Chapter 63
I would like to thank you all for first place in the Naruto Watty Awards. Thanks to you, we got first place in general Naruto with a whopping 230 or so votes. We broke the past record for highest ever votes. I've never been more ecstatic.
I'm going to be updating a lot the next few days to try and display my gratitude. I've also decided to do a Q&A. You can ask any questions you wish, and I will do my best to answer. Please leave your questions here so it will be easier to find them amongst the comments.
Thank you, again.
Third person pov
Hidan's abdomen, even with the mass amount of pain meds he was on, hurt like hell. Zetsu's kunai had dug deep, and hit some pretty important shit. He supposed he should be happy to be alive. But how could he be happy to be alive when dealing with so many time traveling brats had made him dead inside? The world was asking the impossible of him. The universe coaxed him to be grateful, and yet they contradicted it by sticking him with this damn kid, who although wasn't a time traveler, was most definitely annoying as shit.
"Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" Hidan asked Shisui, his eye twitching. The Uchiha had been staring up at him like he was god reincarnate. Like he'd just risen again, here to rain endless blessings down on the Earth. It was actually fairly creepy. At least, it was in the ex-jashinist's opinion. This damn kid clearly didn't see anything wrong with it.
"No reason." Shisui assured. Hidan eyed him carefully. Right.
"Listen, you don't speak unless I tell you to, you got it? Keep your damn mouth shut and follow me. If you wander off, I'm not going to look for your sorry ass." Hidan felt like he was babysitting. Only he wasn't. This was way, way worse. Babies at least didn't stare at your face like... That. They were more easily distracted and shit.
"Yes, sir!" Shisui said with sparkling eyes. Hidan groaned a little in disgust, trying to inch away from the teen. But he followed, staying glued to Hidan's side. If the Uchiha kept this up, Hidan wouldn't have to worry about his wounds. They'd heal after he finished sacrificing this damn brat.
"No, no, no." The Hokage slurred. "She was definitely checking.... Me out."
"You're too... Too..." Shikaku hiccupped, clearly just as drunk as the third. "You're too old to be checked out!"
"Listen to him. He's... Smarts." Fugaku laughed a little, a bottle of pure vodka in hand. The female bartender present eyed them oddly, wondering just why the Third Hokage and two clan head's were getting drunk this early in the afternoon. She knew it wasn't her place to ask, so she didn't. Instead, she continued to polish the wine glass in her hands, keeping her head down.
"I need cereal." Shikaku said in all seriousness.
"Ah, the... Elusive cereal box." Fugaku noted.
"Mur.. Mur-sterioussss." The Third downed another shot.
If the bartender knew the whole story, she'd probably be drinking with them.
"HERCULES MULLIGAN!" Orochimaru screamed as his foot shot out, knocking the door right off its hinges. It flew, slamming and cracking the wall across from it. This made Sasuke sigh. He didn't know why, but Orochimaru insisted on shrieking the same name every time he kicked a door in. And he insisted on kicking down every door, too.
"Can you stop?" Sasuke asked, already knowing the answer. He just wanted to hurry up and find Itachi. Who he doubted was here. In the bathroom of a run down noodle shop.
"No." Orochimaru said simply, his eyes narrowing. "He's been here."
"No he hasn't." Sasuke sighed. Orochimaru, in an attempt to feel and seem cooler, had said that every time he kicked out a door and glanced into a room. So far, they'd found no traces of Itachi. At this rate, they never would. He hoped the others were having better luck. If not, Itachi was doomed for sure.
"Look. A footprint." Orochimaru gasped.
"Still no." Sasuke sighed, his eyes examining the small bathroom. Yeah, there was absolutely no way Itachi had been here. Just like he wasn't in the smokes shop. Or the weapons store. Or the eighteen other places before that.
"Foiled again." Orochimaru whirled around. "I'm sure he's next door!"
"Why would Obito hide Itachi in pediatric doctor's office?" Sasuke sighed.
"Why wouldn't he is the real question, young grasshopper." Orochimaru said, trudging out. Sasuke sighed. Of course.
"Got any eights?" Shikamaru asked as they walked.
"Go fish."
"Aren't you fetuses meant to be looking for Itachi Uchiha? Or are you going to keep playing this ridiculous card game?" Kurama scoffed.
"Shikamaru, let's raise the stakes." Naruto said the second the fox finished.
"I'm in."
Kurama shook his head sadly. Itachi's fate was now sealed. The poor teen.... Would definitely be dead by the time be was found.
"Please, Gaara." Rasa begged.
"No." The redheaded boy responded, his nose buried in his book. On the sidelines, a perplexed Kankuro and Temari watched on, not sure what to think. Their father, a previously uptight and callous man, was now on his knees, begging Gaara to put on a pair of shoes. A pair of shoes with... wheels on the bottom.
"Do it for the economy." Rasa pleaded desperately.
"It will do nothing for the economy for me to have wheeled shoes, father." Gaara flipped a page in his book. "Now, go away."
Rasa whirled around with a huff, his eyes falling on his other two children. A grin stretched across his face at the sight of them. One that caused them to pale. They both shared a glance.
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