Chapter 52
Third person pov
This is not what Hidan wanted to wake up to.
"How do you know we can trust him?! Look at his face! He's pale, just like Orochimaru, and we all know his tendencies!" Tsunade thrust a hand towards Hidan, and Orochimaru released an offended gasp. The female sannin didn't appear to care.
"Oh, yeah, it's not like he lost half his blood mass and almost died or anything!" Shikamaru scoffed. He was so done. So fucking done. He was going to pack his damn bags and leave at this rate. This was honestly too much! Way, way too much! They were screwed beyond the point of being screwed, and the Third Hokage, Shikaku and Fugaku were all here to witness it! And Kakashi!
"Why aren't you questioning Rasa?! Have you met him?!" Sasuke was triggered too.
"Mood." The Kazekage was patting Orochimaru's back. The sannin was having trouble recovering from Tsunade's harsh words. Just when he thought he'd moved on from his old, pedophilic self, it came back to bite him in the ass. Hard. And Tsunade showed no mercy, either. She wasn't even subtle about it. So insensitive. He'd have to file an official complaint to asshole control so they could take her into custody.
"Danzo is probably already plotting are death." Naruto sighed heavily. Things weren't going all too well. He thought having Tsunade would help, but so far all she'd done was destroy public property and insult people. And their situation, which had been bad when she came in, sure, but it was far worse now. If they were to rate their current state on a scale of one to ten, Shikamaru would immediately deduce that they were indeed sitting at a solid -7. Which was better than a -8, he supposed, but it still meant they were probably going to die.
"Why haven't you killed him yet?" Taunade asked heatedly. She'd never liked Danzo. Actually, who did? He was a vile man in the future, and he probably still was now. Tsunade never was around much in this time. She was off drunk somewhere, Shizune there to make sure she didn't die or gamble away her life. That wasn't the point though. She was here now.
"We continued to get interrupted." Gaara grumbled.
"I don't care if your dad has brain damage, dammit! Go save the world!" Tsunade shouted back.
"Shut the fuck up! I've been stabbed and I almost fucking died, thank you, so I want some damn silence!" Hidan's scream silenced everyone immediately. The Third Hokage snapped his gaping mouth shut. "Stop freaking the fuck out! Why don't we just go kill him right now? You, the pedophile, go. Take a squirt with you. Preferably the small, grumpy, armless one." Hidan shooed them.
"...Yeah, go do that. It'll probably be fine." Naruto decided. He wondered if Kurama could do his time travel jutsu again. Things really weren't going all too well. He was pretty sure they were going to die, and apparently Shisui was still with a tied up Itachi in a LGBTQ bar. That had to be the definition of kinky, which already wasn't okay. He just wanted to restart. Could they do that? He really wanted to do that.
"I mean, I guess I could, but that's a bad idea. You're already super young. If we go back too far, you'll cease to exist." Kurama had just gained some energy back, dammit, and this brat wanted to drain him again.
"Well I'm going to cease to exist here when Obito sucks me into his fucking eye. If you can do the jutsu again, do it again!" Naruto threw his hands in the air.
"Oh, great. Here we go again. What makes you think this is a good idea?!" Shikamaru asked as Orochimaru and Sasuke jumped out the window. They were legitimately going to go kill Danzo. Hidan had honestly been like, joking, but it was whatever. If they wanted to kill the bitch, they could kill the bitch. Hidan didn't care. He just didn't want a headache. His vision was already blurring, and his head spun. His limbs felt too heavy to lift.
"We can still fix this. We just have to keep Obito from gaining power. Where's Itachi? He displayed interest in his eyes, did he not?" Gaara questioned.
"He's tied up in a bar." Rasa reminded.
Shisui eventually caved, removing the tape from Itachi mouth with one, swift motion. Like ripping off a bandaid. He didn't want it to hurt for too long, so he thought that would be the best course of action. Itachi hissed like an angry cat when he did it, his eyes narrowing into a glare that made Shisui wince. It's not like he wanted to tie Itachi up! It had all been Sasuke's idea. The plan could have been carried out without restraining him! They could have... Uh, Shisui didn't know, but there was surely something!
"Shisui, untie me." Itachi wriggled around in the ropes, and Shisui scooted back.
"I'm not supposed to." Shisui winced. "You'll just attack me anyway!" He accused.
"I'm not going to attack you, Shisui. You're the one who attacked me. Release me and let me go, please. I must go after Sasuke." Itachi insisted worriedly. His little brother was... He was just acting weird, and he didn't like it.
"You'll knock me out." Shisui denied in a jittery tone. He couldn't defy Sasuke. He was terrifying! He didn't know this club was a ride or die deal, but apparently it was, and now he was stuck. He couldn't just untie Itachi. Sasuke would know and chop off his foot! Shisui was quite fond of his foot. Both of his feet, really. Losing one didn't sound fun.
"Shisui, I'm not going to knock you out." Itachi sighed. "I'm just going to take your eyes."
An uncharacteristic grin grew across Itachi's face at the stutter, and his skin rippled like water. He stood up with fluent ease, the ropes falling off of him just like his skin was. The clothing, hair, everything peeled off of him, falling to the ground and landing into steaming puddles. Shisui felt his breathing increase, but he was frozen in place. Bile rose in his throat.
"Well, that was fun." Obito grinned. "Now what do you say we go pay the kids a visit, yeah, Shisui-chan?"
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