(What Noriko more or less quotes.)
Noriko's POV:
I wake up to the sound of Sakura yelling for me to wake up and eat dinner as she mercilessly shakes my sholders.
"S-Sakur-ra s-sto-p sh-aki-ng m-me!" I struggle to yell. She suddenly stops shaking me and drops me on the floor.
"Good, you finally awake. Let's go eat." She demands.
"It takes 42 mucles to frown, but only 4 to lift my arm and bitch slap you..." I mumble under my breath as we walk into the dinning room. Sakura suddenly spins on her heel and faces me, fuming.
"What did you say Noriko." She growls.
I smirk, "I said, It. Takes. 42. Muscles. to. frown, But. Only. 4. to. Lift. my. Hand. And. Bitch. Slap. you." I say slowly like she's a idiot (Neko_Lover: which she is, I mean, why would anyone like a duck ass? No offense to any Saskue lovers!!!). Her face is red with rage and she raises her hand to slap me. I flash step and sit next to Naruto as she slaps the air.
"OI SAKURA, WHAT DID AIR-KUN EVER DO TO YOU!" I accusingly point at her. Her glare hardens. I look around the room like she doesn't exist when. I notice someone missing.
I slowly turn to Kakashi-sensei leaking out my KI (Killer Intent). Kakashi-sensei uneasily shifts under my gaze. "Kakashi-sensei? Where's Jun?" I ask sickly sweet. He sweatdrops.
"Who's Jun Noriko?" Naruto asks, obviously to the tension in the room. I instantly brighten at the question.
"Jun is the most cutest, adorable, handsome boy ever!" I squeal and start ranting about Jun.
Short Itachi POV:
Me and Kisame are walking towards a small house in the Village hidden in the Waves. When we walk by a window, I hear a very familiar voice squealing, "Jun is the most cutest, adorable, handsome boy ever!" I discreetly look in the window to see Noriko ranting about this boy.
I unintentionally let my KI seep out. I quickly compose myself and leave the scene before Noriko sees us. Kisame trails behind me, most likely scared to piss me off even more.
Back to Noriko:
In the middle of my rant about Jun, I feel a strong KI that, strangely, feels like Itachi. My smile widens as I rush out the house. I quickly pop my head back in and yell, "I'LL BE BACK BAKASHI-SENSEI!!!" I run into the forest and focus on finding Itachi. I sense Kisa-chan to the right and sprint there. When I get there, I see Kisame with pink hair. I internationally snicker.
"Ita-nii!!!" I squeal and try to hug him.... but he steps to the side and I fall flat on my face. I slowly sit up and pout, "Why are you so grouchy?" Itachi glares at me. I shrink closer to a tree.
"I-Itachi?" I stutter. Kisa-chan watches Itachi amused.
"What?" He growls.
I slightly tear up, "I-I have to go..." I hastily stand up and whistle for Jun. Jun runs out of a bush and jumps into my arms. "Come on.... Kakashi-sensei is waiting for us..." I smile at him as I back away from the two shocked Akatsuki members, before speeding off towards towards the bridge.
When I arrive at the bridge, I notice Zabuza holding off Kakashi-sensei and Saskue and Naruto fighting... ok getting their asses handed to them by Haku. I place Jun on my head.
"I might as well help the two idiots..." I mumble with a shadow over my eyes. I summon a blue and white katana. I expertly unsheath my katana, flash step next to Haku and swing my katana.
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