Who's Awesome? I'm Awesome!
(Noriko's outfit + a black shinobi head band around left thigh)
Noriko's POV:
'Today is the day I can finish my mission, I just need to ace this test, and I'm home free. ' I inwardly smirk. Ok, so, yeah I'm a little cokcky, but who can blame me. I'm cooler than you in every way, except for people who have cool pets....
I look at Kiba and anime cry, "I WANNA AWESOME PEEEEETTTTT!" I cry.
"Noriko Uzumaki." Iruka-sensei calls me for my test.
"Hai!" Before I leave the door I smirk at Saskue.
"Oi Duckbutt, prepare to lose to my awesomeness." I wink and walk into the testing room.
"Ok Norkio, all you have to do is make 3 clones of yourself." Iruka-sensei smiles.
I smirk, "Easy peezy, lemon squeezy." I chime. I make the correct hands signs. "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" I yell. After the puff of black smoke clears, (For some reason, any justsu I do that include smoke, has black smoke...) 20 perfect clones of myself are standing there bored. Iruka-sensei's and Mizuki jawz drop to the ground. I walk up and take a black head band.
"I'll be taking this." I giggle. As soon as I'm out of sight, i squeal. 'I HAVE TO TELL ITACHI-NII' Your probably wondering why I'm associated with a criminal, answer, he's mother ducking (he seriously like a mother duck to Saskue) awesome! He sacrificed himself and his clan for the village. I anime cry while going to the Hokage's office.
When I get there, I just walk in. The Hokage sighs. "Just like her mother." He mutters.
"I want another solo mission to collect information on the Akatsuki" I say seriously.
The hokage sighs, "I don't know how you do it, Noriko. You always do better than the ANUB. But then again, you are a sannin... *sigh* I expect you back before the end of the week. I'll tell you your team when you get back." He informs
I smile, politely say my goodbyes, and leave. I go home and pack; clothes, food, headphones and music, a drawing of Itachi-nii as a weasel, 30 lollipops to torture Tobi, my head band, a list of souvenirs, animal puppets, and bombs. I leave a note on Naiomi's door saying I'm on a mission, and leave the village.
About 5 miles away from the village I mutter, "If I was the Akasuki, where would I be." I take out my map and pointed at a random mountain. "THERE!" I cheer. For a normal person, it would take 5 days but because I'm awesome I can get there in 10 minutes.
~~TIMESKIP 10 minutes~~
I see a random HUGE boulder in frount of the mountain. "Found you~" I sing. I walk up to the bolder and tap it with one finger. The bolder gets a cracks where I tapped before crumbling into pieces. I smirk when I realized Pein put a powerful barrier. 'I more powerful than Pein~' I mentally sing. I take a deep breath and scream,
"ITA-NII, I BECAME I GENIN!!" I scream. I hear multiple crashes and surprised screams. Soon I see Pein stomping up to me.
I smile cheekily, "I pointed at random mountain, Carrot-top." I beam.
His face goes red with furry. Before he gets a chance to respond I see Ita-nii and Tobi walking up to me, well Ita-nii did, Tobi tried tackling me in a hug. Before he even could, I tackle Itachi-nii in a hug.
"Itachi-nii, I'm a genin now, are you proud of me?" I question hopefully. He chuckles and picks me up, I'm like a foot shorter... so unfair.
He gives me an awkward, quick hug and whispers in my ear, "Good job Norkio, I knew you could do it."
I instantly brighten and laugh happily. He sets my down and walks back into the base. I pout and try to follow him. Unfortunately, Carrot-top grabbed my collar. 'Stupid mother fucker, just because I'm shorter doesn't mean I can't kick your ass. Pfft, getting mad at a sexy 12 year-old, he's just jealous that he losing in smexy points to me.' I think amused. Unfortunately for me, I said that out loud.
Pein growls and throws me harshly at Tobi. I quickly do a backflip and land on my feet skidding a couple feet. I anime cry.
"THAT'S NORIKO ABUSE!" I whine. He glares at me harshly before stalking off to his office. I giggle and skip to the lounge room to find the rest of the Akatsuki hanging out.... and a chiken running around like it's head is cut off.
"Okay, not asking about the chicken but, HIDEN YOU MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE! WHERE THE ACTUAL FUCK IS MY PRESENT!" I scream while pointing angrily at him.
He smirks and sneers, "Why would I get a fucking bitch like you a stupid present." I grow a pitch black aura and glare at Hiden with glowing red eyes.
"I'm sorry, did I just hear you call me a fucking bitch, jackass?" I growl inhumanly.
He pales and rushes out the door yelling, "I'M SORRY NORIKO-SAMA, I'LL PICK UP YOUR PRESENT NOW!"
I fall to the ground laughing, as does Deidara and Kisame. They both high five me, and I go and sit on Itachi-nii's lap on the couch. He smile and wraps an arm around me. I lightly blush.
Ok, so I may have a itsy bitsy, tiny, little, sorta HUGE crush on Ita-nii. I mean come on! He's hot, kind, to nice for his own good, an amazing teacher, super strong, supports me through almost everthing, AND he's like a weasel. And I absolutely ADORE weasels.
Deidara chuckles slyly. "Awww, is little Noriko-chan blushing?"
My blush deepen by A LOT. "S-s-shut up Dediara!" I stutter. Itachi chuckles almost inaudiblely, but I still heard it, and I smiled slightly.
"This should be an prank filled week everyone!" I announce smirking. Everyone groans as I snicker.
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