I'm Sorry
(Noriko's Light and Dark self)
Noriko's POV:
"What to do? What to do..... hmmmmm." I snap my fingers and a lightbulb appears above my head. "I'LL TRAIN WITH THE IDIOT!"
I skip towards an empty training field and go into my Inner Realm. 'I really need a name for this place... I KNOW! I'll call it..... Itasumi (e-ta-sue-me). I LOVE IT!' I internally squeal, which suddenly get projected here since it's internal? I don't know and I don't care.
I summon my concentration from the deepest, darkest part of Itasumi. I focus on the thought of mom and summon her from wherever she was. Probably making out with her candy..... ew.
Her body slowly starts forming, and when she's fully formed, I see her eating candy. I sweat drop beforr rushing towards her.
"HI MOMMY/NORIKO!" We yell, jump for a hug, and meet eachother in the middle. We pull apart and she childishly smiles.
"So, what can I do for ya, Sugarplum?" She cheers.
"Ew, Sugarplum, really? If your gonna give me a nickname, call me Dango. As for your first and only question that will lead to more questions, I want you to train me." I smirk.
She devilishly smirks, "Oh? Are you sure, I won't go easy on you." She taunts.
I nod my head, determined. "I need to be stronger to save Ita-kun and kill the King of Pedo Snakes!" I declare. We stare at eachother before bursting out in a fit of giggles.
"Ok Dango-Mango, I'll train you so you can save your future husband." She giggles.
I blush furiously, "MOM!" I squeak. She laughs whole-heartedly. She turns seriously serious.
"Noriko, if you want my training, you have to go into the darkest place in your Inner Realm, or as you now call it Itasumi, and face your darkest regrets and decisions. If you fail, or make a tiny mistake, you will be killed by your own darkness. In other words, you are facing your dark self, the part of you who holds all the hate, misery, darkness, and evil within you who will try to take over your body and kill everyone and everything." She orders.
"Yes, mother." I bow and teleport to the place I'm calling, Black Mist.
I enter the land and almost immediately, I the screams of all the people I killed rush into my ears, trying to break me. I transform into my light self.
I steel myself and progress forward. I reach the cave that holds all my regrets and darkest decisions. My dark self comes out of the shadows and faces me.
"So you've finally came to face your other self, Noriko?" She darkly chuckles. "You shall die here and pay for the people you left behind and killed!" She crackles.
I stare straight, uncaring, into her eyes in an attempt to make her uncomfortable. It worked. She starts squirming and nervously fiddling with the hem of her skirt.
"S-stop staring at me like that. It's embarrassing and uncomfortable." She murmurs. I giggle and smile at her.
"I'm ready to face my dark side, you." I smile happily. She glares.
"You shouldn't be so happy Noriko!" She screams and throws all my regrets at me at once.
~~Flash back~~
"NORIKO! RUN AND LEAVE ME BEHIND!" My teammate cries as the group of ninja approach her.
"RUN!" She screams. I widen my eyes and sprint away.
~~End flashback, New flashback~~
"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" A rogue ninja begs on his hands and knees.
"I have orders to eliminate all rouge ninja in a 10 mile radius. You are in the kill zone, prepare to die." I state as i take out my katana. I flash step up to him and stab him in the stomach. Tears roll down his face. I pull out katana and start running back to Konoha.
"I'm sorry."
~~End flashback, New flashback~~
"Noriko, leave me and take Megumi with you, you can't carrey us both." Aoi orders holding her heavily bleeding, cut off leg.
"A-Aoi-chan." I sob.
"NO SAVE AOI, NORIKO! PLEASE! SHE HAS A FAMILY WAITING!" Megumi cries, her broken legs laying helplessly on the ground..
Snap. I hear the twing snap and look up and see Orochimaru and Kabuto advancing towards us.
"NORIKO, TAKE AOI/MEGUMI AND RUN!!" Aoi and Megumi scream. I widen my eyes and grab the closest sister to me, Megumi.
"NOO! AOI-CHAN!" She screams bloody murder and tries to get away from me but I hold my steel grip and dash away.
"Thank you, Noriko." Aoi smiles before Kabuto decapitates her. Megumi screams before falling limp on my shoulder. I place her on my back, while running and will myself to go faster. Orochimaru appears in front of me and throws a kunai at Megumi. I try to block it but it embedded itself in between her eyes.
"MEGUMI!" I sob.
"Now, now Noriko. Be glad I'm sparing you, when you become strong enough, you shall serve as my vessel if Saskue doesn't work out." He chuckles as Kabuto drops Aoi's head infront of me. They laugh evilly and leave me there to drown myself in misery.
"A-Aoi-sensei... Megumi-chan.... I'm so sorry..." I whisper before blacking out.
~~End flashback~~
I fall to the ground sobbing. Dark me smirks before sending me images of Aoi's head on the ground and Megumi with the kunai embedded between her eyes.
"M-make it stop." I whimper. I look at my arm and see it slowly turning black. I slowly realize that I made her who shi is, i made her go through this every day, every hour, every minute, every second, and I did nothing.
She knees me in the stomach and punches me in the face. I let her beat me until I was barely conscious. When she stops, I rush up to her and hug her. She freezes.
"I'M SO SORRY FOR NEGLECTING YOU AND MAKING YOU SUFFER ALL ALONE! PLEASE, FORGIVE ME FOR MAKING YOU GO THROUGH THIS EVERY DAY! I PROMISE I'LL MAKE IT BETTER! I PROMISE!" I sob into her shoulder. She breaks down crying along with me. We fall to our knees crying, hugging eachother like out lives depended on it.
We stayed there for what seemed like hours, before she starts dissolving into little bright lights and absorbing into me. When she fully disappeared, I shakily stood up and teleported to where mother was.
As soon as I see her, I rush into her arms and start sobbing. I take a deep breath and stand up.
"Teach me all you can about Itachi's heart disease mother."
"Fine, I'll teach you AFTER the second phase of the exams. Me and Minato are going to the candy shop later!!" She squeals and runs off.
"Ugh, mothers."
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