Chapter 33
Third person pov
"Hello, Shikaku-san, how can I help you this fine evening?" Ibiki's voice was cold, level and unfeeling. The Nara met the interrogator's steely gaze with one just as firm, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. His senses reached as he tried to pick up on any chakra, but he could feel only Naruto's. Not his son's, or the Kazekage's. He was sure they'd be here. He'd searched everywhere, and in the process had found out that the Uchiha clan was missing their youngest heir as well. This was the last place he'd ever think to look.
"Is my son in there with the Kazekage and his son?" Shikaku asked bluntly. Ibiki's eyebrows raised as though implying that the man in front of him was crazy or simply dumb, and that made Shikaku grit his teeth with annoyance. He peeked past the interrogator, his eyebrows furrowing when he spotted a twin size bed sitting in the middle of the living room. That couldn't be normal. There was definitely something up here.
"No, Shikaku. It's just Naruto and I here. Take your search elsewhere, if you would." The Morino waved him off, moving to close the door. Shikaku caught it before he could, his eyes narrowing. Ibiki was most definitely hiding something. He was hard to read, but it wasn't impossible. If anyone could do it, it was Shikaku Nara.
"Ibiki, let me in. I know you're hiding something." Shikaku's voice came out a hiss as desperation clawed its way up from the pit of his stomach, taking hold of his heart and wrapping around his lungs, squeezing. He needed to find his son. "Shikamaru and Sasuke are both missing. But Naruto is here. I can feel him. They wouldn't be off without him."
Ibiki mentally cursed, but didn't move. Shikaku didn't miss the battle raging behind the scarred man's dark eyes. Shikaku felt a little triumphant. He'd figured Ibiki Morino out. But that really wasn't important right now. What Ibiki was doing, keeping Shikaku from his child, was against the law. It could even be considered kidnapping if you were to stretch.
"Guys, if we're gonna fucking hide, we need to fucking hide." Hidan said, his voice hushed. He was crouched on the ground, not wanting his silhouette to be seen in the window by anyone happening to pass by. There was no way to tell if the Nara or Uchiha clan was lurking about the house, waiting for an excuse to barge in and bust their little scheme to save the world. If they were caught now, all together like this, it would be over.
"And where do we suggest we hide? Up your ass?" Rasa scoffed. "Oh, wait, the stick stuck up there is too damn big."
"You fucking cu-" Hidan's voice raised, but Shikamaru gave him a warning glance that made him pause. That little brat was damn scary, but Rasa was so annoying that the Ex-Jashinist almost didn't care. Almost. The second he was alone with that Kazekage-prick he wouldn't hesitate to pummel his damn face in.
"No fighting. We need to get out of here. How well can everyone shield their chakra?" Naruto kept his voice a whisper, not looking up from the seal he was carefully painting onto a very small piece of paper. Sasuke sat next to the blonde, watching the brush move smoothly and fluently along the parchment. Seal making was one skill the Uzumaki hadn't lost, fortunately.
"I can cover mine completely, as can father." Gaara didn't trust his father to answer without making a sexual joke of some sort, or a pun. He didn't really trust his father to do anything anymore. He wasn't too sure what had happened, but he knew it wasn't good. He must have hit his head, or his memories must have gotten thrown into a blender with someone else's before being sent back.
"Of course I can hide that shit completely." Hidan scoffed. "Have some damn faith in me, like fuck you guys I'm hurt."
"Shut up." Sasuke muttered, carefully taking the seal from Naruto, who immediately started another. The Uchiha gingerly handed it over to Shikamaru, who cradled it in his hands like it were a baby bird. The ink still wasn't dry. "We all need to shut up and let Ibiki stall while Naruto finishes these for him and I. They'll mask our chakra enough."
"Whoa, really?! Do me, do me!" Rasa jumped up, but was pulled down by Gaara just as fast. The redhead gave his father a withering stare that conveyed a single, clear message: shut the hell up.
"Hopefully Shisui will have found us a meeting spot by the time I'm done, so we have a place to go." Naruto mumbled, more to himself than to the group. Shikamaru tensed when he felt his father's chakra shove it's way into the house, and he scrambled for the door silently, twisting the lock shut. Immediately, an air of tension fell over the group of six, and all of them stayed completely soundless.
Shikaku's footfalls were loud, and they only seemed to add to the tension as he clomped about the house, ripping open cupboards first and checking behind any and every piece of furniture just in case. He was, evidently, going to sweep it room by room, and carefully too. To be thorough. If Naruto could hurry up and finish, that would work in their favor. They could slip out the window.
"How well will the seal work for you?" Gaara whispered. "These seals were not strong enough to hold your chakra."
"I'm making mine differently." He handed Sasuke's seal to him carefully. They couldn't afford to screw this up. "It's going to be better equipped to... me, I guess. I know I've got a lot of chakra, even for a jinchuuriki."
A tense couple of minutes passed by before the doorknob jiggled. Hidan jumped slightly in surprise, reaching for his scythe out of reflex. Nobody else moved, going stock still, save Naruto who never failed to keep going with his seal. It looked like it was almost done. "This one's locked." Shikaku muttered, but everyone heard. The Nara banged on it. "Naruto, open up! I know my son is in there!"
"No he ain't!" Naruto called. "But I'm naked, so go away!"
Rasa stifled a laugh, and Gaara rolled his eyes at the man's immaturity. How was this creature possibly his father? "Don't lie to me, Naruto." Shikaku's voice held hesitation that made Hidan snort to himself. Naruto finally finished his seal, immediately beginning to lightly blow on it, careful not to smudge the ink.
"I'll break the door down." Shikaku threatened when he got no reply. Ibiki responded with slight annoyance, but nobody could make out his words.
"Mask yourself." Naruto slapped the seal onto his stomach, pulling his shirt back down. "Let's go."
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