Chapter 29
I do not want your damn criticism. I don't. I said this.
I write this story because I enjoy it, and because other people enjoy it. I'm not gonna change my whole damn story plan just because this single person thinks something is fucking wrong with it. Stop raining on my colorful ass parade, bitches.
You're pissing me off. I'm sorry, but I don't get payed for this. I have another account, my main account, that I could be on right now. So please, shut the hell up and let me write. I appreciate you all and all your support, but please respect the fact that I'm writing this for fun. If it doesn't come out good in the end, I don't give a flying fuck. I'm not writing this to get better, either. So please, God, leave me alone!
Third person pov
It had been almost a week since Naruto last saw his two friends, Sasuke and Shikamaru. In light of his communication with the Kyuubi, he could understand why Shikaku and Fugaku wouldn't want their sons anywhere near him. He was a risk. They were under the assumption that the fox would take over at any given moment, and he wasn't able to tell them any differently either.
Naruto, while upset about his lack of contact with his comrades, did have an advantage, having Ibiki as his new guardian. He was able to train as much as he wanted, talk about things he normally wouldn't be able to say out loud, and try to think up plans and strategies to his heart's content. It was great. He supposed the only downside to the whole thing was the fact that he had to babysit Hidan while Ibiki was off at work.
"Did you see that?!" Naruto asked, sweat pouring down his face. "I made it all the way up the wall! There's no dents, either!"
This was a big step, especially looking at the wall perpendicular to this one. It was littered with holes and dents of every shape and size. Naruto wasn't sure how many posters it was going to take to hide all that damage, but he was positive he didn't have nearly enough. He supposed hanging a sheet or two would look just a little too suspicious.
"So?" Hidan scoffed, examining his scythe. It was looking a little too dull for his liking. "Do it again until you're able to do it in your fucking sleep, brat. Don't waste time celebrating."
"Why're you such a kill joy?" Naruto mumbled as he wiped his forehead on his wrist. It didn't do much other than smear the sweat. Naruto had assumed that maybe, just maybe, Hidan wouldn't be all too bad. Out if all the Akatsuki, he didn't seem to be the brightest. Not only that, but he didn't seem all too uptight either. Naruto supposed he'd been wrong. All the man did was scowl at him and brush off his simple pleasures as though they meant nothing. It was almost like he didn't want Naruto to have any moments of happiness or satisfaction.
"I can already make three clones! Just three! What more do you want?" Naruto asked, lightly kicking his dresser. Hidan let out a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes and scoffing in a way the old, stuck-up Sasuke may have. It made Naruto's nose scrunch up with distaste. Something had to be wrong. There was no way this was just how Hidan was.
There was no way.
"Look, Gaara, Konoha is so much less-sandier than Suna!" Rasa said cheerfully as they entered the gates, flanked by Jonin the council had appointed as guards. Gaara looked around idly, and almost smiled. It was nice to see Konoha, one of the most peaceful villages he'd ever known, in one piece. He liked seeing people walk around, chatting and talking with no knowledge of the horrors that looked over them. That were just waiting to occur.
"It's quite nice." Gaara nodded as they entered. People parted in the streets for them, giving respectful bows to the Kazekage, who waved back with all too much cheer. Gaara was almost embarrassed by the man; although, he focused more on keeping an eye out for Naruto. This had to be his doing. Nobody else could have done something this... This insane! Time travel hadn't been done before, and it hadn't seemed possible. But they were here, and Naruto Uzumaki was the only person he could think of that may explain why.
"Kazekage-Sama." An ANBU appeared. "We've been expecting you. Right this way, please."
"Alright!" He followed after the ANBU heartily, grabbing for Gaara's hand to drag him along. The boy, exasperated, let his shield of sand come up to block him. It didn't really work the way Gaara hoped it would have. With his golden dust, Rasa simply drilled a hole in Gaara's ultimate defense, grabbing his hand in his. The young boy glared up at his father dryly, his shoulders slumping with defeat. Rasa laughed cheerfully.
"Your visit was under short notice, so I apologise if your welcoming in wasn't as grand as it should have been." The Hokage gave Rasa a bow, a smile on his face. Rasa waved him off idly, pulling something from his bag. Gaara immediately paled, looking away to try and hide his embarrassment as his father thrust the pan forward.
"Don't worry about it!" The Kazekage said. "Want some casserole?"
Gaara groaned.
If you didn't, read the note at the top.
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