Summer adventure
This is my attempt to write a short comedy story with a character whose honesty causes trouble. The protagonists are Alba and Kayla from my ONC entry "Dangerous Memory" and this story can work as a prequel story. You don't have to read the book to understand the story, but if you haven't and you like the story, I highly recommend reading the book.
The annoying sun was piercing her eyes, and no matter what she tried, Alba couldn't avoid the one and only truth: It was the hottest summer of the decade.
Lying on the grass, trying to absorb the tiny drops of water from the watering system, she closed her eyes and pretended she was inside a pool with a large umbrella above it.
That would be so nice...
Suddenly, the watering system stopped working, and Alba groaned in response.
"Really? Who turned it off?" She tried to remove her sunglasses, but they tangled with her dark hair.
"Get up, Rivet. The best day of our lives is waiting for us!"
Alba finally removed her sunglasses, only to face a dark shadow.
"Shut up, Kayla, and turn on the system. You owe me after last night's prank."
"Come on!" she scoffed. "Since when are you afraid of tiny spiders?"
"Since I found them next to my pillow while I was trying to sleep!"
"They were fake, and you know it!" She put her hands on her hips.
Alba bent her knees and forced her back to rise. "And if that wasn't enough, you replaced the cold water from my bottle with soda! Soda! You know I hate soda."
"Your summer would be too boring without me, Albie. Now," -Kayla extended her hand- "get up because the greatest adventure is waiting."
Alba rolled her eyes. "I thought last year's failed trip was enough for one lifetime." She took her friend's hand and stood up.
"It's not my fault that you forgot to charge your phone and bring a flashlight."
"If it weren't for your cousin, Leo, we would still be stuck on those caves."
"We would be dead by now, but that's not the point." Kayla moved her hand in the air. "This time, I've planned everything." She highlighted the last word. Her face was brighter than the sun, and that exact grin made Alba fear for her life.
She put the sunglasses on the top of her head and cleaned the back of her legs from the dirt.
Seeing her best friend's anticipation and excitement, she decided to do her that favor. "Fine. Where are we going?"
I am 99% certain that I'll regret it, but I'm 100% certain that I'll regret saying "no," she thought.
Kayla ignored Alba's defeated sigh. "That's a surprise. All you have to worry about is how fast you can get in the car."
The girl with the dark hair smiled and held herself from cursing. "If this ends with another failure, do you understand that I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life?"
"Yes, ma'am!" She raised her chin and extended her chest. "I've got food and drinks in the back seat and a few more items in the trunk. I'll let you choose the playlist because I'm in a good mood." She winked and went to her car.
Lucky me!
Alba got in the car, and Kayla started driving. Refusing to say a word about their destination, Kayla started talking about last year's vacation in her family's house.
"Do your parents know that we left?" Alba asked suddenly.
Kayla rubbed her neck, moving her red hair aside. "Sure."
"Really?" The girl narrowed her eyes.
"I'm sure that they won't have a problem when they hear about how much fun we had. And we will be back before they return from that boring gathering they had to attend."
Alba shook her head and laughed with her friend's care-free character.
I wish I could lie and behave like K. Well, not always, but it's helpful sometimes.
She turned on the music and decided to enjoy the journey.
One hour later, the car made a clattering sound.
"K, what's happening?"
"I'm sure it's fine." Kayla was still smiling, but her best friend could see the tips of her lips falling.
The car moved a few more meters, and then, the clank from the engine made the whole car shudder.
"Fuck!" Kayla hit the steering wheel while Alba watched amused.
No wonder here...This trip was destined to doom!
"Stop your inner-monologue and come help me," Kayla said as she got out of the car.
She went to the front and looked under the hood.
"When was the last time you checked the engine?" Alba asked.
"Last month."
Alba raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"I was supposed to, okay? But something happened, and I postponed it. Don't worry. I'll just move this wire here-"
Smoke started rising from the engine, and the girls coughed while trying to clear the air around them.
"Splendid. I'm calling for help."
Alba dialed the roadside assistance's phone number while Kayla used her phone to see if there was a place nearby where they could ask for help.
After a few minutes, Alba tapped her friend's shoulder. "They'll be here in three hours. A car crash is stalling them at the other end of our city."
"There is a small town in two kilometers. We can go and wait there."
"Fine." Alba sighed. "Let me get a bottle of water. I think I'm going to pass out with that stupid sun."
She opened the door to the backseat and then the mini-portable fridge. She entered her hand to grab a bottle of water and screamed in despair.
"What happened?" Kayla ran to her.
"The water isn't cold. The ice has almost melted."
"Oops..." Kayla furrowed her eyebrows while Alba took a few breaths to calm herself.
"Never mind. I'm sure that place we'll have some cold water."
"That's the spirit!" Kayla locked the car and made sure it was at the edge of the road. They started walking, almost dragging their bodies under the cloudless sky.
Soon, a car stopped by their side. Inside was a middle-aged man.
"Hey, girls. Do you need help?"
"No," Alba said immediately.
"Be kind," Kayla whispered.
"Be honest," Alba responded.
Kayla smiled at the driver. "Thank you, sir, but we are okay."
"If you need a lift-"
"We don't!"
"You know, young lady, that attitude won't help you." He put his hands on the steering wheel and started driving away from them.
"What was that about?"
"He could be a killer, a drug dealer, or something worse. Did you want to have a chit-chat with him?" Alba raised her hands in exasperation and continued walking.
"Hey, I see a mini-market!" Kayla shouted after a while. "Let's get you some water. That might help with your mood."
They walked faster and entered the shop. Alba headed to the fridges, but when she grabbed a bottle, she realized it was warm.
"Excuse me." –she smiled, trying not to shout- "Don't you have cold water?"
"Sorry, miss. The fridges are out of order. I'm waiting for the technician. But I have a mini-fridge here." He turned around and returned with a can in his hand. "Here, you can have a soda."
"I don't want soda!"
Kayla rushed to her and grabbed her arm. "Thank you, sir."
She quickly got Alba out of the shop. "Are you trying to pick up a fight?"
"I don't want a soda. I don't want to talk to creepy strangers, and I don't want to go on stupid trips because you are bored!" she screamed, and a few passersby looked at them.
Kayla's mouth dropped open. "I did that trip for you, stupid."
"No, you didn't." She crossed her arms.
"Yes, I did." Kayla did the same.
"Prove it."
"We would go to Sunnyville. They have a new, huge pool there. I saw how you were eager to swim."
Great job, Alba.
"Yes, my dear savior. That's as much as I can say given the situation. Now, let's go to that dear café because I need cold water." She pointed to a café across the street.
"Okay, but promise you won't speak to other people. Let's not give the wrong impression."
They entered the café and spotted an empty table near the window. A waitress came immediately.
"What would you like to order?" She plastered a huge smile on her face.
"An iced coffee and a muffin for me."
"I want a bagel with cream cheese and bacon and a large bottle of really cold water."
The waitress looked at Alba and then at Kayla.
Kayla made a reassuring sign with her hands.
"Sure," the waitress said and left.
"Look, I really didn't want all of it. But you have to admit it was fun."
"And I'm sorry about shouting to you. But you should really have checked the car and the ice in the fridge. Okay, fine. It is a small adventure, but I knew it would be a disaster."
Kayla put her hands in the air. "I surrender, Rivet. You know you don't have to say everything you think. Don't you use your inner voice for that?"
"It's funnier when I talk aloud."
"Your coffee, the muffin, the bagel, and the coldest bottle of water." The waitress left the order and went to another table.
Kayla took a bite of her muffin, and Alba opened the bottle.
Now everything will be okay, she thought and sipped.
Kayla was enjoying her bite when a spray of cold water hit her face.
"What the hell?" She took a napkin to dry her face.
"It's frozen!" Alba's eyes were full of terror.
"Everything alright, girls?" A man from a table behind them stood up and walked to them.
"Yes," Kayla said as she put the wet napkin aside.
"Are you sure? You aren't from this place. Maybe my friends and I can help you with something." He leaned to the red-haired girl.
Alba stared at the tall guy with the blonde hair and wondered what kind of a pervert he was.
"Thank you-"
"Right. Thank you, Ian, but we don't need your help." Kayla used her sweet voice.
Is she flirting with him? He must be twenty-four. Six years older!
Alba cleared her throat loudly. "Excuse me, Ian, but you are free to go to your company. We are not damsels in distress."
Oh, gosh. He's so confused. He didn't understand me.
"Just go back to your table. I'm sure you'll find other victims to pray on."
"Does she have a problem?" he asked Kayla.
"Hey, she's my friend. I don't want to make a scene so go back to your table." Kayla raised her voice a little.
"So, you are crazy too. Are you even adults?" He scoffed and eyed them.
"Actually, we-" Alba started to say, but Kayla's look shushed her.
"That's none of your business."
"Isn't it? Two minors walking around in a strange city. I might have to call the police."
"Gosh, you are such an idiot!"
Kayla's eyes became wide as half of the café looked at Alba.
She put her hands on her mouth and muttered, "I said it aloud, right?"
Kayla nodded.
"I'll show you who's the idiot here." Ian neared Alba and grabbed her arm. The girl took the bottle and hit him with that. He shrieked.
"I knew you would be useful," she said to the bottle proudly.
The waitress ran to them. "Ian, let the girl go. And you must go. I don't want trouble here."
"Of course." Kayla picked her things.
"Not before he apologizes."
"Not again..." Kayla muttered.
Ian grabbed Alba's hand again, but this time Kayla attacked. She hit him on the back with her small fists while shouting, "Let my friend, you pervert!"
Alba raised her leg and hit him in his private area with the knee. "That will remind you not to mess with us," she said.
His friends reacted fast, and the unlucky waitress found herself in the middle of the madness.
Kayla grabbed Alba, and they ran to the exit. Ian managed to move and ran after them.
The girls were a few meters before the door when it opened, and another tall man appeared.
"Fuck!" Alba said.
"Kayla? Alba? What are you doing here?"
"Hey, Leo." Kayla smiled.
"Do you know those lunatics?" Ian asked.
"Yes. What happened?" He looked toward his cousin, who was looking in the opposite direction.
"The stupid here attacked me and tried to call the police because we were eating alone."
Ian took a step near Alba, but Leo moved faster and stood in front of the girl.
"Show's over," he said. "Get back to your table, or I'll call the police. I know who you are. You still owe Alice Johnson money for the mess you made in her bar.
Ian's hand turned into a fist, and his face turned red. "Fine. Just get them out of here."
Leo escorted them outside and led them to his car, "What the hell, K? I saw your car while coming here, and now I find you attacking others and being chased? And you? Can't you keep your mouth shut?"
"But he's stupid."
"He is," Kayla agreed.
Leo passed his hand through his hair and sighed in defeat. "Get in the car."
"But my car-"
"I'll have someone pick it up. I don't want to hear a word from you two."
"Who's Alice?" Kayla asked.
"Someone whose bar was a mess after his visit. You should be grateful I know her."
Leo started driving, and the two girls relaxed in the backseat.
"K?" Alba nudged her.
"Yes?" Kayla had closed her eyes and enjoyed the breeze air from the air conditioner.
"It was fun today."
Kayla's lips turned into a smile.
"But I still need water."
Kayla opened her eyes and laughed. "I love you, Albie."
"I love you too," she agreed, and they laughed together.
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