🎊Another Year Goes By🎊
Well here we are, I'm another year older and hypothetically more mature. I certainly don't feel 17 yet but hey, the date has dictated that I am so happy day of coming into existence to me.
This basically marks three (and a little bit more) years since I started writing and I can confidently say that many things have grown. (unlike Ame's mental age, that is)
Grown in numbers, grown in words per chapter, grown in inconsistency with the upload schedule, grown in sarcasm, (idk if you guys could tell) grown with experience and my confidence in being able to write something worthwhile.
Because all of you are here supporting me.
And bombarding me with loads of interesting questions (and drawing requests for some reason???)
Without further ado, LET'S GET TO 'EM!
Q: How do you come up with such good ideas?
A: I'm very glad that you think so! I would love to say that I was born with such a big brain and flow with mastery in the language arts, or that I have a magical ceiling that whispers the secrets of the universe into my ear, but no. That would be a lie.
Most of these ideas are created in little scenario simulations I like to play in my head when I daydream, or when I'm doodling, or when I'm listening to good music. Another place ideas also come from are other legends, myths and stories that I simply stumble over and fall down, like a rabbit hole. If there's anything worth jotting down, it gets added to my docs and waits to be executed in a future chapter.
And then, I hang back and hope that it enchants you guys, just as it enchanted me.
Q: :))) sớm đạt 1 triệu nhé (Reach 1 million soon)
A: (I had to Google Translate this one and I hope it came out correctly) Thank you so much for your blessings! I truly believe it will reach there one day <3
Q: Will Warsaw Pact make an appearance and/or be important to the plot
A: They might, I'm not too sure but they won't be playing too big of a role. They'll probably appear in a backstory, if anything.
Q: Maybe it has changed or maybe it hasn't, but do you have any favorite characters? And a favorite character to write?
A: My favorite character? Since the last time I was asked this, the roster sure expanded a lot. I realized that I don't exactly have a favorite character to write, per say, more like a favorite dynamic. Right now, I'm enjoying planning a future interaction between the SEA kids, specifically Singapore and a soon-to-appear, Macau. I'm also extremely excited to introduce a couple of other new characters, namely Amazon's distant relatives.
Q: Do you have an ending planned already for WWMS?
A: Yesn't I guess? I know the basic direction that I want it to go towards but the definitive end is still alluding me XD
Q: Are you and Kai friends? Like do you guys actually know each other? Or is it just online?
A: Yeah, he's just an online acquaintance.
Q: What do you do when having writer and artist block?
A: I procrastinate. I get so frustrated that I refuse to touch my apps and focus on other things instead. I focus on my studies (begrudgingly, usually) or play Genshin Impact 'til I'm numb. I also go watch anime, go to the library to read and look at other creative pieces, hoping it'll spark some creative motivation into me XD
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If it's the latter, my best solution is go to sleep and give up on doing something as pointless as worry.
Q: How do you write so professionally and with some sort of emotion?
A: P-professionally? HAHA no no, my writing is far from that but I'm honored you feel that way. I guess it's just from experience and just reading books that I figured out what works for me, what portrayed emotion, imagery, tension, passion, etc. I just took what I loved to see as a reader and tried my best to apply it to my own writing and I'm so glad to see that it's working.
Q: What do you normally use for references in drawing?
A: Lately, I've downloaded a modelling app that I can use for motion and lighting studies, mostly to check if my anatomy is okay and if anything is wonky. I also like to dive into Pinterest for butt tons of material. Occasionally, I also use myself as a reference for things like hands, arm positions, etc. When I do do that though, I have to make sure no one is watching or else people might think I'm insane...
Q: Could you go into depth on America true power, explain it in an out of story sense. I feel like I understand it but there is also so much questions I have regarding it.
A: Of course! It would be my pleasure but for those who haven't caught up to recent WWMS chapters and are planning to, here's a Spoiler Warning!
America's true power is an unnamed one that allows him to claim the Awakenings of others that he has killed. There are many restrictions to this ability though which is why he's only been able to successfully use it once.
He must be directly responsible for the death of the other (aka deal the fatal blow) and be nearby when they do perish.
The abilities that he currently possesses must be compatible with himself and one and another or else weird ability mutations may occur, or just straight up self-destruct.
The more Awakenings he claims, the more energy he needs to maintain even just one of them.
There's some more details that I'll spare but you get the idea. It's an icky one so he just sticks with setting things on fire.
Q: How do you develop your characters so well? And give them each such a unique personality, characteristics, habits, etc?
A: Hehe, you think so? I'm relieved because it's been something I've struggled on. Especially with my uh... earlier chapters written by an idiot, younger me, painting them in one way, it's been difficult to give them more. Typically, when I write a new character, I form their backstories and relationships/roles first. I like to do little notes like what they like to eat, what their hobbies are, what their favorite color is, what is their moral code and beliefs etc. All of these, especially the backstory note is essential to developing a fully flushed out character to add. In other words, I have to get to know my characters first like meeting an actual person before I can develop any interest in writing about them.
Q: How do you do it and manage to not have any plot holes?
A: Okay I know I said I struggled with characters but this, THIS WAS THE REAL STRUGGLE! If anyone reading this and wants to write a serious serious, crispy, tasty, super passion project book that will be you're greatest work ever, do not shoot yourself in the foot like I did and push out shit willy nilly without a foundation, especially not at the beginning. I will say, I had no idea what the fuck I was doing at the start and my only thought was:
"Okay, and then they went somewhere, then something happens idk, I'll figure it out, but in the end, this happens."
No thoughts, just end goal.
I mean, I guess that's also fine, I still do a lot of improvising and tossing things out like confetti (tbh the entire chapter "By Your Side" was mostly improv) but at least I've learned to connect most things properly.
My best advice I can give you: REREAD YOUR PAST CHAPTERS!
No matter how ass the quality is, no matter how badly you want to throw up at the sight of your... >2000 word chapters, just read. It will refresh your memories and remind you where you were taking your story, allow you to make some interesting connections and occasionally, even let you admire your literary genius.
Q: I'm working on my anatomy and stylization, how did you find yours and develop such intricate perspective and poses?
A: Ah yes, the long journey to seek one's art style and what works. Honestly, I can't really help you with this one as much as I would like because this is a very customized adventure for each individual. Personally, I just consumed whatever looked the hottest and did my best to recreate them and eventually, my own habits and preferences took over until I got what I have now. This is a never-ending search, though. This year, I've been doing my best to develop my workflow, especially coloring, since I'm satisfied enough with anatomy.
I suggest starting with your favorite style that is most easy to draw and expanding from there. Eventually, your own hands will take over your process until you have your very own artstyle.
Q: How did you begin digital art and get to where you are now? I've been interested in digital art but every time I attempt it, it just doesn't feel right.
A: I remember the first time I did digital art, it was on my dad's phone, on some silly little doodle pad. When I got my first touchscreen phone, I found ibis paint x and loved to watch their official speed paints so I tried it out myself.
This went on, just me slashing my finger across screen after screen (I was so good at finger drawing omg what happened to me :'D) but I always wanted an upgrade. Then, I got to highschool and received my beloved iPad. Oh my god I remember feeling like such a professional just holding Procreate in my hands like AAAAAAAAAAA but looking back, it's stupid.
Your apps, programs and devices don't determine your ability as an artist. Hell, I've seen people create masterpieces with MS paint and even the Instagram draw function on stories like???
As long as there's a will, there will always be a way. If you want to get into digital art, tutorials, speedpaints, all those things will be lifesavers. It will be a slow process, so take your time. I only picked up digital art as quickly as I did because I was already taught the basics with traditional techniques. Digital art was just another medium, like a funky new paintbrush splattering virtual paint on a glowing glass surface.
Keep trying, experimenting, asking questions, watching others with more experience. If it still feels wrong, practice with different materials until you feel like you're ready again.
Q: What do you think of the fandom and the... concerning ships in it?
A: This is... honestly a very hard one to answer but there is always one very important thing I force myself to keep in mind:
Are these characters meant to represent reality, history, actual people? If yes, then steer clear. It's wrong to screw with those kinds of things, especially when it comes to such heavy topics because misinformation and interpretations may arise that can paint rotten things that actually happened to real people into something lighter and easier for people to simply dismiss as fantasy. That is not okay and I feel like more people are realizing this as the fandom slowly declines from the old frenzy.
On the other hand, I can sorta understand those who can clearly take apart very specific aspects that can be linked to broader human traits to create characters that are meant to be their own individual character, used to live their own story separate from human history. In this instance, it's reality used to inspire fantasy instead of the other way around but this must be used with UPMOST RESPONSIBILITY AND CONSIDERATION!
But of course, with the CH names and extremely obvious sources of inspiration, this is an infinitely fine line to walk and in basically all cases, I can't see any that lead to a morally clean path so...
Just... do your research, guys. Listen to a variety of opinions and only when you are 100% sure it's not going to be a skeleton in your closet, can you even consider going for it.
Man. This is one of the only bones I have to pick with this damn fandom. I hate this.
Q: Any tips on becoming an author?
A: Are you passionate? Do you have too many ideas stuck in your noggin? Is your writing not completely riddled with spelling and grammar errors? Then you can become and author.
Have fun.
Oh, and read and eat at least three thesauruses for breakfast each and every day.
Q: Can you draw CITS doodles? Some snippets or lore? Information about the world?
A: Damn, I have a strange feeling that you guys are more excited for CITS than I am to publish it, which is crazy because I'm basically itching every waking hour to publish the prologue.
Castle in the Sky will likely be much shorter than WWMS because I can't do this again, honestly, but in my opinion, it's more thought through than WWMS will ever be since it's a culmination of 3+ years of writing experience and nearly 80 chapters.
Now let's see some lore drops uhhh
CITS will be made up of three timelines:
The Past, when Heaven and Hell dominated all matters of history,
The Present, when humanity has risen to walk on its own, but still watched by the divine,
and The Future, where an undocumented catastrophe has turned the world upside down. (like literally) One day, everything is just fine and the next, hell is knocking at your door.
The book will follow around Ame, (naturally) who got so bored he jumped out of Heaven to rudely barge into Russia's somewhat peaceful life. So, Heaven isn't really pleased with Ame's disappearance since he didn't hand in his 2 week resignation notice and starts hunting him down.
Now that he's living like this, Ame gets to see things in a whole new perspective and starts to basically question his entire existence while his past deeds come back to stab him in the ass, some more literally than others. All the while, he makes new friends and gets used to life on Earth and all that stuff, yay. Quite a bit of slice of life sorta vibes mixed in with a whole slew of emotional torture <3
I'm very excited to present this to you all, if you couldn't tell. Oh also, do note that there'll probably be fewer appearing characters than in WWMS just because I want to keep things streamlined and no, I don't know if Five is going to appear there :(
Since requested, I'll give you a small snippet of a scene I thought of not long ago that comments a little on the currency system because money :)
(This is not an example of the book's writing style because I have no idea what I will write like in the future)
"So, you want to register for a new account?" Switzerland exhaled slowly, blowing another plume of ashen gold into the air. "Have you done dealings with this establishment before?"
America shook his head timidly as the other continued to scrutinize him over his silver-framed glasses.
"Yeah, I thought not, since I didn't recognize you. Are you registered in the Mythics Registry then?"
"Actually, could you sign him up under a self-sustained anonymous account as well?" Russia interjected quickly and the Swiss man shot a knowing glance at him before sighing softly to himself.
"Fine. I neither have the time, nor the energy to ask what for."
He rummaged around before pulling out a thick leather tome and a feather quill. He snatched the jeweled cane that leaned to the side and walked out from behind the antique desk until he was face to face with America. Now that he was right in front of him, America finally got a good look at the intimidating figure.
He was well dressed; he wore a blood-red vest under his silk black suit embellished with faded silver patterns. Shining red jewels that were clasped between silver bones decorated him from the base of the neck to the tips of his long, dark nails, as if he were trying to squeeze as much of his wealth onto himself as possible. His long scarlet locks were tied back regally to drape against his flowing gradient coat that fluttered as he walked. The thing that caught America's attention, however, was not his overall appearance, but his eyes behind his glasses.
Hooded eyelids, slitted reptilian pupils and iridescent irises bordered with smoky dark lashes were telltale signs of a European dragon, a powerful one at that. Hah, no wonder he was dressed so flashily, he probably had amassed a huge treasure hoard already.
Switzerland tossed the book open onto the ground between them and gestured to America's hand. "May I?"
After receiving Russia's nod of encouragement, America agreed and allowed the Swiss man to hold up his hand, palm's up. With the tip of the quill, he pricked his finger and watched as the red liquid ran up the shaft before dyeing the whole thing red.
"Okay, one moment," he instructed as he scribbled something into the book with America's blood. "If it's an anonymous account that you want, you'll have to fill out the rest of this on your own." With a snap, a form popped up in front of America and he quickly complied, filling it out silently with his still bleeding finger.
"You... do know you can just ask for that quill, right?" Russia suggested worriedly but America shrugged it off. "Ah, it's just a little bit of blood. I've had way worse. See? All done!"
The scroll snapped shut and landed itself onto Switzerland's desk with a tight locking seal of secrecy. He picked it up and stored it into the tome before snapping it shut, once more.
"Alright then. You're all set," he declared. "Do you need my help to show you how to use your account?"
Russia waved him off, showing that he was all on top of it. He did his best to explain the system which basically boiled down to, "As you amass more feats and accomplishments, you will start to gain followers and supporters who can donate to you or even worship. The more audience you gain, the more donations will come in."
It didn't take long before his fresh new keycard to his very own vault was obtained. A swirling doorframe appeared before them, like a window peering into an empty pocket dimension. A value counter on the upper right corner displayed a pitiful $0.00 to his name.
"Don't worry, it may take a little time before you start earning things," Russia quickly assured when his posture drooped considerably. "I only got my first donation a whole month after I opened my account and it was just a bull someone sacrificed to me. I'm sure you'll be filthy rich in no time-"
Plink, plink plink, a few golden coins dropped into the subspace and America perked up, eyes shining with excitement. Before long, the light drizzle of riches turned into a torrential downpour, sowing mountains of gold and treasures into the once-empty vault. Russia's jaw dropped.
"W-WHAT?" he stuttered as the goggled at the counter that displayed a ridiculous number. "How is that even possible- IS THAT A THRONE MADE OF SOLID GOLD?!"
From somewhere in the background, Switzerland choked on his own spit and started hacking up a lung.
"Hah, I didn't know I was still this popular with human-folk," Ame laughed sheepishly as he rubbed the nape of his neck. "It seems that the temples and churches are doing well."
Russia was rendered speechless and when Switzerland rasped icily, "Do you still think it's necessary to sponsor him?" he shook his head.
"No, I'll keep my lowly funds, thanks." He turned his threatening glare towards the wealthiest shit ever and in the the lowest tone possible, he said, "When we go celebrating, all drinks are on you for the rest of eternity."
As for China, ooh boy. He's one salty lizard.
Q: Will Austria or Hungary make an appearance?Also, your art is beautiful, I love it so much!
A: Similarily to my answer with Warsaw Pact, only briefly if anything. Yeah, it's unfortunate but I really want WWMS to end soon so I can't really dive too deep into any new characters. Perhaps in side backstories, they will. And certainly in art because I lowkey love AHE's design.
Q: Can you draw some characters from Epic the Musical? If you haven't heard of it, this musical is based on the Odyssey. It's a really good musical.
A: Ooh, I know a little about the Odyssey but I haven't seen it before. I do love ancient Greek tales like this so I may doodle some in my free time. Not now though, unfortunately.
Q: Can we see some of your beginner art or old art?
A: Oh please don't make me pull out those sad old pieces of crap :<
Q: What are your goals for the future?
A: Uh do you mean immediate future or like long term plans? My goal for WWMS is to finish it and get 1 million views, which is crazy, I know. With my general life, though, I would like to graduate and go to university and hopefully figure out my life by then.
Q: Can we get more information about CSA and what happened to him, and maybe another drawing of him? I really want to know how his character fits into America's backstory and how he affects him.
A: Sure, there's going to be more speckles of him here and there but I'll give you some food for thought
CSA used to go by a different name and came to the New World with the Empire from overseas. As said before, he was brought to become a puppet CH and replace Ame to take control of the land but that didn't end up happening. After Ame grew up enough and revolted, CSA ran back to the Empire's side but he was only treated with distain and suspicion. Their first and last direct confrontation in the revolution ended with Ame killing CSA just after they both Awakened.
That loss stripped CSA of his CH status and identity, signaling his "death" but he did manage to reincarnate without his memories, which is normal. Eventually, he did remember and rediscovered his Awakening so after amassing enough followers and finding something to go to war about, he rose up against Ame as Confederate to try and fulfill what he failed to do last time.
Haha, he failed again but he did create Sunfire, the embodiment of his wrath, to torment Ame for the rest of his life so he did get the last laugh. Needless to say, CSA is like a huge source of trauma and generally bad vibes for Ame so best to steer clear of that topic unless you are Russia.
Q: How did you join the CH fandom?
A: I think I answered this a while back but I joined after seeing a CH animation in a compilation. And then, I fell into Wattpad and saw that there were CH stories here so I decided to write one too. And thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my book that means three years of writing wasn't a waste of time after all <3
Q: Can you maybe draw some old countryhumans in your style? (Prussia, Russian Empire etc.)
A: HAHA fine fine since you're so nice about it. Just quick doodles though.
Q: I would really like to see more backstory with the Powers if that's possible! Like, what are their thoughts on each other and what's with ASEAN calling EU jailbird?
A: Oh the Powers, probably some of the most damned beings in my book. They will get their backstories eventually, don't worry.
Q: Who in your AU has the most angsty backstory? Who's backstory are you most excited to reveal?
A: OOOOOOOOH good question. Angst wise, I can't possibly pick like... you would have better luck asking me who has the happiest backstory. I need at least a month by itself to sort through all the depressing backstories and another month to attempt to pick XD
As for the most excited to reveal, I have to admit it is NATO and FVEY's backstories, which I sorta teased in one after-chapter short. I must say, I really like it and I hope you guys will too, when I actually get to it.
Q: What plans do you have for other books? (Do you have art, Have you prepared all of the characters lore or backstory, Is the plot of the book completed or still working on it) Any art collabs or Maps you plan to attend or you plan to host?
A: For the next book, hell yeah. The framework basically done and I have many artworks that honestly need revision. As I said before, I usually finish backstories before their designs so yes, those are mostly done as well. As for art collabs and maps, I don't think I'll be doing anything like that for a while. The last project was fun but it was far too time consuming and draining. Maybe in the future, after I'm done with school.
Q: Any design of 3rd cosmic weapon or have you picked one yet ? I'm really curious about it!
A: Oh yes I do but you'll have to wait to find out ;)
Q: como te llamas, sobre las armas cósmicas que te párese que la tercera sea una estrella porfis a y un poco más sobre ti (???what's your name, about the cosmic weapons that you think the third one is a star please and a little more about you)
A: (Once again, I had to use Google Translate so I hope it translated properly)
Just address as me as Onyx or Crow even, or old lady I guess if you're name is V. I'll keep my real name under lock and key for now. As for the third cosmic weapon, it shall be revealed in the future so stay tuned.
As for a little about me uhhhhhh some of you guys might have heard already but Kai/Miriorite and I are working together on a webtoon so I guess that's cool? He keeps nagging for me to display stuff for it so I'll put some things here to appease him a bit U_U.
Q: What's your favourite brand of bread?
A: I don't really have a preference? I really dislike Wonderbread though idk. As for specific bread kinds, don't offer me pumpernickel or sourdough because I will spit in back in your face and hate you for the rest of time.
Q: How many chapters long do you plan to make WWMS?
A: At this point I have no idea. It's probably going to be over 100 though.
Q: Are you planning to do anything special at the end of WWMS?
A: I have absolutely no idea because I can't even imagine it ending. But I do want to do something grand. Idk what yet but I want to promise that it's going to be a huge deal, at least for me so I can end it off with a bang.
Q: Can you please give me some ways to motivate myself into writing again?
A: Awww do I hear a case of writer's block? My suggestion is to read when you want to motivate yourself to write. Sometimes, when reading other things, you may find sparks of creativity which can be used to ignite your own will to write. You can start slowly with short random scenes that come to mind.
If that doesn't work, allow this crow to pray for your motivation.
Q: 1. Do you have a discord server/do u plan on making one?
2. Are you planning to host more MAPs in the future?
3. What fandoms are you? (most active to least active in)
4. Is there going to be a back story chapter (Like Russia) for America, CSA, and Canada? (and ofc the others)
A: 1. I don't have one. I started constructing one a while ago but gave up.
2. Not in the immediate future, no. Life is just too busy at the moment.
3. CH obviously, Genshin, getting sucked into ORV, JJK, a bunch of other things that I'm probably forgetting...
4. Individual chapters? For the main cast, probably not because they'll be embedded here and there. For the other supporting characters, maybe :)
Q: I'm not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere throughout the story, but what exactly is the UK's awakening?
A: Don't worry it hasn't been revealed yet. It's a very weak ability in direct combat, but a powerful tool anytime else. His Awakening gifts him with his crystal clear memory and near omniscience from everything that he has experienced. He is even able to witness and sometimes alter memories stored in certain objects, allowing him to almost alter history which is why EU is wary of him. In a nutshell, if Germany is the literal embodiment of an encyclopedia, UK is the whole damn library, archives, catalogues, tombs, etc.
Q: What country are you from? and do you like dragons?
A: Greetings from Canada and yes, I do like dragons. Especially since there are many variations from all over the world.
Q: Could you give us a little spoiler of the cupid AU?
A: I mean I don't know if I could give a spoiler because it's more one shot material than a book XD
But if you want, I'm tempted to make an animatic about those two with this song.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Q: Do you have Instagram/Twitter? And if you do you post about updates of your books or post art?
A: Yes, to both actually. The latter is fairly recent and still pretty empty but I'm fairly present on Instagram. A lot of insider information about WWMS actually comes from occasional Insta art request events.
I'm @ onyxxcrow for both (come follow me if you'd like >:3)
Q: When you post a chapter, do you still have a few chapters ahead written 'just in case' (hope you get the idea)? if so, how many & would you recommend having ready ahead chapters?
A: At the beginning, yes I did that but as chapters got longer and more painful to write, I stopped doing so because I gave up on maintaining a consistent schedule. I suggest 2 or 3? Maybe? There really isn't a golden number of "ready-ahead" chapters, at least not one that I know of.
Q: How long have you been writing stuff, is it a pandemic-motivated thing or have you been writing before? Any tips on improving vocabulary? Could use some more advanced english words.
A: Well, I did write a little before with friends, making comics and short stories and stuff like that. But yeah, absolute boredom due to the lockdown really made me punch into both writing and animation. I learned how to animate in a span of less than a week because I was so bored and WWMS was a side thing when I got tired of drawing.
Q: Has your idea for WWMS changed along the way? Has it affected the ending, if you have one planned, in any way?
A: DEFINITELY. 100%. To be honest, I never intended for the duo to go on their little adventure on Earth. Five wasn't supposed to exist. The whole deal was basically Russia awakens, they train, they go fight other people in a tournament. There was never the greater outer threat or other side shows. It was going to be like... 50 chapters max. This super simple version would have probably ended with an easy, "Yay, someone won the Tournament the end." Now, there's a potential apocalypse on our hands.
Q: How do you feel killing off the characters, do you get attached to them? Who are your favs from WWMS? and who are your favs from CITS?
A: Of course I get attached to my characters. I laugh when they laugh, I cry when they cry. I love them all dearly but I'm also an author first and foremost so... it's a very difficult debate. Who are my favorites from WWMS? Uhhhh I honestly can't choose XD but wildcards like Finland are fun to play with. I love my organizations and Powers as well. I obviously love my main squad+
Yeah there's a lot.
As for CITS, I absolutely adore China and Britain and Canada since I've hammered out their backstories the most, pre-release thoughts at least.
Q: Do you google basic words while writing? (for me as a writer this has happened wayy more often than I'd like to admit)
A: All the time. ALL THE TIME. I lose so many simple words mid sentence and then I wonder to myself like, "What's the word? What's the word?!" I nearly go insane and then I Google it and boom, it's something as stupid as 'breathe'.
Q: Do you read our comments on WWMS and if yes, what do you think of them? XD
A: I do and... you guys can make me laugh and want to kill myself at the same time. Fun fact, I force myself to actively avoid some very ordinary words that may trigger uh... dirty minds out there because if the cleanest words ever can do that somehow, I wouldn't dare add the more questionable ones.
Q: How many languages do you speak, if I may ask?
A: I speak 2.5 languages. I don't think my ugly broken French would fully count. I am fluent in Franglais though XD
Q: For you, what represents a character better - an animation, a drawing, or a novel? Which of these do you find the most fun, which of these do you despise the most?
A: It is easiest to portray a character fully in a novel, because words on a page can be typed much quicker than the other two. That's it. If it took me a single second to draw out a character, it would be the other two but because of the efficiency alone, novels win here for me.
Q: What genre/kind of music do you listen to? can you give me (us) some song examples, pretty please? (yes i have nothing to listen to, i need new music) and while we're at it, which instrument do you find the most beautiful in sound? No I wont judge. well, probably--
A: I listen to a bit of everything. When I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. (except maybe rap?) I think right now, I'm vibing to some of Lana Del Rey's songs like "Young and Beautiful."
Uh let's see what else I can dig up...
I don't even have to say anything about Genshin music, I swear I could survive off of those soundtracks alone.
Actually, I'll include more songs down below because some of my favorites are because they remind me of WWMS and give me an unholy boost.
As for instruments with the most beautiful sounds, I love so many on such a large spectrum but
Harps. OMG HARPS <3
I also love pianos and DAMN ORGANS. Harpsichords are a little lower in my opinion but still solid.
Chimes are also lovely in my opinion. See, I have a specific soft spot for grand and glorious.
Oh did I mention the cannon?
Q: What songs remind you of which WWMS characters? That's crucial information for my database, I n e e d it.
A: I was scrolling through my playlist and found this gem again. Last Chance by CHPTRS specifically the alternate version is GORGEOUS and I have so many animatic ideas for it and WWMS as a whole.
HAHA OK this one is more of an odd comedy one but Tom Cardy, all his songs crack me up. Specifically, Business Man, I had an animation planned out between Ame, Russia and China and Canada as the sniper XD. Please, the mental images I had were hilarious.
"0" by LMYK from The Case Study of Vanitas can be applied with so many people and it's just ear-candy.
Ok this could be CITS or Germany and Poland but Angel Baby by Troye Sivan works-
Literally, it's called Castle in the Sky by Adon/Emilia Sonate (There are many versions but I remember there was a very beautiful cover of it. I can't find it anymore though :<)
Most of the other songs are instrumental stuff scattered all over my liked videos.
Q: You are 17 this year, amiright? I'm sorry I forgot.
A: Yeah, I am. I can't believe it either XD
Q: Could we possibly get more content with the 'side ships'? And by that I mean (well mostly) gerpol and canadaxukraine, also britainxfrance, fivexau and so on
A: More? Really? Okay, I mean it's going to compete with Rusame for time and space for sure but if you say so, I'll try. U_U
Q: Could you draw Belgium? Also, congrats on the views, it takes a lot of dedication and imagination to write so much. And, do you have any tips on how to draw feet and hands, help
A: Ah, sorry, I don't have a Belgium design yet but thank you for your kind words!
As for tips to draw hands and feet, ah yes, some of the most annoying things to draw. Using references is a good starting point. Breaking things down into simple shapes like the palm is like a weird pentagon/trapezoid shape while the fingers are sausages. I find imagining those shapes as a 3D block helps more than 2D. I also often use my own hands as a real life model when doing hand studies. There are also many guides online so looking at those can give you a better idea since I suck at explaining, sorry.
YourLocalFrance, Natelnianee, xXLostWandererXx, Therealscraft, Starlihyx, KenopsiaDraws, stale_socks and everyone else here,
Thank you all for your kind words and birthday blessings. I hope you will continue to enjoy my stuff and I will do my best to meet and surpass your expectations. Thank you so much for three whole years of happiness!
I hope I got to everyone though I'm honestly not sure anymore but I'm going to stop here.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
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