born with three. Fire, air and darkness. I'd been returned to my family and hidden from the world, told to stay inside until I was old enough.
I sighed, sitting back up. The memories - how had I not been able to remember all this? I could never remember why we suddenly didn't see Luna anymore, why she was suddenly bad, and why my aunt Jessamyn was never at family events.
I'd loved Jessamyn, she always told me I was special. I remembered all the years of my parents telling me that when I was ready my power would come to me, as it had to them. Other forgotten memories began to come back.
When I'd been told to leave, but I snuck back and listened to my family's conversations. My aunts and uncles saying I should remember my past. Finally, it was revealed that I had been with Merlin. He took my memories, hid my powers. I felt angry, not the sadness or fear I'd felt. Just anger. I climbed up to a large window and watched the leaves blow in the evening glow.
I had my memories, I remembered everything he taught me. So I began to try and control the wind, propelling myself off the windowsill, hovering above the earth. Then I fell to the earth and landed hard, causing the earth to tremble.
I wasn't hurt, surprisingly. I guess I still needed some practice. I looked at my hand, it glowed faintly with golden light. I slammed it into the earth and fire sprung up into a sheet above me. I grinned and moved my hand along the fire.
I threw out my other hand and the fire was quickly sucked into a black vortex of nothingness that was swirling from my other hand. I gasped as the vortex dissipated and I heard a sound coming from the other side of the house. I ducked into the shadow of the large pillars on the house and watched my father run out into the area where I had just been.
"Victoria?" I didn't move, or speak. I stayed perfectly still until he left.
He knew, he knew the whole time. I tried to shove the thoughts from my head, but they persisted. What else do they know? They might have answers to all your questions. I shook my head, telling myself to stop. Merlin, he can help you, he did before. I suddenly got up and started running, all the way to the warlock sector.
Once I entered I was careful. I walked slowly through the streets, waiting for something, or someone, to jump out at me. Just when I started to relax, a young warlock named Sage walked out of the shadows.
"You are not welcome here vampire." I stopped, and gazed at her. My hands were shaking, I clearly wasn't as in control as I thought.
"Please, I must see Merlin." She chuckled and pulled a small pouch from her belt.
"If you want to get to him you have to go through me." I stood my ground and she prepared for a fight. My arm seemed to act of its own free will. It made some sort of motion and then my fingers splayed wide and a whip of fire caught around Sage's neck.
"Take. Me. To. Merlin." I said, a long pause in between each word and anger hardening my voice. She choked and nodded, and suddenly a man appeared from the shadows.
"Victoria, release her." My wrist snapped back and I clutched it with my other hand. Both shook uncontrollably. Merlin stood in between Sage and me.
"Help me, please." I begged, gazing at my hands.
"So, you remembered." I nodded, watching Merlin's actions. "Victoria, you know I mean you no harm." I chuckled dryly.
"Then why did you take my memories?" I muttered, looking up at him with a mixture of betrayal and anger.
"You parents asked it of me, with the state you're in now I see that it wasn't the best choice, but at the time it worked. I personally thought you should keep them, develop your abilities further."
I scoffed and Merlin walked closer to me. "I know what you're capable of. Your father brought you to me immediately after the incident. I trained you to perfection, then I had to wipe your memory. I remember you, so young. You begged me to not do it, said you could handle it."
He chuckled and watched as I pulled away when he tried to touch my hand. "No! I don't want to hurt you!" I screamed, edging backwards. He stepped towards me and I hurried back again. My hand clutched my wrist as I tried to stop their shaking.
"Victoria, let me prove that you are okay." He snapped his fingers and a blue spark flew at me. I deflected it with the air, and then turned away. "Look at you, you can control it. You don't need me, you just need to dig deep inside of you."
I looked back into his bright blue eyes, and I could see he was telling the truth. I straightened my posture, I needed to know something else
"Fine, if you say so. I also wanted to know if there's been anything with the wolves. Have they been acting out and so on?"
Merlin paused and gazed at me. "How did you know about that?" I scowled, letting my hand relax.
"Luna, she attacked Andy and Matthew. I would assume she would try and attack our allies as well." He nodded and I spun away, walking off back towards the vampire sector.
"Victoria!" I turned back to look at Merlin and young Sage. "Be careful, these times are dangerous. You need to make sure you have control."
I nodded and began running off across town, and after I picked up speed I flew through the air, but kept low so people wouldn't notice. Once I got back home I snuck back inside the window I'd left from and opened the door.
No one was outside so I climbed out and closed the door. Then I walked into my bedroom and fell back onto the bed. I sighed and held out my hand, a flame sprang up illuminating the room.
I smiled as the flickering light sent shadows dancing across the walls, and I gazed at the moving figures of darkness. I left the flame hanging in the air and got up, walking over to the mirror to fix my hair. I ran my fingers through my blonde locks, but it didn't do much. I sighed and held out my hand.
The fire extinguished itself and I prepared for whomever would be outside my door. I walked out and found no one. I slowly made my way down the hall, checking around every corner, and then something hit me from behind and my vision went black.
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