Chapter 41
To be clear, not all stories on this account are mine. The only stories belonging to me on this account are this one and the one titled Believer. The other books belong to other members. Please refer to the bio of this account for more information.
For the last time, no, you may NOT use my ideas. (Three people have asked today) You cannot take my story line. You cannot take parts of the story line. You cannot "have" my version of Rasa. I am afraid to say, pardon my french, that I will indeed fuck up your shit, as they call it, if you dare try. My apologies. Someone became mad when I told them that, but I assure you that it is not personal. Just come up with your own, please, or get someone else's permission to use theirs.
Ah, I forgot, you asked if you could ask me questions referring to your stories and their plots. Yes, that is fine. I would be pleased to aid you. Please just don't take me things, as that is not very nice.
I apologize for the long note.
Third person pov
"We can't just leave him here." Shisui said, looking down cautiously at the pissed off Itachi. Tied in chakra repressing ropes with his mouth duct taped shut, Itachi Uchiha sat on the dusty floor of The Takion Bar, home of their new hideout. They'd left the second they got him bound, and had gotten halfway to their destination when they felt Shikamaru's "cry for help."
"What else do you suppose we do with him?" Sasuke scoffed, sending an apologetic look to his older brother. Well... Sasuke supposed he was younger, now. It didn't really matter. "We can't take him with us, but we can't let him go either." He grumbled.
"U-Uh... I don't know!" Shisui panicked. He didn't want to leave Itachi here. He didn't want Itachi to be here at all. "Do you know how to wipe memories? We need to remove them or something like that." Shisui didn't like this at all. Itachi was his best friend, but he was too smart for his own good. He'd seen past their lie, and unable to think of anything else, they'd let their chance to deter the clan heir's suspicion slip right through their fingers.
"We aren't wiping his memory, Shisui. Just- you stay here and I'll go." Sasuke sighed, shaking his head. He brought his hand up to massage his temples. This was absolutely ridiculous. By the look on Itachi's face, he thought so too. All of this, as a whole, was completely insane. Itachi had just been kidnapped by his one armed younger brother and his best friend, and was now sitting tied up on the floor of an unofficial LGBTQ bar!
"You're just a kid!" Shisui denied, but immediately regretted it.
"I'm older than the three of us combined, so shut your damn mouth and make sure he doesn't escape and tell anyone." Sasuke hissed, his coal eyes narrowing. Shikamaru could be dead for all he knew. The chakra waves felt like they'd stopped right when they started which meant he was farther away. Shisui had said something about it coming from near ANBU headquarters, which could only mean one thing; Shikamaru had been caught.
"But... but..." Shisui trailed off weakly, looking down at Itachi, who tried to speak against the tape. It came out as muffled, unintelligible noises. He squirmed in his bounds, but they'd tied them tight. They knew what they were doing.
"Just shut up and do what I say." Sasuke sighed. "And don't tell him anything or I won't be the only one missing an arm here." He threatened.
"What is with you and chopping off limbs?! First the foot, now this?!" Shisui shrieked as Sasuke made his way towards the window, throwing it open. The boy turned back to glower at his cousin, who seemed to be having some sort of mini-anxiety attack. Sasuke supposed he couldn't blame him, but he still felt annoyed. Shisui was, in all honesty, only a kid. Even still, he hadn't reached the age of eighteen quite yet.
"Do what I say and stay here." Sasuke demanded, and then he was gone, not giving the teen a chance to argue. He knew Shisui wouldn't do anything. The boy wouldn't risk it. Sasuke'd never say anything, of course, but he knew Shisui feared him. He was used to people being afraid of him, or at least he had been before the war. It was almost satisfying, and most of all, reassuring to know that's how Shisui felt.
Sighing, Sasuke darted towards ANBU headquarters, his eyes just as steely as his resolve to help his friend.
"Sasuke, you made it." Naruto sighed in relief as the Uchiha appeared, his pale skin covered in a thin sheet of sweat from running. This small body of his wasn't as in shape as he wished it was. "I knew you'd be coming. That's why I had us wait a bit." Naruto whispered.
"Do you have a plan?" The Uchiha questioned, gazing at the building, which was well hidden by foliage and forest. Hidan and Ibiki both snorted as though what Sasuke had just said was a mere joke. The boy pressed his lips into a thin line. Of course, why had he expected them to come up with a plan of action on their own without Shikamaru?
"Vents, I'm thinking. They're so big even Ibiki could squeeze through, and we've both seen him." The blonde ducked under a punch sent his way, grinning. Sasuke's eyes flitted to the building, his eyes quickly finding the vents. Naruto was right. Even someone as big a man as Ibiki could squeeze in, although he was sure it'd be tight.
"We're wasting our fucking time." Hidan hissed. "The patrol's are coming back around. We either fall back again or go. Now."
"Looks like we're going." Naruto darted out of the bushes and towards the vent, his fellow ninja close behind. They kept low as Ibiki pried it off, tossing the bent metal shamelessly aside.
"Glad I stopped badgering the boys to replace these things." Ibiki nudged the cover with his foot as Naruto scrambled into the vent, Sasuke close behind, followed by an annoyed Hidan. The ex-Jashinist honestly didn't want some four-year-old's nasty ass in his face, but what could he really do? There's no way they were letting him go first.
"Hidan, are you in?" Naruto checked, checking back. He blinked. It looked like Ibiki was going to get in last, which was good. He knew how cautious Ibiki was of Hidan. It's the way he was. He was an interrogator, and had been for as long as he could remember. But Naruto trusted Hidan. He didn't want Ibiki to try and throw him to the wolves.
"Fuck yeah. And," Hidan looked back, "baldy is too."
"Alright, good. This is good. Believe it." Naruto nodded. They'd all made it in. Naruto and Sasuke, smaller than the two adults behind them, were fast. As they crawled deeper and deeper through the vent, it became clear that it was best that they were in the lead. Hidan had to crawl awkwardly bent, and Ibiki was full on army crawling.
"Just hurry. We need to make a turn soon. The ANBU will see the missing vent cover." Sasuke warned quietly, but his voice still echoed. All of them froze and seemed to wait before they continued to inch forward. Naruto was tense. All of them were, really. This was too easy. The Hokage had to know they were coming... but did he know about Hidan and Ibiki?
They crawled in a tense silence together for a while, turning corners, listened. They weren't sure where they were or where they were going. There was no sure way to tell. They didn't have a map of the place, so they had to rely on their ears and what senses they had as they slowly crept through the vents, trying to keep the noise to an absolute minimum.
"Ahead." Ibiki breathed, but everyone heard.
"Stay away from me!" Shikamaru shrieked. "Don't! Don't do it!"
"This won't hurt, Shikamaru." It was Inoichi, Naruto recognized vaguely. "We're just going to take a look inside your mind. It's all going to be okay. It's just to prove your innocence, alright? Then you can go home with your dad." He assured. They heard Shikamaru begin to struggle more. He seemed to trash, but it was hard to tell over his shouts of protest. Everyone grimaced, especially Hidan. He felt antsy. What if they hurt the brat?
"Hurry." Sasuke muttered, so he did.
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