Enter Naiomi Uzumaki [Edited]
(Naiomi's outfit)
Naiomi's POV:
As soon as the bell rings I dash out of the room, to training feild 7, and to my massive squirrel army. When I arive all the squirrels salute.
"SOLDIERS! TODAY WE GO TO A WAR, NO A ONE-SIDED ANNIHILATION OF THE RAT ARMY!" I declare. I march my army over to the middle of the field and see Noriko standing alone, smirking.
"So, you actually decided to show up." She sneers.
I scoff. "Of course, but, it seems you forgot your army, Noriko."
She laughs. "My army? Naomi dear, I only need 5 to defeat you." She giggles.
I laugh menacingly. "You said that last time, but you failed as well."
"I recruited weasels" She beams.
I pale and sweat bullets. "W-weasels?" I stutter.
Just as I said that, 5 weasels lined up in a row.
I screech, "RETREAT!!!"
I pick up my general squirrel and scram. As soon as I reach my apartment, Naruto's apartment to my left and Noriko's to my right, I run in and teleport to the roof. I lay down and watch the clouds roll by. As I lay there, I hear Noriko laughing with Naruto about painting the Hoakges' faces.
"Idiots..." I grumble.
I get up and jump onto Naruto's balcony. "Hey guys." I say as I walk in.
"Hey Naio-chan." They say in unison.
"Naio-chan you should've seen your face earlier!" Noirko rolls on the ground laughing.
"Noriko..." I growl with a pitch black aura. She stops laughing and slowly turns her head towards me.
"O-oh... look at the time... I should get going..." She nervously laughs. She dashes out the door. I chuckle and sit with Naruto, and help him with the clone justu. I help him for 3 hours before going back to my apartment, and going to sleep.
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